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Simplified Chinese Project Zomboid Translation

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I'm from China。
In my side many game player because of the language problem to give up this great game.
(You won't believe how many Chinese player wanted to get into the game!)

Change Log

Released of Chinese Translation/ 简体中文化


Context Menu(目录)

ContextMenu_EN = {
ContextMenu_Destroy = "破坏",
ContextMenu_Grab = "捡起",
ContextMenu_Sleep = "睡觉",
ContextMenu_Fill = "灌满 ",
ContextMenu_Drink = "喝",
ContextMenu_Turn_Off = "关闭",
ContextMenu_Turn_On = "开始",
ContextMenu_Climb_through = "爬过",
ContextMenu_Insert_Propane_Tank = "安装液化气罐",
ContextMenu_Remove_Propane_Tank = "拆下液化气罐",
ContextMenu_Remove_sheet_rope = "移除绳索。",
ContextMenu_Add_sheet_rope = "绑上床单绳",
ContextMenu_Barricade = "加固",
ContextMenu_Unbarricade = "取消加固",
ContextMenu_Add_sheet = "加上床单",
ContextMenu_Open_window = "打开窗户",
ContextMenu_Close_window = "关闭窗户",
ContextMenu_Smash_window = "打破窗户玻璃",
ContextMenu_Open_curtains = "打开窗帘",
ContextMenu_Close_curtains = "关闭窗帘",
ContextMenu_Remove_curtains = "移除窗帘",
ContextMenu_Open_door = "开门",
ContextMenu_Close_door = "关门",
ContextMenu_Orders = "命令",
ContextMenu_Follow_me = "跟随我",
ContextMenu_Team_up = "站岗",
ContextMenu_Team_up = "停留",
ContextMenu_Team_up = "组队",
ContextMenu_Walk_to = "移动至",
ContextMenu_Grab_one = "捡起 (一个)",
ContextMenu_Grab_half = "捡起 (一半)",
ContextMenu_Grab_all = "捡起 (全部)",
ContextMenu_Grab = "捡起",
ContextMenu_Put_in_Container = "放入容器",
ContextMenu_Equip_on_your_Back = "装备在背上",
ContextMenu_Eat = "吃",
ContextMenu_Equip_Primary = "装备 (右手)",
ContextMenu_Equip_Secondary = "装备 (左手)",
ContextMenu_Reload = "装填",
ContextMenu_Pour_into = "倒出 至 ",
ContextMenu_Pour_on_Ground = "倒掉",
ContextMenu_Take_pills = "服食药丸",
ContextMenu_Read = "阅读",
ContextMenu_Wear = "穿上",
ContextMenu_Unequip = "解除装备",
ContextMenu_Apply_Bandage = "使用绷带",
ContextMenu_Dry_myself = "擦乾自己",
ContextMenu_Drop = "扔掉",
ContextMenu_Full = "全满",
ContextMenu_Dig = "挖",
ContextMenu_Fertilize = "施肥",
ContextMenu_Sow_Seed = "播种",
ContextMenu_Info = "信息",
ContextMenu_Remove = "清除",
ContextMenu_Water = "浇灌",
ContextMenu_Treat_Problem = "治疗问题",
ContextMenu_Seeds = "种子",
ContextMenu_Harvest = "收成",
ContextMenu_Keep = "保留 ",
ContextMenu_Smoke = "烟雾",
ContextMenu_Chop_Tree = "砍倒树"
-- Crafting menu
ContextMenu_Door = "门",
ContextMenu_Stairs = "楼梯",
ContextMenu_Floor = "地下",
ContextMenu_Bar = "柜台",
ContextMenu_Furniture = "家具",
ContextMenu_Fence = "围栏",
ContextMenu_Wooden_Stake = "木架子",
ContextMenu_Barbed_Fence = "铁丝网",
ContextMenu_Wooden_Fence = "木制栏围",
ContextMenu_Sang_Bag_Wall = "沙包墙",
ContextMenu_Gravel_Bag_Wall = "碎石包墙",
ContextMenu_Wooden_Wall = "木墙",
ContextMenu_Wooden_Pillar = "木制支柱",
ContextMenu_Windows_Frame = "窗框",
ContextMenu_Wooden_Floor = "木地板",
ContextMenu_Wooden_Crate = "木箱",
ContextMenu_Table = "桌子",
ContextMenu_Small_Table = "桌子(小)",
ContextMenu_Large_Table = "桌子(大)",
ContextMenu_Table_with_Drawer = "有抽屉的桌子",
ContextMenu_Wooden_Chair = "木椅",
ContextMenu_Rain_Collector_Barrel = "雨水收集桶",
ContextMenu_Dark_Wooden_Stairs = "木制楼梯(深色)",
ContextMenu_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "木制楼梯(棕色)",
ContextMenu_Light_Brown_Wooden_Stairs = "木制楼梯(浅棕色)",
ContextMenu_Wooden_Door = "木门",
ContextMenu_Door_Frame = "门框",
ContextMenu_Dismantle = "拆除",
ContextMenu_Build = "建造",
ContextMenu_Bar_Element = "酒吧台",
ContextMenu_Bar_Corner = "酒吧角",
ContextMenu_Plaster = "灰泥",
ContextMenu_Paint = "上油漆",
ContextMenu_Blue = "蓝色",
ContextMenu_Brown = "棕色",
ContextMenu_Cyan = "青色",
ContextMenu_Green = "绿色",
ContextMenu_Grey = "灰色",
ContextMenu_Light_Blue = "浅蓝色",
ContextMenu_Light_Brown = "浅棕色",
ContextMenu_Orange = "橙色",
ContextMenu_Pink = "粉红色",
ContextMenu_Turquoise = "绿松石",
ContextMenu_White = "白色",
ContextMenu_Yellow = "黄色",
ContextMenu_Equip_Two_Hands = "装备(双手)",
-- Camping menu
ContextMenu_Build a fire = "生火",
ContextMenu_Add petrol = "添加汽油",
ContextMenu_Light_fire = "点燃",
ContextMenu_Put up tent = "搭建帐篷",
ContextMenu_Take_down_tent = "取下帐篷",
ContextMenu_Put out fire = "灭火",
ContextMenu_Sleep in tent = "睡在帐篷",
ContextMenu_Light fire with kindling = "点燃火种",
ContextMenu_Light = "点燃",
ContextMenu_Repair = "修理 ",
ContextMenu_NameThisBag = "命名这个包",
ContextMenu_RenameBag = "重命名这个袋子",
ContextMenu_RenameFood = "重新命名 ",
ContextMenu Light = "灯",
ContextMenu_Lamp_on_Pillar = "灯支柱",
ContextMenu_Take some dirt = "收集泥土",
ContextMenu_Take some gravel = "采取一些碎石",
ContextMenu_Take some sands = "采取一些砂石",
ContextMenu_Remove_fire = "收起营火材料",
ContextMenu_Add_fuel_to_fire = "添加燃料",
ContextMenu_Spill Dirt = "溢出的灰泥",
ContextMenu_Dirt bag ="沙袋",
ContextMenu_Spill Sand = "倒掉沙子",
ContextMenu_Spill Gravel = "倒掉砂石",
ContextMenu_Open_Paperclip_box = "打开盒装回形针",
ContextMenu_Light_source = "灯架",



Farming_EN = {
-- vegetables name (type of seed)
Farming_Carrots = "红萝卜",
Farming_Broccoli = "西兰花",
Farming_Radishes = "白萝卜",
Farming_Strawberry_plant = "草莓",
Farming_Tomato_Vine = "蕃茄",
Farming_Potatoes = "马铃薯",
Farming_Cabbages = "白菜",
-- growing phase
Farming_Seedling = "小苗",
Farming_Young = "幼苗",
Farming_Ready_for_Harvest = "可收成",
Farming_In_bloom = "盛开",
Farming_Seed-bearing = "有种子的",
Farming_Receding = "开始枯萎",
Farming_Rotten = "腐烂",
Farming_Destroyed = "摧毁",
-- farming info text
-- title
Farming_Plant_Information = "植物信息",
Farming_Current_growing_phase = "目前的成长阶段",
Farming_Next_growing_phase = "下一个成长阶段",
Farming_Last_time_watered = "上一次浇水时间",
Farming_Fertilized = "已施肥",
Farming_Health = "健康",
Farming_Disease = "疾病",
Farming_Water_levels = "水位",
-- water
Farming_Well_watered = "充分浇水",
Farming_Fine = "良好",
Farming_Thirsty = "缺水",
Farming_Dry = "乾旱",
Farming_Parched = "乾枯",
-- growing phase
Farming_Seedling = "小苗",
Farming_Fully_grown = "完全成长",
Farming_Ready_to_harvest = "可收成",
-- disease
Farming_Mildew = "发霉",
Farming_Pest_Flies = "害虫",
Farming_Devil_Water_Fungi = "已受感染",
-- hours
Farming_Hours = "小时",
-- health
Farming_Flourishing = "蓬勃发展",
Farming_Verdant = "嫩绿的",
Farming_Healthy = "健康的",
Farming_Sickly = "不健康的",
Farming_Stunted = "发育不良的",


