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Some basics - generating random numbers and killing the player


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Hi folks

I'm trying to build my first mod for the game. My simple idea is to create an unreliable gun that randomly blows up and kills the player when fired. Not very compelling, I know, but good to learn the basics.

The two problems I've come up against are :-

1) how to randomly generate numbers in the scripts. Lua supports math.random() (according to what I've seen on google), but calling this function doesn't work in my script. Another route I tried was Rand.Next(), which I saw in the Javadoc. No luck there unfortunately.

2) how to kill the player. I tried calling player:setBodyDamage(-1.0), but this didn't do anything.

Any ideas?


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for 1) try ZombRand I think it's 0 to max with max being exclusive (so for example 9 would return 0 to 8, or maybe 8.9999...I don't remember)

not sure for the other though


maybe try player:inflictWound(BodyLocation.Hand,1.0,false,10.0) or player:getBodyDamage():AddDamage(BodyDamage:ToIndex(BodyPartType.Hand_R), damage)
or maybe something like player:getBodyDamage():DamageFromWeapon(InventoryItemFactory.createItem("Base.Shotgun"))
if you flat out want to kill them then I think you'd want setOverallBodyHealth and/or setHealth
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1. To generate a random number you can use ZombRand() +1.  So to generate a random number between 1 and 10 would be ZombRand(10) +1.  You need the +1 in there because the counting starts at zero. ZombRand(10) would generate a number between 0 and 9.  To see it in action, check out the solution to the mod I made to randomly generate an item when another item is used.



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1. To generate a random number you can use ZombRand() +1.  So to generate a random number between 1 and 10 would be ZombRand(10) +1.  You need the +1 in there because the counting starts at zero. ZombRand(10) would generate a number between 0 and 9.  To see it in action, check out the solution to the mod I made to randomly generate an item when another item is used.



But, by adding one, you can then never get a value of 0!

You would be shifting the possible values of ZombRand(10) into the range of [1.00-10.99]

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