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Everything posted by Zathura

  1. I'm pretty sure we call that security protocols. I'm pretty sure I call that a cop-out.
  2. That's what I thought, but I haven't had occasion to use a flashlight yet, tbh.
  3. Yeah... <.< As long as you aren't me. I haven't gotten a grand total of even 5 skill points yet.... but that's beside the point! Consider if the devs added in several ways you could use batteries, I'm pretty positive they'd decrease the number of spawns to make it harder on you. That just seems like common sense, and the way they do things.
  4. Zombies are typically able to keep their footing, if for no other reason than that their feet stab forward at the moment of overbalance. They do (believe it or not) have rudimentary reflexes, that keep them from, say, tripping over their own feet, or taking a bite out of their own arm. For all their stupidity, they do know how to maneuver their bodies in such a way as to make you a tasty, tasty snack. However, I wouldn't be opposed to a way of tripping them manually. You're right, they're not very coordinated, and a simple kick to the shin could cause one to stumble and flail about on the ground for a moment, allowing you a brief reprieve. It'd be a helluva lot better than the ridiculously ineffective "push" mechanic currently in the game, which does F##%-all to actually get them away from you. Pretty damn sure I could shove a zombie hard enough to plant his butt on the ground any old time.
  5. Something like that would work. I seem to recall something, possibly a mod discussion, or maybe just a suggestion, about being able to find walky-talkies, that you could set up as diversions / noisemakers to get zombies away from your house. Not sure how complicated it'd be to integrate them into some kind of alarm system, though. I think a lot of these "techie" things that people suggest are going to be very limited. I mean, if you're relying on batteries, let's go with this example. (let's assume there are no generators yet) A battery might last a few days. You have found 5 batteries. That means you have, at most, about 4 weeks of use out of whatever you're using them in. Then what? Unless you find more batteries, all that experience you've put into your "tech" skill (at the expense of blades, carpentry, nimble, etc.) is now completely and utterly useless. What fun. Not to mention, if someone else (either an npc or another player) had a similar tech skill...what's to stop them from disabling your alarm system and slaughtering you while you sleep? I'll stick with my soup cans on a string and a shotgun by my bed, thanks.
  6. Ironic maybe...funny and subtle, not so much. I've just been informed in another thread (not too funny or humorously) that there will apparently be no shops in PZ. Sorry to rain on your parade, but mine got rained on, so I'm sharing the love. There shouldn't need to be shops for alarms...and what the heck man, the power's out! Your "alarms" are going to be empty soup cans strung up on a piece of twine, or a shottie with a string on the trigger attached to the front door (which you've conveniently left unlocked).
  7. It seems like a mixed bag as far as opinions are concerned. The thread you linked to deals with independent traders. This is taking place in the same county as a military base, and as such, it may be implemented in the future. (who knows) Why would they put a base there if all that happens when you approach is that you get shot at? Talking to the soldiers seems natural. They may distrust you at first, but if you offer them things they want, they might warm up to you. It's a bit different concept than a shop. The value of items and your return on certain trades could be randomized. You might get 1 MRE for 3 magazines one day, and the next, they might not care about magazines at all...maybe they want sugar for the mess hall, or dvd's to watch in their free time. You'd have to find out what they want, and see if you want what they're offering. I'm sure when it comes to that time, a programmer could put an algorithm in that would randomize it somewhat, so you never know what the soldiers want, or how much you'll get in return. It would actually be very lifelike, imo.
  8. So this came up in another thread, and I thought it'd be cool (much later). I know npc's are in the works, and possibly some kind of military patrol (maybe) Since this may include a military base in the future: (Fort Knox) Trading luxury goods for necessities. Let's say there's a military base with soldiers stationed there. You can't really get in, but you can interact with the guards at the gates. Offer them boredom reducing items, such as magazines, newspapers, (i-pods, if implemented), or even home-grown foods, like strawberries. In return, you could ask for non-perishable MRE's or ammunition. Soldiers have to do without so many things people take for granted, and in a post-apocalyptic situation, would probably be willing to give you some stuff for things they can't get on base. Just an idea. What do you think?
  9. Damn...and it took me a whole 10 minutes to make this...v_v
  10. I agree. And while the devs may not, dumb, improvised vehicles might be all that's left after the zompocalypse. Besides bicycles, what else would fit through road-clogging pile-ups and wrecks? Golf-carts, that's what. Just need a genny to keep their batteries charged. Oh god, what would you be feeling if your GC started to slow down because of low battery while you were putting away from a horde. Aaaaahhh!
  11. Yeah, they were both pretty old, and on the second one I'm not positive because I don't recall ever getting off of it. The first one, the one I had to catch, I think I jumped off just to see what would happen. It wasn't an accident, lol. It used to be one of my weekly chores, and I loved the hell out of it. Because before that I had to push-mow (I was like 12). I loved the riding mowers, and the old ones were more fun, because they were rickety as hell and went super fast. It was kinda scary, looking back on it.
  12. The whole point I was going for was a common knowledge thing. The fact that most people know that the mold on bread contains (among other things) penicillin. Without medical training, or knowledge of chemistry, how far would you really be going if you decided to try it? There are very few options, but the thing is, they might actually work. or...it might kill you. but...you know. You're gonna die anyway, so....why the hell not?
  13. Noooooo.....no no Listen...if you look at the link in my first post....that person describes the safest way of extracting penicillin....and honestly, it's way too damn complicated for ANY game. Let's not read too much into this. Scraping mold, having an allergy as a negative trait, having a less than %50 chance of it working...geez, isn't that "realistic" enough for a video game!? *Cries loudly* *gets eaten by zombies attracted to the crying*
  14. Hence the creative liberties able to be taken in a video game. Let's assume you get Penicillin every time...it just doesn't always work.
  15. Again, realistically...if I were in that situation, where everything's gone to hell in a hand-basket, and I got hurt, and the pain kept getting worse and worse over 2 or 3 days to point where I could barely sleep.... yeah, I'd be trying anything I could to fix it. Up to and including stuffing moldy bread into the wound, or even trying to carve that chunk out with a knife and sear it in a fire. I mean, hell...you might lose some function in that arm, but it might mean you live, lol.
  16. I self-medicate all the time... oh...nvm. <.< >.>
  17. I've gotta call bull on that. I've only ridden two in my life...but neither of them had that feature. I had to run and catch one of the b@st@rds one time.
  18. That's actually not a bad idea: adding an allergy to it as a negative trait. *facepalm* Why didn't I think of that. Also...to balance it a little...your homemade Penicillin concoction may or may not work...since even now, Penicillin is reduced in it's effectiveness, as it was overused for 50 years or so and a lot of bacteria strains became immune to it, so give it about a 30-40% chance of actually working, yeah?
  19. What he suggested was pretty...um...complex and unnecessary.... but... Aside from an axe, it's (purportedly) pretty difficult to completely sever the spinal column with anything less. Unless you have a real damascus-style katana, and a lot of strength. Personally, I'm for the Walking Dead method. Grab their shoulder with one hand, and plunge a knife into the eye-socket. Simple, quick, effective. In fact...what do you know, the game already does that with a kitchen knife. It seems to be an underrated weapon, as I was easily dispatching zombies in one hit with it....of course, they do have to be extremely close.
  20. Omg...you just gave me a great idea. Pop the riding mower's lever to "rabbit", hop off, and let it cruise down the street, attracting all the zed's and luring them away from you! O.O Must have!
  21. Zathura