IG UI(用户界面)

-- All the UI text used in game
-- InventoryPane
IGUI_invpanel_Type = "名称",
IGUI_invpanel_Category = "种类",
IGUI_invpanel_Pack = "打包",
IGUI_invpanel_unpack = "取出",
IGUI_invpanel_drop_all = "扔掉(全部)",
IGUI_invpanel_drop_one = "扔掉(一个)",
IGUI_invpanel_Nutrition = "营养",
IGUI_invpanel_Remaining = "剩余",
IGUI_invpanel_Condition = "状态",
IGUI_invpanel_Cooking = "烹饪中..",
IGUI_invpanel_Burning = "灼热的",
IGUI_invpanel_Burnt = "烧焦了,
-- InventoryPage
IGUI_invpage_Loot_all = "捡取(所有)",
-- Character Screen
IGUI_char_Age = "年龄",
IGUI_char_Sex = "性别",
IGUI_char_Traits = "特性",
IGUI_char_Favourite_Weapon = "最喜爱的武器",
IGUI_char_Zombies_Killed = "已击杀僵尸",
IGUI_char_Survivor_Killed = "已击杀幸存者",
IGUI_char_Survived_For = "已存活",
IGUI_char_Male = "男",
IGUI_char_Female = "女",
-- Health panel
IGUI_health_Scratched = "割伤",
IGUI_health_Wounded = "受伤",
IGUI_health_Bitten = "被咬",
IGUI_health_Bleeding = "流血",
IGUI_health_Bandaged = "已包扎",
IGUI_health_Overall_Body_Status = "身体状态",
IGUI_health_zombified = "我们是他们的奴隶..!",
IGUI_health_ok = "很好",
IGUI_health_Slight_damage = "微微受伤",
IGUI_health_Very_Minor_damage = "非常轻微受伤",
IGUI_health_Minor_damage = "轻微受伤",
IGUI_health_Moderate_damage = "中度受伤",
IGUI_health_Severe_damage = "严重受伤",
IGUI_health_Very_Severe_damage = "很严重受伤",
IGUI_health_Crital_damage = "非常严重受伤",
IGUI_health_Highly_Crital_damage = "与死亡只差一步",
IGUI_health_Terminal_damage = "死亡即将来临",
IGUI_health_Deceased = "已死亡",
IGUI_health_Left_Hand = "左手",
IGUI_health_Right_Hand = "右手",
IGUI_health_Left_Forearm = "左前臂",
IGUI_health_Right_Forearm = "右前臂",
IGUI_health_Left_Upper_Arm = "左上臂",
IGUI_health_Right_Upper_Arm = "右上臂",
IGUI_health_Upper_Torso = "上身",
IGUI_health_Lower_Torso = "下身",
IGUI_health_Head = "头",
IGUI_health_Neck = "颈",
IGUI_health_Groin = "腹股沟",
IGUI_health_Left_Thigh = "左大腿",
IGUI_health_Right_Thigh = "右大腿",
IGUI_health_Left_Shin = "左小腿",
IGUI_health_Right_Shin = "右小腿",
IGUI_health_Left_Foot = "左脚",
IGUI_health_Right_Foot = "右脚",
IGUI_health_Unknown_Body_Part = "未知的身体部位",
-- Skills
IGUI_skills_Multiplier = "加乘",
IGUI_XP_Next_skill_point = "下一个技能点",
IGUI_XP_xp = "经验值",
IGUI_XP_Skill_point_available = "可用技能点",
IGUI_XP_Locked = "锁定",
IGUI_XP_UnLocked = "解锁",
IGUI_XP_level = " 等级 ",
IGUI_XP_Skills = "技能",
IGUI_XP_Health = "状况",
IGUI_XP_Info = "信息",
-- Perks
IGUI_perks_Combat = "战斗",
IGUI_perks_Blunt = "钝武器",
IGUI_perks_Blade = "刀剑",
IGUI_perks_Aiming = "瞄准",
IGUI_perks_Reloading = "装填",
IGUI_perks_Crafting = "合成",
IGUI_perks_Carpentry = "木工",
IGUI_perks_Cooking = "烹饪",
IGUI_perks_Farming = "耕作",
IGUI_perks_Agility = "敏捷",
IGUI_perks_Sprinting = "冲刺",
IGUI_perks_Lightfooted = "轻巧",
IGUI_perks_Nimble = "灵活",
IGUI_ItemCat_Item = "道具",
IGUI_ItemCat_Food = "食品",
IGUI_ItemCat_Drainable = "空的",
IGUI_ItemCat_Weapon = "武器",
IGUI_ItemCat_Clothing = "服装",
IGUI_ItemCat_Container = "容器",
IGUI_ItemCat_Literature = "书籍",
IGUI_perks_Sneaking = "潜行",
IGUI_perks_Fishing = "钓鱼",
IGUI_perks_Survivalist = "生存",
IGUI_perks_Trapping = "陷阱",



