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Cooking frozen food, plus thawing takes very long


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The game is set to real time and it's currently November.


If I put frozen food in the antique stove, instead of thawing the item out first, it starts cooking it. It will be completely burnt long before it's even thawed out. 

(Did they remove the thawing out process if you put items in the stove?)


Another thing I've seen is that if you do this with frozen fish, it won't let you slice the filet even after it's cooked, because it's still frozen.  If you let it cool down again, check where it should say nutrition. It's still frozen, so once it finally thaws out even though it's fully cooked, then you can slice the filets.  Other foods will still show frozen also, even fully cooked.


Edit - As for recipes themselves, like a salad, if you choose "add random", it will use frozen food.



It also takes a very long time to thaw out any type of food, even if it's inside a house where it's warm.


In the first picture, I took a completely frozen fish and started thawing it at 08:30 Am. It says 11:40, but you can see that it started to thaw a little.  The second picture is 24 hours after the first picture and it's still not thawed out yet.  It will probably take a total of 36 hours or more, to finally be able to slice the filets. It takes this long for any "completely frozen" food.


In real life I can take a frozen chicken breast, let it thaw on the countertop for a few hours and it's ready to cook.


Lol, some people might be food for zombies, before they get to eat their food.



Edit - On a side note, can't we have it set up, so that the filets are cut into 200-250 calorie pieces or something? The other fish I just cut, each filet is 2600+ calories. Even if My character ate 1/4 of the filet, that's still 650 calories. (Actually I think you can do that if you make evolved recipes using the filet, like a fish salad)  Edit - This part works properly, the -10 hunger piece of filet came out to 558 calories in a fish salad and eating 1/4 of that was around 139 calories.





Edited by Grelko
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It was 36 hours when it finally finished thawing out.


Since I have it set to "real time", if I left the game running the entire time, I could have gone on a weekend trip Friday night, came back Sunday morning and finally been able to slice the filets haha.

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22 hours ago, Grelko said:

Edit - On a side note, can't we have it set up, so that the filets are cut into 200-250 calorie pieces or something?


I thought more about this and by the off chance, if you can't find an empty bowl to make a salad, you'd have to eat at least 1/4 of that huge filet, or without a knife you'd eat 1/4 of the fish.


You CAN however, hit the "ESC" button and stop eating it whenever you want. You don't have to eat the entire thing at one time.

So, if you have them start to eat and press ESC 1/2 second later, you might only eat 10 calories.  I believe this works with any type of food. (I really like how this was added)

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