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Everything posted by axeladalidez78

  1. Hi guys I'm having some problems here: Before , i could launch the game in debug mode perfectly. Later I didn't have the option to play solo , online. And now I can't even open the debug mode even If i press shift before launching the game , after launching the game , when the console open, it simply doesn't seems to work. I tried to make the -debug or -Ddebug but I don't know where to place it can you guys help me? I'm using windows 10 Edit: Pressing 5 on the numbers of the right seems to disable the Hud , and pressing slowly the left shif key seems to work , still want to know where I need to place the -debug code.
  2. Can someone upload a video about this? This sounds incredibly realistic and worth a shot.
  3. Yep , updated to 34.11 or .12 and this bug hasn't appeared again , but this was one of these bugs that I don't usually have. Also I didn't use the hearty appetite I just ate a watermelon and that happened.
  4. I had the same issue with build 34.10 If I remember well . I was going to post this bug but steam didn't want to upload my screenshots , thanks for reporting it.
  5. It's supposed to be only a sound effect , as far as I know I can happen because of a fire or a random event but I don't think that it has something to do with the building burnt up. Also in what map are you playing? Let me guess.... downtown?
  6. It goes a little bit better , not enough to play again at 1080p but enough to play to the recommended resolution with zoom out. Thanks I was playing at 1024x768
  7. Hello , Nice update , the new art is very different to the old art but is beautiful. But are there any plans to make a performance update? My game runs quite low even at the recommended resolution and before at 1980x1080 it ran at 60 fps.
  8. Yes bro, i have the same bug is this a thing from build 34.9? I'm having this bug since 34.5+.
  9. Hi , has someone noticed a problem with snow that it only appears far away from you unless your zoom is far? This only happens on build 34 This links goes to the image of the bug: ​ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=633032914
  10. I noticed calories of a canned can goes to 0 when opening it , I'm the only one reporting this bug?
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