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Should I start over in the same world?


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Bringing you up to speed:


I was having my best run so far in Survival, a little over 19 days. I had set myself up at the North Farm (the one actually -called- North Farm on zomboid map project).


I had just started a garden, had 7-ish rain-barrels, and was pretty well fortified, with a walled in run I could use as an escape route as well.


My only issue was that I had been having terrible luck finding non-perishables, and was having to make overnight runs into the city to get what I could.


The last time I went out, was about 2 days after water and electric had been shut off (I know, tough luck losing it that early), and I got caught out at night near a horde thanks to an alarm on the very house I was going to sleep in.


Tried my best, but got bit, scratched, and ending up bleeding out on the sidewalk while running away. :cry:


I'm worried about how difficult it's going to be to start from scratch with no power / water. And depending on where I spawn, it could take a while to get back to the farm.


On the other hand, a lot of work went into that place, and other than non-perishables (I'm thinking of getting the canning mod, if it will work with the current build), I'm pretty well stocked on water, weapons, and tools.


What do you guys think?


(Also, I actually have a backed up save before my crit died. It seemed like a good idea, but now it feels kind of like cheating if I used it, lol.)

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I think, that you should try to start a new game on same save.

If you don't (still) find any non-perishable food, you can make a new save.

I don't think, that creating a backup of save and using it after death is cheating.


(or maybe it is but if you really want to play that save I think that you can use your backup)

(I have used this in one other game...)

(I don't mind if someone will cheat or something like that)

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