Items_EN = {
DisplayNameCampfire_materials = "营火材料",
DisplayNameStone = "石头",
DisplayNameAxe = "消防斧",
DisplayNameKindling = "火种",
DisplayNameKnotted_Wooden_Plank = "木板",
DisplayNameEarrings = "耳环",
DisplayNameRing = "戒指",
DisplayNameSturdy_Stick = "坚固木棒",
DisplayNameFlint = "打火石",
DisplayNameSteel_Knuckle = "手指虎",
DisplayNameFlint_and_Steel = "点火器",
DisplayNameTent = "帐篷",
DisplayNameTent_kit = "帐篷工具",
DisplayNameTent_Peg = "帐篷支撑桩",
DisplayNameSeeding_Broccoli = "西兰花",
DisplayNameRadish = "白萝卜",
DisplayNameFish Fillet = "鱼片",
DisplayNameBass = "鲈鱼",
DisplayNamePerch = "鲈鱼",
DisplayNameCrappie fish = "莓鲈鱼",
DisplayNamePike = "梭鱼",
DisplayNameTrout = "鳟鱼",
DisplayNameLittle bait fish = "小饵鱼",
DisplayNameFishing Net Trap = "捕鱼的渔网",
DisplayNameStrawberries = "草莓",
DisplayNameTomato = "番茄",
DisplayNamePotato = "马铃薯",
DisplayNameCabbage = "白菜",
DisplayNameMilk_Package = "盒装牛奶",
DisplayNameBacon = "腌肉",
DisplayNameBacon_Rashers = "腌肉切片",
DisplayNameBacon_Bits = "腌肉粒",
DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade = "蛋黄酱",
DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_Half = "蛋黄酱(半满)",
DisplayNameBottle_with_Remoulade_Empty = "蛋黄酱(空)",
DisplayNamePotato_Salad = "马铃薯沙拉",
DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad = "准备马铃薯沙拉",
DisplayNamePotato_Salad_Vegetarian = "素食马铃薯沙拉",
DisplayNamePreparation_for_Potato_Salad_Vegetarian = "准备素食马铃薯沙拉",
DisplayNameBoring_Mixed_Salad = "难吃的沙拉",
DisplayNameSimple_Mixed_Salad = "普通的沙拉",
DisplayNameTasty_Mixed_Salad = "美味的沙拉",
DisplayNamePreparation_for_Boring_Mixed_Salad = "准备难吃的沙拉",
DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds = "红萝卜种子",
DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds = "西兰花种子",
DisplayNameRadish_Seeds = "白萝卜种子",
DisplayNameStrawberries_Seeds = "草莓种子",
DisplayNameTomato_Seeds = "番茄种子",
DisplayNamePotato_Seeds = "马铃薯种子",
DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds = "白菜种子",
DisplayNameCarrot_Seeds_Packet = "一包红萝卜种子",
DisplayNameBroccoli_Seeds_Packet = "一包红萝卜种子",
DisplayNameRadish_Seeds_Packet = "一包白萝卜种子",
DisplayNameStrawberries_Seeds_Packet = 一包"草莓种子",
DisplayNameTomato_Seeds_Packet = "一包番茄种子",
DisplayNamePotato_Seeds_Packet = "一包马铃薯种子",
DisplayNameCabbage_Seeds_Packet = "一包白菜种子",
DisplayNameExpert Fishing = "专家钓鱼",
DisplayNameTrowel = "泥铲",
DisplayNameSpade = "铲子",
DisplayNameWatering Can Full = "浇花壶 (满)",
DisplayNameWatering Can = "浇花壶 (空)",
DisplayNameNPK Fertilizer = "肥料(满)",
DisplayNameEmpty Fertilizer = ""肥料 (空)",
DisplayNameMildew Spray = "露菌病喷雾器",
DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_Empty = "园艺喷雾器 (空)",
DisplayNameGardening_Spray_Can_Full = "园艺喷雾器 (满)",
DisplayNameInsecticide Spray = "杀虫喷雾器",
DisplayNameBaseball_Bat = "球棒",
DisplayNameNailed_Baseball_Bat = "钉头棒",
DisplayNameButter_Knife = "牛油刀",
DisplayNameHammer = "铁锤",
DisplayNameKitchen_Knife = "厨房刀",
DisplayNameMolotov_Cocktail = "燃烧弹",
DisplayNameCake Slice = "蛋糕片",
DisplayNameFrying_Pan = "平底煎锅",
DisplayNamePen = "笔",
DisplayNamePencil = "铅笔",
DisplayNamePistol = "手枪",
DisplayNamePlank = "木板",
DisplayNameNailed_Plank = "钉刺木板",
DisplayNamePoolcue = "撞球杆",
DisplayNameScrewdriver = "螺丝批",
DisplayNameShotgun = "散弹枪",
DisplayNameSawn_Off_Shotgun = "短管散弹枪",
DisplayNameSledgehammer = "大铁锤",
DisplayNameBarbed_wire = "铁丝网",
DisplayNameBarricade = "防御工事",
DisplayNameBelt = "皮带",
DisplayName9mm_Magazine = "杂志",
DisplayNameBowl = "碗",
DisplayNameBucket = "桶",
DisplayName9mm_Rounds = "9mm子弹",
DisplayNameCandle = "蜡烛",
DisplayNameCoffee = "咖啡",
DisplayNameBag_of_Concrete_Powder = "水泥袋",
DisplayNameCrate = "木箱",
DisplayNameDoor = "门",
DisplayNameWooden_Door_Frame = "门框",
DisplayNameDoorknob = "门把",
DisplayNameDrawer = "抽屉",
DisplayNameDoor_Hinge = "门用绞炼",
DisplayNamePicture_of_Kate = "凯特的照片",
DisplayNameKettle = "水壶",
DisplayNameLog = "原木",
DisplayNameEmpty_Mug = "杯子(空)",
DisplayNameNails = "钉子",
DisplayNameEmpty_Notebook = "笔记本",
DisplayNamePaint_brush = "油漆刷",
DisplayNamePillow = "枕头",
DisplayNamePistol_Magazine = "杂志",
DisplayNameBag of Plaster Powder = "灰泥粉袋",
DisplayNamePool_Ball = "桌球",
DisplayNameEmpty_Pop_Bottle = "汽水罐(空)",
DisplayNameCooking_Pot = "锅子",
DisplayNameBandages = "绷带",
DisplayNameRoasting_Pan = "烤盘",
DisplayNameSaw = "锯子",
DisplayNameSheet = "床单",
DisplayNameSheet_of_Paper = "纸张",
DisplayNameSheet_Rope = "床单绳",
DisplayNameShotgun_Shells = "散弹枪子弹",
DisplayNameSock = "袜子",
DisplayNameStairs_Piece = "楼梯(部分)",
DisplayNameTea_Bag = "茶包",
DisplayNameCan_Opener = "开罐器",
DisplayNameCanned_Beans = "豆子罐头",
DisplayNameTuna = "金枪鱼罐头",
DisplayNameWall_Piece = "墙(部分)",
DisplayNameEmpty Bottle = "瓶子(空)",
DisplayNameWooden_Window_Frame = "木窗框",
DisplayNameBook = "书本",
DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Beginners = "初阶木工",
DisplayNameCarpentry_for_Intermediates = "中阶木工",
DisplayNameAdvanced_Carpentry = "进阶木工",
DisplayNameExpert_Carpentry = "专家木工",
DisplayNameMaster_Carpentry = "大师木工",
DisplayNameCooking_for_Beginners = "初阶烹饪",
DisplayNameCooking_for_Intermediates = "中阶烹饪",
DisplayNameAdvanced_Cooking = "进阶烹饪",
DisplayNameExpert_Cooking = "专家烹饪",
DisplayNameMaster_Cooking = "大师烹饪",
DisplayNameFarming for Beginners = "初阶田艺",
DisplayNameFarming for Intermediates = "中阶田艺",
DisplayNameAdvanced Farming = "进阶田艺",
DisplayNameExpert Farming = "专家田艺",
DisplayNameMaster Farming = "大师田艺",
DisplayNameGas Can = "瓦斯罐",
DisplayNamePainkillers = "止痛药",
DisplayNameAnti-depressants = "抗忧郁药",
DisplayNameBeta Blockers = "β-阻断剂",
DisplayNameSleeping_Tablets = "安眠药",
DisplayNameSand bag = "沙包",
DisplayNameSugar = "糖",
DisplayNameTissue = "纸巾",
DisplayNameFlashlight = "手电筒",
DisplayNamelight = "灯",
DisplayNameBowl_of_Water = "一碗水",
DisplayNameA_Mug_of_Water = "一杯水",
DisplayNameA_Pot_of_Water = "一锅水",
DisplayNameVest = "马甲",
DisplayNameSweater = "毛衣",
DisplayNameBlouse = "衬衫",
DisplayNamePants = "裤子",
DisplayNameSkirt = "裙子",
DisplayNameShoes = "鞋子",
DisplayNameCrowbar = "撬棍",
DisplayNameFork = "叉",
DisplayNameGolfclub = "高尔夫球竿",
DisplayNameRolling_Pin = "杆面棍",
DisplayNameScissors = "剪刀",
DisplayNameSpoon = "汤匙",
DisplayNameWet_Bath_Towel = "湿毛巾",
DisplayNameBath_Towel = "毛巾",
DisplayNameBandaid = "胶布",
DisplayNameBandage = "绷带",
DisplayNameBleach = "漂白水",
DisplayNamePlaying Cards = "扑克牌",
DisplayNameHeadphones = "耳机",
DisplayNameComb = "梳子",
DisplayNameDice = "骰子",
DisplayNameDogfood = "狗粮",
DisplayNameLipstick = "唇膏",
DisplayNameLocket = "锁头",
DisplayNameMirror = "镜子",
DisplayNameRadio = "收音机",
DisplayNameRazor = "刮胡刀",
DisplayNameString = "线",
DisplayNameToy_Bear = "玩具熊",
DisplayNameVitamins = "维他命",
DisplayNameWallet = "钱包",
DisplayNameWedding Ring = "结婚戒指",
DisplayNameWire = "铁丝",
DisplayNameYoyo = "悠悠球",
DisplayNameBeef_Jerky = "牛肉乾",
DisplayNameBerry = "浆果",
DisplayNameCandycane = "糖果罐",
DisplayNameCereal = "妙脆角",
DisplayNameDead Rat = "死老鼠",
DisplayNameOpen Dogfood = "狗粮(开启)",
DisplayNameIcecream = "雪糕",
DisplayNameLemon = "柠檬",
DisplayNameMilk = "牛奶",
DisplayNameMushroom = "蘑菇",
DisplayNameMustard = "芥末",
DisplayNameBaking Pan = "烤盘",
DisplayNameBakingTray =“烤盘”,
DisplayNameBaking_Tray_With_Bread =“面包烤盘”,
DisplayNameRolled_Dough =“轧面团”,
DisplayNameOnion = "洋葱",
DisplayNameStrawberries = "草莓",
DisplayNameDuffelbag = "行李袋",
DisplayNamePlastic_Bag = "塑胶袋",
DisplayNameTote_Bag = "购物袋",
DisplayNameSchoolbag = "书包",
DisplayNameNormal_Hiking_Bag = "登山袋",
DisplayNameBig_Hiking_Bag = "大型登山袋",
DisplayNameNewspaper = "报纸",
DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise_(Half) = "沙拉酱(半满)",
DisplayNameBottle_with_Mayonnaise_(Empty) = "沙拉酱(空)",
DisplayNameRope = "绳子",
DisplayNameGlue = "胶水",
DisplayNameBox_of_Nails = "盒装钉子",
DisplayNameBox of Paper clip = "盒装回形针",
DisplayNameBox_of_Screws = "盒装螺丝",
DisplayNameBox_of_9mm_Bullets = "盒装9mm子弹",
DisplayNameBox_of_Shotgun_Shells = "盒装散弹枪子弹",
DisplayNameScrews = "螺丝",
DisplayNameDuctTape = "牛皮胶纸",
DisplayNameBurger = "汉堡包",
DisplayNamePizza = "批萨",
DisplayNameFries = "薯条",
DisplayNamePancakes = "煎饼",
DisplayNameMeat_Patty = "肉饼",
DisplayNameWaffles = "烤松饼",
DisplayNameCube = "魔方",
DisplayNameDough =“面团”,
DisplayNameFishing Rod = "钓鱼竿",
DisplayNameFishing Rod Without line = "没有鱼线的钓鱼竿",
DisplayNameDuct_Tape = "管道胶带",
DisplayNameAdvanced Fishing = "高级钓鱼技能书",
DisplayNameDead Mouse = "死老鼠",
DisplayNameFishing for Beginners = "初级钓鱼技能书",
DisplayNameFishing for Intermediates = "中级钓鱼技能书",
DisplayNameGarbage_Bag = "垃圾袋",
DisplayNameEmpty Sand bag = "空沙袋",
DisplayNameHunting Knife = "猎刀",
DisplayNameScotch_tape = "透明胶带",
DisplayNameWood_glue = "木胶",
DisplayNameDoll = "玩具娃娃",
DisplayNameWorm = "蚯蚓",
DisplayNamePickles = "泡菜",
DisplayNameWater Bottle = "水瓶",
DisplayNameFishingLine = "钓鱼线",
DisplayNameTwine = "麻绳",
DisplayNameEarbuds = "耳塞",
DisplayNameUmbrella = "雨伞",
DisplayNameDoodle = "面条",
DisplayNameJournal = "旅志",
DisplayNameMagazine = "杂志",
DisplayNamespaper = "报纸",
DisplayNameApple = "苹果",
DisplayNameBroccoli_Chicken_Casserole = "西兰花鸡砂锅",
DisplayNameWater Bottle = "水瓶",
DisplayNameBanana = "香蕉",
DisplayNameBowl_of_Beans = "碗装豆食",
DisplayNameBoring_Bowl_of_Soup = "碗装热汤",
DisplayNameBoring_Soup = "热汤",
DisplayNameBread = "面包",
DisplayNameBroccoli = "西兰花",
DisplayNameButter = "牛油",
DisplayNameCarrots = "红萝卜",
DisplayNameHunting Rifle = "猎枪",
DisplayNameBell Pepper = "辣椒",
DisplayNameCheese = "奶酪",
DisplayNameKetchup = "番茄酱",
DisplayNameMutton Chop = "羊排",
DisplayNamePork Chop = "猪排",
DisplayNamePaperclip = "回形针",
DisplayNamePaper clip Box = "盒装回形针",
DisplayNameCheese_Sandwich = "芝士三明治",
DisplayNameChicken = "鸡肉",
DisplayNameChocolate = "巧克力",
DisplayNameCigarettes = "香烟",
DisplayNameComplex_Bowl_of_Soup = "一碗汤",
DisplayNameComplicated_Soup = "杂菜汤",
DisplayNameChips = "薯片",
DisplayNameCupcake = "蛋糕",
DisplayNameEgg = "鸡蛋",
DisplayNameGrilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "奶酪三明治",
DisplayNameHearty_Bowl_of_Soup = "一碗爽口的汤",
DisplayNameHearty_Soup = "爽口的汤",
DisplayNameLollipop = "波板糖",
DisplayNameHot_Cuppa = "热茶",
DisplayNameOpen Can of Beans = "豆子罐头(开启)",
DisplayNameOpen Canned Soup = "罐头汤(开启)",
DisplayNameOrange = "橙子",
DisplayNamePeanut_Butter = "花生酱",
DisplayNamePeanut_Butter_Sandwich = "花生酱三明治",
DisplayNamePeas = "豆子",
DisplayNamePie = "馅饼",
DisplayNamePop = "汽水",
DisplayNameOrange_Soda = "橙味汽水",
DisplayNameInstant_Popcorn = "爆米花",
DisplayNameCorn = "玉米",
DisplayNameCorndog = "玉米热狗",
DisplayNameEggplant = "茄子",
DisplayNameGrapes = "葡萄",
DisplayNameThread =“线”,
DisplayNameNeedle =“针”,
DisplayNameHam = "火腿",
DisplayNameLeek = "韭菜",
DisplayNameLettuce = "生菜",
DisplayNamePorkChop = "猪排",
DisplayNameProcessed cheese = "加工过的干酪",
DisplayNamePot_of_Soup = "一锅汤",
DisplayNameDry_Ramen_Noodles = "未煮的拉面",
DisplayNameBowl_of_Ramen_Noodles = "一碗未煮的拉面",
DisplayNameSalmon = "三文鱼",
DisplayNameSimple_Bowl_of_Soup = "简易的一碗汤",
DisplayNameSimple_Soup = "简易的汤",
DisplayNamePropane Tank = "瓦斯罐",
DisplayNameBowl_of_Soup = "一碗汤",
DisplayNameSteak = "牛排",
DisplayNameTV_Dinner = "微波便当",
DisplayNameTasty_Bowl_of_Soup = "一碗美味的汤",
DisplayNameTasty_Soup = "美味的汤",
DisplayNameCanned_Soup = "汤罐头",
DisplayNameOpen_Tin_of_Tuna = "金枪鱼罐头(开启)",
DisplayNameWatermelon = "西瓜",
DisplayNameWatermelon_Slice = "几片西瓜",
DisplayNameWatermelon_Chunks = "碎掉的西瓜",
DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_full = "威士忌(满)",
DisplayNameWhiskey_Bottle_half = "威士忌(半满)",
DisplayNameWet_Dish_Towel = "湿的餐盘巾",
DisplayNameDish_Towel = "餐盘巾",
DisplayNameBattery = "电池",
DisplayNameBucket_with_concrete = "一桶水泥",
DisplayNameBucket_with_plaster = "一桶灰泥",
DisplayNameBucket_with_water = "一桶水",
DisplayNameLit_Candle = "蜡烛",
DisplayNameFlour = "面粉",
DisplayNameA_Full_Kettle = "壶装水",
DisplayNameGravel_bag = "砂石袋",
DisplayNameLighter = "打火机",
DisplayNameMatches = "火柴",
DisplayNameBlue_Paint = "蓝色油漆",
DisplayNameBrown_Paint = "棕色油漆",
DisplayNameCyan_Paint = "青色油漆",
DisplayNameGreen_Paint = "绿色油漆",
DisplayNameGrey_Paint = "灰色油漆",
DisplayNameLight_Blue_Paint = "淡蓝色油漆",
DisplayNameLight_Brown_Paint = "淡棕色油漆",
DisplayNameOrange_Paint = "橙色油漆",
DisplayNamePink_Paint = "粉红色油漆",
DisplayNamePurple_Paint = "紫色油漆",
DisplayNameTurquoise_Paint = "宝石绿油漆",
DisplayNameWhite_Paint = "白色油漆",
DisplayNameYellow_Paint = "黄色油漆",



