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Storm-inspired migratory hordes


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Having seen the impedning weather system that includes thunderstorms crossing the map, I wonder if that system could be co-opted to script a massive horde event.


I am imagining a horde of zeds that spawn at the map's edge and move across the entirety of the map like a storm. Alternatively, I could also see an invisible draw beacon that passes over the map, attracting zeds as it goes.


In the case of the former, I'm not sure how the migration of zeds would interact with standard zed activity. I imagine they would ignore things like moving to empty tiles or forming up with preexisitng hordes. In the case of a sound event or player action drawing them, I imagine that when they return to an "idle" state they would set off again towards their destination on the far side of the map. Once there, they would despawn.


I guess it might be as "simple" as spawning a horde of special zeds who wander towards a map's-edge beacon when they would otherwise be idle.


My intent is for a mid-game event (one to several months in) that has the potential to wreck any fortification anyplace on the map, if it happens to be in the path of the migratory horde. Perhaps there's a way that the path could be drawn over an area of the player's greatest activity.


What do you all think? Other ideas for life post-helicopter (aside from more helicopters)?

Edited by trombonaught
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