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does it rain too much?


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My point was solely that southern states have periods of drought- you're reading far too much into what I said. They do (and that's just a fact) thus, having droughts in the game is indeed realistic, contrasting the previous statements that droughts shouldn't be added just for gameplay reason- it's both realistic and benefits gameplay.


I was only speaking to the "down south you can get fined for sprinklers."  Everying South of the Mason-Dixion line is a pretty large swath of land.  While the "you can get fined" sounds a lot like you can get tickets for... speeding, bootleg wiskey, or drunk and disorderly (which also happens Down South).


BTW, I agree 100% with you about game play mechanics.  Base it off the real world and let it fly.

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It was meant as a generalization, though =\


I don't need to prove that every county in the southern U.S. fines people for watering lawns to have my point be valid. I was pointing out that the southern U.S. (in response to the above declaration about Australia) also has drought periods severe enough to merit fines and care for the water table. I guess I'm just not sure why you needed to launch into a rant about how I overgeneralized when my point was accurate and still stands =\

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I don't think the game should be balanced just for the sake of balancing. RJ has said that the weather is done after the weather report of 2011 or something similar, with some randomizing, so it is realistic in that sense. I do agree that there should be some dry seasons from time to time, but not to balance but to create challenges and realistic variety.


Yes, definitely, that's what I say. Realism before balance unless its game breaking.



Agreed, though to be fair both aren't mutually exclusive.

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