Moodles_EN = {
-- Moodle type :
-- Endurance
Moodles_endurance_lvl1 = "有点气喘",
Moodles_endurance_lvl2 = "喘的厉害",
Moodles_endurance_lvl3 = "快没气了",
Moodles_endurance_lvl4 = "接不上气",
-- Heavy Load
Moodles_heavyload_lvl1 = "有点重",
Moodles_heavyload_lvl2 = "很重",
Moodles_heavyload_lvl3 = "非常重",
Moodles_heavyload_lvl4 = "相当重",
-- Angry
Moodles_angry_lvl1 = "有点烦恼",
Moodles_angry_lvl2 = "很烦躁",
Moodles_angry_lvl3 = "很愤怒",
Moodles_angry_lvl4 = "爆发了",
-- Stress
Moodles_stress_lvl1 = "有点焦急",
Moodles_stress_lvl2 = "非常激动",
Moodles_stress_lvl3 = "压力大",
Moodles_stress_lvl4 = "神经衰弱",
-- Thirst
Moodles_thirst_lvl1 = "有点渴",
Moodles_thirst_lvl2 = "需要喝水",
Moodles_thirst_lvl3 = "非常渴",
Moodles_thirst_lvl4 = "渴死了",
-- Tired
Moodles_tired_lvl1 = "想睡觉",
Moodles_tired_lvl2 = "累了",
Moodles_tired_lvl3 = "很累",
Moodles_tired_lvl4 = "精疲力尽",
-- Hungry
Moodles_hungry_lvl1 = "有点饿了",
Moodles_hungry_lvl2 = "需要吃点东西",
Moodles_hungry_lvl3 = "斛 猁勋陲 ",
Moodles_hungry_lvl4 = "饿得要死",
-- Panic
Moodles_panic_lvl1 = "有点怕",
Moodles_panic_lvl2 = "怕怕",
Moodles_panic_lvl3 = "好怕",
Moodles_panic_lvl4 = "吓坏了",
-- Sick
Moodles_sick_lvl1 = "想吐",
Moodles_sick_lvl2 = "有点 心",
Moodles_sick_lvl3 = "生病了",
Moodles_sick_lvl4 = "发高烧",
-- Bored
Moodles_bored_lvl1 = "有点无聊",
Moodles_bored_lvl2 = "无聊",
Moodles_bored_lvl3 = "非常无聊",
Moodles_bored_lvl4 = "快无聊死了",
-- Unhappy
Moodles_unhappy_lvl1 = "不开心",
Moodles_unhappy_lvl2 = "想哭",
Moodles_unhappy_lvl3 = "伤心",
Moodles_unhappy_lvl4 = "很伤心",
-- Bleeding
Moodles_bleeding_lvl1 = "轻微流血",
Moodles_bleeding_lvl2 = "流血",
Moodles_bleeding_lvl3 = "严重出血",
Moodles_bleeding_lvl4 = "大量失血",
-- Wet
Moodles_wet_lvl1 = "潮湿",
Moodles_wet_lvl2 = "湿透了",
Moodles_wet_lvl3 = "衣服浸水了",
Moodles_wet_lvl4 = "全部湿透了",
-- Has a cold
Moodles_hascold_lvl1 = "流鼻涕",
Moodles_hascold_lvl2 = "打喷嚏",
Moodles_hascold_lvl3 = "感冒了",
Moodles_hascold_lvl4 = "重感冒",
-- Injured
Moodles_injured_lvl1 = "小伤口",
Moodles_injured_lvl2 = "皮外伤",
Moodles_injured_lvl3 = "重伤",
Moodles_injured_lvl4 = "致命伤",
-- Pain
Moodles_pain_lvl1 = "有点痛",
Moodles_pain_lvl2 = "痛死了",
Moodles_pain_lvl3 = "很痛",
Moodles_pain_lvl4 = "非常痛",
-- Drunk
Moodles_drunk_lvl1 = "有点醉意",
Moodles_drunk_lvl2 = "醉了",
Moodles_drunk_lvl3 = "醉醺醺",
Moodles_drunk_lvl4 = "酩酊大醉",
-- Dead
Moodles_dead_lvl1 = "死亡",
-- Zombified
Moodles_zombie_lvl1 = "僵尸化",
-- Food eaten
Moodles_foodeaten_lvl1 = "吃饱了",
Moodles_foodeaten_lvl2 = "饱了",
Moodles_foodeaten_lvl3 = "很饱了",
Moodles_foodeaten_lvl4 = "非常饱",
-- Hyperthermia
Moodles_hyperthermia_lvl1 = "闷热",
Moodles_hyperthermia_lvl2 = "过热",
Moodles_hyperthermia_lvl3 = "中暑",
Moodles_hyperthermia_lvl4 = "高温症",
-- Hypothermia
Moodles_hypothermia_lvl1 = "有点冷",
Moodles_hypothermia_lvl2 = "很冷",
Moodles_hypothermia_lvl3 = "冻冷",
Moodles_hypothermia_lvl4 = "体温过低",

