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[B41.65] Clothing Items RunSpeedModifier is not taken into account


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For all clothing except bags and broken/missing shoes, RunSpeedModifier is not taken into account.

Movement test done between sneakers (1.1), black boots(0.9), moded "rollerblades"(3.0)

Walk speed is not modified.

Run speed is not modified.

Sprint speed not correctly tested (seems not modified).


Reverse engineering on Java code seems to confirm the experience.

see IsoGameCharacter class, the most obvious place to do it seems to be updateSpeedModifiers:

    public void updateSpeedModifiers() {
        this.runSpeedModifier = 1.0F;
        this.walkSpeedModifier = 1.0F;
        this.combatSpeedModifier = 1.0F;
        this.bagsWorn = new ArrayList();

        for(int var1 = 0; var1 < this.getWornItems().size(); ++var1) {
            InventoryItem var2 = this.getWornItems().getItemByIndex(var1);
            if (var2 instanceof Clothing) {
                Clothing var3 = (Clothing)var2;
                this.combatSpeedModifier += var3.getCombatSpeedModifier() - 1.0F;

            if (var2 instanceof InventoryContainer) {
                InventoryContainer var5 = (InventoryContainer)var2;
                this.combatSpeedModifier += var5.getScriptItem().combatSpeedModifier - 1.0F;

        InventoryItem var4 = this.getWornItems().getItem("Shoes");
        if (var4 == null || var4.getCondition() == 0) {
            this.runSpeedModifier *= 0.85F;
            this.walkSpeedModifier *= 0.85F;


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Interesting Lemmy answered on the video:


This was removed somewhat last minute pretty recently, due to some significant issues with different combinations of clothing or shoes stopping the character from running with it being difficult for the player to understand why. You're correct the tooltip text should be removed in the meantime, but its fully intended to be reintroduced so we figured keeping in the habit of considering these stats still makes sense. Please remember this game as an absolute ton of features, tooltips and modifiers all over the place, and its easy for non-functional or removed modifiers still to be erroneously referenced throughout the game, thanks for pointing it out.


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I'm pretty sure this used to be in the game at one point last year but it was done not good to say the least.

Instead of just making your movement speed slower it also had like some sort of threshold , e.g. if you had to many items with modifiers below 1 you couldn't sprint or run anymore (game would just make you "fast walk").


What any normal person expects, is that they can still sprint/ run, but slower than before (same for the rest of the movement speeds, just you know, SLOWER like it says).

No amount of UI "moodles" or other notices will NOT cause people report bugs for this if the implementation is kept similar to last years, because it was NOT intuitive (it didn't even work like the Info says it does, because somewhere in the code there used to be some sort of threshold that prevented sprinting).

e.g. walking, running, sprinting should always be possible and the modifier does EXACTLY what it says, apply a modifier to each speed

walkSpeedModifier for "walking"
runSpeedModifier for the rest

make sure walk speed is always slower than fast walk,, fast walk is slower than running and running is slower than sprinting -> e.g. clamp fast walk to walk + 0.02, running to fast walk + 0.02 and sprinting to running + 0.02


Or whatever other value.

Edited by EngineOfDarkness
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