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is this a bug with random events/fire?



I started a new game to test out some mods, while i was in a hardware store in Drayton map a random fire broke out that took out the front walls.  I didn't start any fires on my own nor was there a stove near the start of the fire which began in the middle of the street and moved towards the sandbags then catching the front of the building on fire.  Is this a new event that you guys added or maybe just a bug with a few of the mods, hydrocraft/cars mod and the gun mod?  If it's an event that takes place, then i suppose i've been blessed to never run into it before but i do have 1k hours logged on steam alone not including off steam o.O so can, verify if this is an in game event or is it a bug with the initial game or mods, has anyone else experienced this? keep in mind i don't like throwing molotov's and so forth since fire's are random and can destroy houses/loot so that possibility is easily ruled out i didn't craft any or throw any on accident. i keep all lighters/matches i loot in my backpack not in my main inventory and keep it closed. 

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ah ok ty for replying and answering my question, i had thought that it was just randomly generated houses that were already burnt down, but i see now that you guys took it a step further, it does annoy me that some buildings can get burnt down, without a way to stop fires, but like you said, it makes it interesting, it makes the game more challenging with random fires being generated aside from having houses burnt to a crisp.   I do have to have everything perfect i tend to try to save all building windows and so forth, but its more challenging just like the way you changed how zombies behave and move around, it was a challenge at first but it became easy to get around.   i'm glad you guys are working on ways to make the game more challenging/interesting so the game doesn't go stale, i'd love to see if you guys could figure out a way to put fires out, or make a fire sprinkler system or if someone can mod that into the game if it's not already maybe i've missed it in a mod? but would be interesting to have to devise a way to counter it maybe make it an end game sort of tech or something. 

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