-- Description of moodle
-- Endurance
Moodles_endurance_desc_lvl1 = "需要休息下.",
Moodles_endurance_desc_lvl2 = "跑不动了.",
Moodles_endurance_desc_lvl3 = "不能再跑了.",
Moodles_endurance_desc_lvl4 = "动不了了.",
-- Angry
Moodles_angry_desc_lvl1 = "有点不耐烦.",
Moodles_angry_desc_lvl2 = "没心情.",
Moodles_angry_desc_lvl3 = "非常愤怒.",
Moodles_angry_desc_lvl4 = "需要发泄.",
-- Stress
Moodles_stress_desc_lvl1 = "面临崩溃.",
Moodles_stress_desc_lvl2 = "神经紧绷.",
Moodles_stress_desc_lvl3 = " 心生恐惧.",
Moodles_stress_desc_lvl4 = "极度惊恐.",
-- Thirsty
Moodles_thirst_desc_lvl1 = "口乾.",
Moodles_thirst_desc_lvl2 = "脱水.",
Moodles_thirst_desc_lvl3 = "感觉晕了.",
Moodles_thirst_desc_lvl4 = "需要喝水.",
-- Tired
Moodles_tired_desc_lvl1 = "想睡觉.",
Moodles_tired_desc_lvl2 = "知觉降低.",
Moodles_tired_desc_lvl3 = "知觉严重降低.",
Moodles_tired_desc_lvl4 = "有昏倒可能.",
-- Hungry
Moodles_hungry_desc_lvl1 = "肚子饿了.",
Moodles_hungry_desc_lvl2 = "减少力量和回血速度.",
Moodles_hungry_desc_lvl3 = "严重减少力量和回血速度.",
Moodles_hungry_desc_lvl4 = "体力正在下降.",
-- Panic
Moodles_panic_desc_lvl1 = "保持冷静.",
Moodles_panic_desc_lvl2 = "精准度降低.",
Moodles_panic_desc_lvl3 = "精准度严重降低.",
Moodles_panic_desc_lvl4 = "精准度和视野严重减少.",
-- Sickness
Moodles_sick_desc_lvl1 = "放轻松点.",
Moodles_sick_desc_lvl2 = "力量和回血减少.",
Moodles_sick_desc_lvl3 = "力量和回血严重减少.",
Moodles_sick_desc_lvl4 = "死亡的危险增加.",
-- Bored
Moodles_bored_desc_lvl1 = "找些事情作来打发时间.",
Moodles_bored_desc_lvl2 = "会变的不开心.",
Moodles_bored_desc_lvl3 = "高机率变成不开心",
Moodles_bored_desc_lvl4 = "非常高机率变成不开心.",
-- Unhappy
Moodles_unhappy_desc_lvl1 = "找点乐子.",
Moodles_unhappy_desc_lvl2 = "找点刺激.",
Moodles_unhappy_desc_lvl3 = "被抑郁和悲伤折磨.",
Moodles_unhappy_desc_lvl4 = "想办法忘掉现实.",
-- Bleeding
Moodles_bleed_desc_lvl1 = "需要包扎.",
Moodles_bleed_desc_lvl2 = "力量和速度降低.",
Moodles_bleed_desc_lvl3 = "力量和速度严重降低.",
Moodles_bleed_desc_lvl4 = "接近死亡.",
-- Wet
Moodles_wet_desc_lvl1 = "远离雨水.",
Moodles_wet_desc_lvl2 = "速度降低.",
Moodles_wet_desc_lvl3 = "速度降低, 有机率感冒.",
Moodles_wet_desc_lvl4 = "速度严重降低, 有较高的机率感冒.",
-- Has a cold
Moodles_hasacold_desc_lvl1 = "偶尔会打喷嚏.",
Moodles_hasacold_desc_lvl2 = "容易打喷嚏.",
Moodles_hasacold_desc_lvl3 = "打喷嚏及咳嗽, 并同时减少血量及速度.",
Moodles_hasacold_desc_lvl4 = "打喷嚏及咳嗽, 并同时严重的减少血量及速度.",
-- Injured
Moodles_injured_desc_lvl1 = "需要急救.",
Moodles_injured_desc_lvl2 = "速度和力量降低.",
Moodles_injured_desc_lvl3 = "速度和力量严重降低.",
Moodles_injured_desc_lvl4 = "过不了今晚了...",
-- Pain
Moodles_pain_desc_lvl1 = "感觉有点痛.",
Moodles_pain_desc_lvl2 = "速度和精准度稍微降低.",
Moodles_pain_desc_lvl3 = "速度和精准度降低.",
Moodles_pain_desc_lvl4 = "速度和精准度严重降低.",
-- Heavy load
Moodles_heavyload_desc_lvl1 = "拿得有点过多.",
Moodles_heavyload_desc_lvl2 = "移动速度下降.",
Moodles_heavyload_desc_lvl3 = "移动速度急剧下降.",
Moodles_heavyload_desc_lvl4 = "腰背受损, 导致移动速度急剧下降.",
-- Drunk
Moodles_drunk_desc_lvl1 = "喝了一点酒.",
Moodles_drunk_desc_lvl2 = "肢体协调能力轻微受影响.",
Moodles_drunk_desc_lvl3 = "肢体协调能力出现障碍.",
Moodles_drunk_desc_lvl4 = "'只有你..和我....抵抗这世界..我爱你..我..爱你.'",
-- Dead
Moodles_dead_desc_lvl1 = "将会变成老鼠的晚餐.",
-- Zombified
Moodles_zombified_desc_lvl1 = "我们是他们的奴隶~.",
-- Food eaten
Moodles_foodeaten_desc_lvl1 = "短暂回血和体力提升.",
Moodles_foodeaten_desc_lvl2 = "回血和体力提升.",
Moodles_foodeaten_desc_lvl3 = "长期回血和体力提升.",
Moodles_foodeaten_desc_lvl4 = "非常长期回血和体力提升.",
-- Hyperthermia
Moodles_hyperthermia_desc_lvl1 = "口渴感增加.",
Moodles_hyperthermia_desc_lvl2 = " 口渴。 过度曝晒於阳光底下.",
Moodles_hyperthermia_desc_lvl3 = " 心,无法集中注意力,需要喝水.",
Moodles_hyperthermia_desc_lvl4 = "曝晒於阳光导致精神错乱,面临死亡 .",
-- Hypothermia
Moodles_hypothermia_desc_lvl1 = "这里有点冷...",
Moodles_hypothermia_desc_lvl2 = "你得想办法保暖.",
Moodles_hypothermia_desc_lvl3 = "非常冷,危险.",
Moodles_hypothermia_desc_lvl4 = "冻晕了,很危险.",


