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How to optionally hook into another mods event?


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I'm currently working on a mod that introduces an Event that other mods can then use:


Now I can use that in another mod:


The only problem is: if MyModEvent doesn't exist because the Mod isn't loaded, the above will cause a Null Pointer Exception (calling method Add of nil).

But even if I check isModEnabled("MyMod") won't solve this, because there's no guarenteed mod loading order.

And IIRC require won't work properly inside this

if isModEnabled("MyMod") then  require("MyModEventSetup.lua");end

Any ideas?

Edited by blindcoder
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So you're certain all mods were loaded at that point?


If you require the file, you can be, yes.

I'm doing this now successfully:

if getActivatedMods():contains("MyMod") then  require("MyMod.lua");  Events.MyModEvent.Add(ThisMod.CallFuncion);end

MyMod.lua sets up the Event "MyModEvent" which I can then hook into.

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