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think how little I've been on the forum and in the world project Zomboid think I'm bothering me a lot with many suggestions, qwq, and believe that annoying TOO,


but I really like the game and want it that way,




we should have a limit of our strength, for obvious reasons, humans are not machines, and bearing in mind, when we reach the state of exhaustion, whether for whatever reason


. running

. cutting down trees



if we continue forcing the player to continue "running, or felling trees, among others" this should faint to reach the limit of their endurance. regaining the sense few hours later.


that seems my qwq thought I have many suggestions but I feel like I'm bothering much XD


I hope Zomboid project developers, consider suggestions, qwq


i speack spanish i use translate google



creo que en lo poco que he estado en el foro y en el mundo project zomboid me considero que estoy molestando mucho con tantas sugerencias ,qwq,  y creería que molesto DEMASIADO, 


pero me gusta mucho el juego y quisiera que siguiera así, 




deberiamos tener  un límite de nuestra resistencia, por razones obvias, los seres humanos no son máquinas, y teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, cuando lleguemos al estado de exhausto, sea por las razones que sea 

. corriendo

. talando arboles



si continuamos forzando al jugador a continuar " corriendo, o talando arboles ,entre otros"  este debería desmayarse por llegar al limite de su resistencia. recobrando el sentido unas horas después.


que les parece mi idea  qwq tengo muchas sugerencias pero me siento que estoy molestando mucho xd 


espero que los desarrolladores de project zomboid, tenga en cuenta las sugerencias , qwq 

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I may be wrong, but im fairly certain that things like running / cutting down trees, etc... not only build exertion but make you sleepier aswell, and passing out from exhaustion is going to be implemented in the future.

yes, yes to refer to the state of exhausted reference I become the absolute exhaustion , where your body can not give more , if you force your body to continue the work such as cutting , or force him to keep running this should subside by the utter weariness , depending on whether faint when you were fed, hydrated. will influence the time that you will recover the sense of conscience , if you were hungry and thirsty will take longer to regain consciousness.
i speack spanish i use translate google
si, si  al referirme al estado de exhausto me hago referencia al cansancio absoluto , donde tu cuerpo no puede dar mas , si tu obligas a tu cuerpo a continuar la labor como talar, o obligarlo a seguir corriendo este debería desplomarse  por  el cansancio absoluto, dependiendo de  si en el momento de desmayarte  estabas alimentado, hidratado. influirá el tiempo en el que recobraras el sentido de conciencia, si estabas con hambre y sediento tardara mas tiempo en recuperar el sentido. 
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I agree that our characters should pass out if they are exhausted and pushed even further (pretty sure the moodle says something about it too).


But, I do not think our characters should pass out if they are panicked. Being pumped up on adrenaline would likely keep you from falling asleep. If I was fighting a couple of zombies, there is no way I would pass out and go to sleep! Maybe I might not be able to lift my bat to swing it from exhaustion, but I wouldn't fall asleep!


I like the idea of passing out if you are not panicked though.


Perhaps you would pass out from thirst and hunger too? If another player/NPC doesn't bring you food or water in the next 'X' hours your character dies?

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