Recipes(  合成表)

Recipe_EN = {
Recipe_Make_Campfire_Kit = "制作营火工具",
Recipe_GetSteelAndFlint = "制作点火器",
Recipe_Make_Kindling = "劈柴",
Recipe_Drill_Plank = "将木板钻孔",
Recipe_Make_Wooden_Stick = "制作木棍",
Recipe_Make_Tent_Kit = "制作帐篷工具",
Recipe_Make_Mildew_Cure = "制作防露菌病配方",
Recipe_Make_Flies_Cure = "制作防虫害配方",
Recipe_Open_Carrot_Seed_Packet = "打开红萝卜种子包",
Recipe_Open_Broccoli_Seed_Packet = "打开花椰菜种子包",
Recipe_Open_Radish_Seed_Packet = "打开白萝卜种子包",
Recipe_Open_Strawberries_Seed_Packet = "打开草莓种子包",
Recipe_Open_Tomato_Seed_Packet = "打开番茄种子包",
Recipe_Open_Potato_Seed_Packet = "打开马铃薯种子包",
Recipe_Open_Cabbage_Seed_Packet = "打开高丽菜种子包",
Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Bat = "制作钉头棒",
Recipe_Sawn-off = "锯断枪管",
Recipe_Craft_Spiked_Plank = "制作钉刺木板",
Recipe_Empty_Whisky_Bottle = "空威士忌瓶",
Recipe_Rip_bandages = "制做绷带",
Recipe_Saw_Logs = "锯原木",
Recipe_Make_Pot_of_Soup = "制作一锅汤",
Recipe_Slice_Watermelon = "切开西瓜",
Recipe_Smash_Watermelon = "敲碎西瓜",
Recipe_Open_Canned_Beans = "打开豆子罐头",
Recipe_Open_Dog_Food = "打开狗食罐头",
Recipe_Make_Beans_Bowl = "制作一碗豆子食品",
Recipe_Make_Hot_Drink = "制作热饮",
Recipe_Open_Canned_Tuna = "打开鲔鱼罐头",
Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "制作一碗汤",
Recipe_Make_Ramen = "制作拉面食品",
Recipe_Light_Candle = "点燃蜡烛",
Recipe_Make_Cheese_Sandwich = "制作奶酪三明治",
Recipe_Make_Grilled_Cheese_Sandwich = "制作烤奶酪三明治",
Recipe_Make_Broccoli_Chicken_Casserole = "制作花椰菜鸡肉砂锅",
Recipe_Make_Boring_Soup = "制作简单的汤",
Recipe_Make_Simple_Soup = "制作普通的汤",
Recipe_Make_Tasty_Soup = "制作美味的汤",
Recipe_Make_Bowl_of_Soup = "制作一碗汤",
Recipe_Make_4_Bowl_of_Soup = "制作四碗汤",
Recipe_Make_2_Bowl_of_Soup = "制作两碗汤",
Recipe_Make_2_Bowl_of_Stew = "制作两碗炖肉",
Recipe_Make_4_Bowl_of_Stew = "制作四碗炖肉",
Recipe_Remove_Battery = "取出电池",
Recipe_Insert_Battery = "安装电池",
Recipe_Write_Journal = "写日记",
Recipe_Write_Doodle = "写涂鸦",
Recipe_Make_Plaster_Bucket = "制作一桶灰泥",
Recipe_Craft_Drawer = "制作抽屉",
Recipe_Craft_Sheet_Rope = "制作床单绳",
Recipe_Make_Boring_Salad = "制作简单的沙拉",
Recipe_Make_Simple_Salad = "制作普通的沙拉",
Recipe_Make_Tasty_Salad = "制作美味的沙拉",
Recipe_Make_Vegetarian_Potato_Salad = "制作马铃薯沙拉",
Recipe_Make_Potato_Salad = "制作马铃薯沙拉",
Recipe_Open Nails_box = "打开钉子盒",
Recipe_Open_Screws_box = "打开螺丝盒",
Recipe_Open_9mm_Bullets_box = "打开9mm子弹盒",
Recipe_Open_Shotgun_Shells_box = "打开散弹枪子弹盒",
Recipe_Put_in_a_box = "装进子弹盒",
Recipe_Slice_Bread = "面包切片",
Recipe_Make_Cake_Batter = "制作蛋糕面糊",
Recipe_Put_in_Baking_Pan = "放在烤盘上",
Recipe_Make_Pie_Dough = "制作馅饼面团",
Recipe_Slice_Pie = "馅饼切片",
Recipe_Slice_Cake = "切蛋糕",
Recipe_Cut_Fillet = "切鱼片",
Recipe_Make_Fishing_Rod = "把钓鱼竿",
Recipe_Fix_Fishing_Rod = "修理鱼竿",
Recipe_Drill_Plank = "钻木版",
Recipe_Make_Fishing_Net = "把渔网",
Recipe_Cut_Animal = "处理动物",
Recipe_Make_Trap_Box = "陷阱盒子",
Recipe_Make_Snare_Trap = "安装诱捕陷阱",
Recipe_Make_Wooden_Stick = "把木制木棍",
Recipe_Make_Trap_Box = "安装陷阱箱",
Recipe_Make_Snare_Trap = "安装诱捕陷阱",
Recipe_Make_Wooden_Cage_Trap = "安装木制诱捕笼",
Recipe_Make_Cage_Trap = "安装老鼠笼",
Recipe_Put_in_a_box = "放在一个盒子",
Recipe_Open_Paperclip_box = "打开盒装回形针",


Survival Guide(生存指南)

SurvivalGuide_EN = {
SurvivalGuide_entrie1title = "生存指南 #1 - 角色控制",
SurvivalGuide_entrie1txt = " 僵尸生存指南 #1 - CONTROL YOURSELF 如果你不放松一下学习以下的基础,你将不会生存很久.",
SurvivalGuide_entrie1moreinfo = "

在Project Zomboid中, 使用WASD键来移动.
" ..
要杀僵尸吗? 按住滑鼠右键方可进入攻击模式.
按住鼠标右键来准备攻击. 用鼠标箭头位置来瞄准攻击方向. 有经验的幸存者会搭配WASD方向键,来躲避僵尸的攻击."..
按住鼠标左键将对僵尸进行攻击. 请紧记,近战武器攻击距离越远,攻击越高,所以所以疯狂的点鼠标左键是没用的.

如果你不想引起一群僵尸的注意,请按住LCTRL进入潜行模式,请善用这功能 . 互动
" 滑鼠键
" 互动键
" 互动目录

SurvivalGuide_entrie2title = "生存指南 #2 - 不要跑",
SurvivalGuide_entrie2txt = " 僵尸生存指南 #2 - 不要跑 跑得越快,死的越快.",
SurvivalGuide_entrie2moreinfo = " 僵尸感官
" 一个明智的生存者会善用LCTRL (或者左键,如果他们坚持这样的话). 这会启用潜行/攻击模式. 潜行减低你行走时的噪音,从而减低被僵尸的发现. 轻轻的步伐确保没有东西来咬你一口.
Project Zomboid不是一个名声竞赛.简单地说, 僵尸只想吃你,不是拥抱你.",

SurvivalGuide_entrie3title = "生存指南 #3 - 人们!你们要精准!",
SurvivalGuide_entrie3txt = " 僵尸生存指南 #3 - 人们!你们要精准! 你在与不死之身对决. 要刺穿它们的头颅是要花一点努力的! 紧记: 按住左键把近武挥动距离拉到最尽才好攻击!",
SurvivalGuide_entrie3moreinfo = " 战斗系统
每一个武器都有一个特定的伤害力.不过,真正的伤害力取决於你的技能和个人技术.或者,你两者都缺乏. 精准 "..
近战武器爆头的力量都是取决於你的技能等级. 不过,另一个重要的因素是你为这一下攻击准备了多久(挥动距离).记住,每一下攻击都要按住左键数秒後才好放手, 这会确保你每一下的攻击都是挥动最大的攻击力(储气攻击).
储气攻击比不停按挥动更有效, frequent blows
. In this new dawn of the deadheads mouse-spamming takes lives! RANGE
攻击距离都是一个重要的元素 ━ 尽管你使用的武器是有效地击杀僵尸的一个关键.
一般而言, 摆动武器例如棒球棒和斧头的优点是它们的攻击距离.