    Canning Mod

    I must be some kind of dummy, because I'm confused about all the versions and builds and whatnot. I'm kind of glad about the modloader, but only one of the three mods I've downloaded actually works with it. Can someone please just give me a yes or no answer on this one: Does this mod, in it's current form, work with the current build on Desura? And can I just stick it in the mod folder and be done with it? I really need it if I intend to survive the winter, lol.
  22. No harm in just saying what's on our minds...but perhaps this should be moved to the General Discussion forum by a mod, to keep people from continually pointing out that it's already on the confirmed list. On the contrary, this has been discussed to death on multiple occasions; hence the reason it's on the Commonly Suggested and Confirmed lists. There's no reason not to share what's on your mind, but there's no reason to discuss something in excess that has already been discussed in excess. Well, I'm new here, and haven't had a chance to discuss. Shall my freedom of speech be denied just because I'm not the first to bring it up? I guess by that reasoning, I shouldn't talk about the game at all. Relax, I'm messing with you.
  23. No harm in just saying what's on our minds...but perhaps this should be moved to the General Discussion forum by a mod, to keep people from continually pointing out that it's already on the confirmed list.
  24. two (and a half?) word answer: supermarket carts Hell...anything with wheels would be nice. Even a dolly with a milk crate bungie-corded to it, lol.
  25. I keep thinking ponchos, for two reasons. They're lightweight, and they can be compressed into a ridiculously small package. I own a military surplus poncho that literally fits in the palm of my hand when it's packed up. They don't really breathe though, so unless it's cold weather, it'd be easy to overheat in one.
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