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Posts posted by Rawrylicious




    As for the more silly "Water-gun" weapons, why not really make something interesting like adding in a water rifle, like a super-soaker, and creating a recipe, Gas Can + Water Gun + Lighter + Duct Tape, to make an improvised flame-thrower. That would be interesting to see, not to mention dangerous for anyone to use lol.


    I still remember reading something on the Internet about this back in highschool, on a website where peopel made their own flamethrowers/self-pressurising-water-gun-with-a-backpack-reservoir (*cough*).


    Take your average water gun. Fill it. Use it. Now exactly how much water got all over you and your hands in the process? Most of the waterproof seals in water guns are made of synthetic rubbers that don't take kindly to flammable organic solvents such as alcohol and petrol. No think very carefully about what would happen when you fill a watergun with petrol, with an ignition source taped near the nozzle. Think very, very carefully.


    -Perfect- antisuggestion to add into the game though, that's for sure :D


    Hey, they let us drink bleach to die stupidly. Why not let us die a horrible flamey-explosion death, too?

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