" 俯卧攻击
最有效杀的僵尸的方法是把它们推跌到地下上 ━ 再不停地攻击它的头部.
有力的挥动武器或推趺它们即可令它们躺在地上. 当僵尸在玩家的最低攻击范围内,玩家将会自然进行推趺攻击或者在无武器之下.
当僵尸躺在地上後: 你每一下的攻击将会自动向地上的僵尸方向攻击.然後就只有血淋淋的脑浆在地上.

SurvivalGuide_entrie4title = "生存指南 #4 - 水",
SurvivalGuide_entrie4txt = " 僵尸生存指南 #4 - 水 乾净的食水是生存的关键.",
SurvivalGuide_entrie4moreinfo = " 水
供水系统就像电力一样,不会永远持续提供的. 如果你不想出现食水短缺情况,请储存好找到的水瓶,...
按右键来进行饮水或装水等动作. 你可以在水槽,浴缸,水龙头里装水.

SurvivalGuide_entrie5title = "生存指南 #5 - CRAFTY SO-AND-SO",
SurvivalGuide_entrie5txt = " 僵尸生存指南 #5 - CRAFTY SO-AND-SO 僵尸会咬破门窗!如果有疑虑的话: 坚固门窗!",
SurvivalGuide_entrie5moreinfo = " 物品合成
烹饪,木工,医疗等合成物将会变成你生存更久的关键. BARRICADING
" 木工
紧记: 建筑越多,你的木工技术越高. 高木工技能令你可以制造更高品质和更有用的物品..",

SurvivalGuide_entrie6title = "生存指南 #6 - 小心被偷窥",
SurvivalGuide_entrie6txt = " 僵尸生存指南 #6 - 小心被偷窥 虽然它们已死了,不过它们还可以从窗口外看见你. 没有窗帘吗? 做一个吧. ",
SurvivalGuide_entrie6moreinfo = " 阻挡他们的视觉
在僵尸生存中一个最常见的错误就是忽视了关窗帘的重要性. 不关闭窗帘等同於邀请僵尸进入你的房间,吃掉你的脑袋.
如果这里没有窗帘, 而你又没有木板可用, 那就想办法找些代替品吧!",

SurvivalGuide_entrie7title = "生存指南 #7 - 不要乱食东西",
SurvivalGuide_entrie7txt = " 僵尸生存指南 #7 - 先煮熟 在僵尸求生时,食物中毒是一点都不有趣. 来吃一个热热的餐吧.",
SurvivalGuide_entrie7moreinfo = " 烹饪
把食物放在电磁炉或微波炉就可以开始煮食了- 或者营火,如果你已逃离城市的话.
按右键控制器具开关, 使用後紧记要关闭火炉!.
" 耕作
" 觅食
" ..
" 不要死

SurvivalGuide_entrie8title = "生存指南 #8 - 精明的拾荒者",
SurvivalGuide_entrie8txt = " 僵尸生存指南 #8 - 精明的拾荒者 有效地管理你的物品栏可以助你节省时间- 更会救你一命!",
SurvivalGuide_entrie8moreinfo = " 选择
怎样去拿,取出,丢掉和使用呢? 在Project Zomboid,我们有大部份时间都是在做这些动作!
主要方法就是直接用滑鼠拉放物品 - 或者可以按右键来开始目录.
" ..
" 按住LSHIFT可以同时选择多样物品.

" 或者,快速地按左键两下来进行拾取. 或者在按物品栏右边的目录键.
喔!如果你太兴奋的想一键拾取所有东西,这里还一个拾取全部的选择. "..
" 神圣的袋
袋是非常重要点. 它可帮你携带更多物品.
如要装备袋或背包: 按右键选择装备(主要),装备(次要) 或背後(如果是背包的话). "..
装备後,你就会看见背包在你的物品栏里 - 准备好可以直接把物品放入背包. 重要的是, 背包可以减轻你总体的重量. 那不是非常有用吗?
" 熟识快捷键
在设定里可以加入快捷键, 我们已经帮你设定好部份快捷键. "..
1 : 装备最好的武器. " ..
2 : 装备最好的枪械. (不要忘记R键是装填!) " ..
3 : 装置最高的近战武器,为近战攻击作好准备. " ..
F : 装备(开启)最好的光源物品. ",



Tooltip_EN = {
-- Item tooltip
Tooltip_food_Uncooked = "未烧煮",
Tooltip_food_Rotten = "腐烂的",
Tooltip_food_Fresh = "新鲜的",
Tooltip_food_Cooked = "熟的",
Tooltip_food_Burnt = "烧焦的",
Tooltip_food_Hunger = "饥饿",
Tooltip_food_Thirst = "口渴",
Tooltip_food_Fatigue = "疲劳",
Tooltip_food_Endurance = "耐力",
Tooltip_food_Stress = "紧张",
Tooltip_food_Boredom = "无聊",
Tooltip_food_Unhappiness = "忧郁",
Tooltip_food_Dangerous_uncooked = "生吃会很危险",
Tooltip_tissue_tooltip = " 装备在手上可以止住喷嚏和咳嗽",
Tooltip_item_Weight = "重量",
Tooltip_item_Temperature = "温度",
Tooltip_item_Fatigue = "疲劳",
Tooltip_weapon_Condition = "耐久",
Tooltip_weapon_Unusable_at_max_exertion = "没有力气的时候无法使用.",
Tooltip_weapon_Damage = "威力",
Tooltip_weapon_Repaired = "修理",
Tooltip_weapon_Condition = "条件,
Tooltip_container_Capacity = "负重",
Tooltip_craft_stairsDesc = "楼 梯 ",
Tooltip_container_Weight_Reduction = "降低重量",
Tooltip_literature_Boredom_Reduction = "减少无聊",
Tooltip_literature_Stress_Reduction = "缓解紧张",
Tooltip_literature_Number_of_Pages = "页数",
Tooltip_item_TwoHandWeapon = "双手装备更有效.",
-- Crafting tooltip
Tooltip_craft_barElementDesc = "酒吧柜子,用来储存酒! ",
Tooltip_craft_woodenStakeDesc = "木架子,用来挂铁丝网 ",
Tooltip_craft_Needs = "需要",
Tooltip_craft_barbedFenceDesc = "铁丝网,带有减速效果,并划伤走过的人 ",
Tooltip_craft_woodenFenceDesc = "木篱笆 ",
Tooltip_craft_sandBagDesc = "沙包 防御墙 ",
Tooltip_craft_woodenWallDesc = " 木 墙 可以被加固 拆除 粉刷 ",
Tooltip_craft_woodenPillarDesc = " 木 柱 ",
Tooltip_craft_woodenFrameDesc = "窗框 可以被加固 拆除 粉刷。",
Tooltip_craft_woodenFloorDesc = "木 门",
Tooltip_craft_woodenCrateDesc = " 存放物品 ",
Tooltip_craft_smallTableDesc = " 小桌子 ",
Tooltip_craft_largeTableDesc = " 大桌子 ",
Tooltip_craft_tableDrawerDesc = " 带有抽屉的桌子 可以存放物品",
Tooltip_craft_woodenChairDesc = "木椅子 ",
Tooltip_craft_rainBarrelDesc = " 可以用来收集雨水的桶 ",
Tooltip_craft_stairsDesc = "一级楼梯 ",
Tooltip_craft_woodenDoorDesc = " 简单的门 需要建造在门框中 ",
Tooltip_craft_doorFrameDesc = "门框 用来放置门 可以被拆除 ",
Tooltip_Painkillers = "降低疼痛",
Tooltip_PillsAntidepressant = "可以长时间降低你的忧郁感。",
Tooltip_PillsBetablocker = "降低你的恐慌",
Tooltip_PillsSleeping = "让你困倦",
Tooltip_Vitamins = "缓解疲劳",
Tooltip_potentialRepair = "可以修理",
Tooltip_chanceSuccess = "成功率",
Tooltip_broken = "损坏",
Tooltip_Torchlight = "火把",
Tooltip_never = "不需要",
Tooltip_craft_gravelBagDesc = "碎石袋防御墙 ",



