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New proffession suggestion! Hobo

Jack Bower

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"The day that the last shall be first and the first shall be last."

The hobo job trait would mean your character was homeless, here is where we'll talk about what we think that should mean because I don't think I should because I'll probably come off as offensive to homeless people but they live out in the weather and have had a rougher time out there. I wouldn't mind more traits related to that kind of living where I go around and eat rotten food and sleep in a tent and drink tainted water and live a nomad lifestyle.

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Hobo isn't a job :P

If anything, aim for unemployed I guess. (not saying unemployed people are homeless, just saying homeless people are usually unemployed)


Strong Stomach and Outdoorsman traits could help your nomad playstyle. It's what I normally do on Multiplayer.

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been homeless before while working a job. I'd say that it wouldn't really be a skill based profession. Maybe +first aid +maintenance 


Like Ethan said, Strong stomach and outdoorsman would be critical, but also a new trait should be made called "dumpster diver." This trait would increase the likelihood of finding useful things in trashcans such as food and broken items. I think there should be a chance to find broken items such as bats in the trash anyway though


Another useful trait would be "Ground Sleeper" which should also be applied to the military professions where one could essentially sleep everywhere, even on the ground. 


a smelly trait would also be interesting that makes it so that zombies always seem to be able to sniff out your general area.

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