UI_EN = {
-- Main screen (lua) :
UI_mainscreen_laststand = "背水一战",
UI_mainscreen_option = "游戏选项",
UI_mainscreen_debug = "DEBUG",
UI_mainscreen_demoBtn = "你被感染了!",
UI_mainscreen_sandbox = "沙盒模式",
UI_mainscreen_survival = "生存模式",
UI_mainscreen_mods = "MOD",
UI_mainscreen_exit = "离开",
UI_High = "高",
UI_Low = "低",
UI_Lowest = "最低",
UI_Medium = "中等",
UI_trait_lucky = "幸运",
UI_trait_luckydesc = "让你拥有好运气",
UI_trait_unlucky = "坏运气",
UI_trait_unluckydesc "让你拥有坏运气",
-- Option screen (lua)
-- Main screen (lua) :
UI_mainscreen_online = "多人游戏",
UI_mainscreen_scoreboard = "玩家"
UI_optionscreen_gameoption = "游戏设定",
UI_optionscreen_vsync = "垂直同步",
UI_optionscreen_display = "视频选项",
UI_optionscreen_fullscreen = "全屏模式",
UI_optionscreen_videomemory = "显卡显存 ",
UI_optionscreen_framerate = "锁定帧率 ",
UI_optionscreen_lighting = "灯光质量",
UI_optionscreen_lighting_fps = "灯光更新速度",
UI_optionscreen_lighting_fps_tt = "灯光每秒更新",
UI_optionscreen_multicore = "多核心 ",
UI_optionscreen_needreboot = "需要重启游戏",
UI_optionscreen_shaders = "着色器 ",
UI_optionscreen_shadersunsupported = "您的硬件不支持此选项",
UI_optionscreen_controller_tip = "检查控制器"
UI_optionscreen_controller = "控制器/手柄",
UI_optionscreen_resolution = "分辨率 ",
UI_optionscreen_keybinding = "按键设置",
UI_optionscreen_language = "语言 ",
UI_optionscreen_inventory_font = "字体"
UI_optionscreen_zoom = "启用/关闭缩放"
UI_optionscreen_reloading = "换弹难度",
UI_optionscreen_easy = "简单",
UI_optionscreen_normal = "普通",
UI_optionscreen_hardcore = "专家",
UI_optionscreen_audio = "语音 / 音乐"
UI_optionscreen_sound_volume = "游戏音量"
UI_optionscreen_music_volume = "音乐音量"
UI_optionscreen_language = "语言 ",
UI_optionscreen_keybinding = "按键绑定",
UI_optionscreen_reloading = "装填",
UI_optionscreen_easy = "简单",
UI_optionscreen_normal = "普通",
UI_optionscreen_hardcore = "专家",
-- Map selecter (lua)
UI_mapselecter_title = "选择地图以开始游戏",
UI_mapselecter_savename = "储存名称: ",
-- World screen (lua)
UI_worldscreen_title = "选择已储存的游戏",
UI_worldscreen_deletesave = "请确认是否删除此储存档 ?",
-- login screen (lua)
UI_loginscreen_desurakey = "Desura Key:",
UI_loginscreen_username = "角色名称:",
UI_loginscreen_purchasemethod = "购买方法: ",
UI_loginscreen_desura = "Desura",
UI_loginscreen_google = "Google Checkout/PayPal",
UI_loginscreen_password = "密码: ",
UI_loginscreen_login = "登入",
UI_loginscreen_loginfailed = "登入失败",
UI_loginscreen_loginsuccess = "登入成功",
-- characters creation (lua)
UI_characreation_title = "自订角色",
UI_characreation_title2 = "选择职业和特质",
UI_characreation_forename = "名",
UI_characreation_surname = "姓",
UI_characreation_gender = "性别",
UI_characreation_body = "身体",
UI_characreation_bodytype = "身型",
UI_characreation_hair = "头发",
UI_characreation_hairtype = "发型",
UI_characreation_color = "颜色",
UI_characreation_beard = "胡子",
UI_characreation_beardtype = "胡须种类",
UI_characreation_addtrait = "新增特质",
UI_characreation_removetrait = "< 移除特质",
UI_characreation_pointToSpend = "剩余点数",
UI_characreation_occupation = "职业",
UI_characreation_availabletraits = "可用特性",
UI_characreation_choosentraits = "已选特性",
UI_characreation_description = "特性描述",
UI_characreation_cost = "花费",
-- professions and Traits
UI_prof_securityguard = "警卫",
UI_prof_constructionworker = "建筑工人",
UI_prof_parkranger = "公园巡护员",
UI_prof_policeoff = "警官",
UI_prof_fireoff = "消防员",
UI_prof_unemployed = "无职",
UI_trait_axeman = "斧头专精",
UI_trait_axemandesc = "使用斧头时,两倍速度破门
UI_trait_handy = "巧手",
UI_trait_handydesc = "快速构筑",
UI_trait_thickskinned = "厚外皮",
UI_trait_thickskinneddesc = "降低被僵尸抓伤或咬伤机率",
UI_trait_patient = "耐心",
UI_trait_patientdesc = "不容易发怒",
UI_trait_shorttemper = "坏脾气",
UI_trait_shorttemperdesc = "易发怒",
UI_trait_brooding = "忧郁",
UI_trait_broodingdesc = "坏情绪状态恢复较慢",
UI_trait_brave = "勇敢",
UI_trait_bravedesc = "不容易恐慌",
UI_trait_cowardly = "懦弱",
UI_trait_cowardlydesc = "容易恐慌",
UI_trait_clumsy = "笨拙",
UI_trait_clumsydesc = "移动时制造较多声响",
UI_trait_graceful = "优雅",
UI_trait_gracefuldesc = "移动时制造较少声响",
UI_trait_hypochon = "疑病症患者",
UI_trait_hypochondesc = "未被真的感染也可能出现被感染的症状",
UI_trait_shortsigh = "近视",
UI_trait_shortsighdesc = "能见度较低
UI_trait_hardhear = "听力不好",
UI_trait_hardheardesc = "较小的感知半径.
UI_trait_keenhearing = "伶俐的耳朵",
UI_trait_keenhearingdesc = "较大的感知半径.",
UI_trait_eagleeyed = "鹰眼",
UI_trait_eagleeyeddesc = "能见度较高.
UI_trait_heartyappetite = "食欲旺盛",
UI_trait_heartyappetitedesc = "增加饥饿频率.",
UI_trait_lighteater = "轻食族",
UI_trait_lighteaterdesc = "降低饥饿频率",
UI_trait_athletic = "运动健将",
UI_trait_athleticdesc = "较快的跑步速度
UI_trait_overweight = "过重体质",
UI_trait_overweightdesc = "较慢的跑步速度
UI_trait_strong = "强壮",
UI_trait_strongdesc = "对於近战武器拥有额外的击退效果
UI_trait_stout = "壮硕",
UI_trait_stoutdesc = "对於近战武器拥有额外的击退效果
UI_trait_weak = "虚弱",
UI_trait_weakdesc = "对於近战武器拥有较低的击退效果
UI_trait_feeble = "软弱",
UI_trait_feebledesc = "对於近战武器拥有较低的击退效果
UI_trait_resilient = "坚毅生命力",
UI_trait_resilientdesc = "不容易生病
UI_trait_pronetoillness = "好发疾病",
UI_trait_pronetoillnessdesc = "容易生病
UI_trait_lightdrink = "易醉",
UI_trait_lightdrinkdesc = "喝没几杯就酒醉",
UI_trait_harddrink = "豪饮酒徒",
UI_trait_harddrinkdesc = "不容易喝醉",
UI_trait_agoraphobic = "广场恐惧症",
UI_trait_agoraphobicdesc = "於户外时会惊慌失措",
UI_trait_claustro = "幽闭恐惧症",
UI_trait_claustrodesc = ""於室内时会惊慌失措",
UI_trait_marksman = "神枪手",
UI_trait_marksmandesc = "增加枪枝准确度
UI_trait_nightowl = "猫头鹰",
UI_trait_nightowldesc = "降低睡眠需求
UI_trait_giftgab = "口才高手",
UI_trait_giftgabdesc = "魅力十足
UI_trait_outdoorsman = "野外生存者",
UI_trait_outdoorsmandesc = "不受恶劣的气候影响
-- various
UI_btn_back = "退出",
UI_btn_save = "储存",
UI_btn_next = "下一页",
UI_btn_play = "开始",
UI_btn_delete = "删除",
UI_btn_new = "开新档",
UI_Yes = "是",
UI_No = "否",
-- Last stand selecter (lua)
UI_laststand_title = "选择守城模式",
UI_characreation_random = "随机角色",
-- Last stand selecter (lua)
UI_laststand_title = "最後一战的挑战",
UI_characreation_random = "随机人物",
UI_ClickToSkip = "点击跳过",
UI_Loading = "载入中",
UI_ConvertWorld = "转换地图中,这可能需要点时间.",
UI_servers_servername = "服务器名称",
UI_servers_desc = "备注",
UI_servers_Server_Username = "用户名",
UI_servers_Server_Password = "服务器密码",
UI_servers_pwd = "密码",
UI_servers_erase = "重置默认",
UI_servers_add = "添加",
UI_servers_quickJoin = "立即加入",
UI_servers_joinServer = "加入服务器",
UI_servers_delete = "删除服务器",
UI_servers_serverlist = "服务器列表",
UI_servers_addserver = "添加服务器",
UI_servers_save = "保存",
UI_servers_err_username = "请输入用户名.",
UI_servers_err_ip = "请输入IP",
UI_servers_err_port = "请输入服务器端口.",
UI_servers_connecting = "连接中...",
UI_servers_connectionfailed = "连接失败",
UI_servers_public_server = "公共服务器",

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