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Signs and drawings that are visible on windows, such as For Lease, 24 hours, All U Can Eat or BA, KE, RY signs in Muldraugh, stay there (and can't be picked) when the window is smashed, including when the glass is removed. You can go through them if you want, too.
I really like that there are totally not perishable food that are in Zomboid, as despite pretty much everything having a shelf time label IRL, some things can pretty much survive indefinitely, only slightly losing their taste and visual appeal and maybe some nutrients at most (Twinkies), and I also like that foods doesn't disappear when rotten, still having option to eat it in a pinch with all consequences, use it as a fertilizer to produce more food or as a pest-deterrent (milk), and use it to train cooking, when master chef (lol) can even add part of it to a healthy dish, even if it sometimes can be unrealistic for meat that's been spoiled for ages . With all that in mind, however, I'm always surprised that there's a few items that don't spoil while they clearly shouldn't. Let me list it here: Butter the most obvious one, which even spawns in fridges, yet with the current mechanic you don't even have to bother keeping it refrigerated as it never spoils. Gameplay-wise you do lose an option to make pie dough when all butter spoils sadly, but you can't make a cake batter without a milk anyway, and flour can still be used to make bread dough. Eventually, I'd love to see options to get your own butter and milk (there are mods for that, including the addition of UHT milk though it was oddly unpopular in USA at 1990s and powdered milk by Hydrocraft). And I assume that might come if animals gets introduced (just have your own cow, sheep or goat and voila, milk!) – until then we should deal with it spoiling in vanilla game for realism/consistency sake and maybe add powdered alternatives to make different cakes/pies/etc. without butter?. Cake Batter, Cake Preparation, Pie Batter, Pie Preparation while technically a nice way to preserve it before all milk expires in case of cake, I think it should rot in a similar fashion if not quicker than the resulting products. In the meantime until animals gets added, I would welcome alternative ingredients to make it without perishables too (see above ) Melted Ice Cream it's nice that ice cream melts when unfrozen, but it should spoil pretty quickly in a melted state too, being a dairy product that attracts germs (unless it's a water ice cream, then I guess it's possible?) Marinara, Mustard and Ketchup while those have a long shelf time, Mayonnaise and Remoulade currently expire, so it'd be natural if those would too. Originally I also considered yeast, but since it's drainable item (similar to Flour, Sugar (which causes issues as evolved recipe ingredient) and Vinegar but I'd love it to change since they are food by themselves after all, as well as Antidepressants, Beta Blockers, Painkillers, Sleeping Tablets and Vitamins – certainly not less than Bleach, Cigarettes, Antibiotics or medical plants) and it's a way to make bread when everything expires and normal yeast spoils quite quickly, we can pretend it's dried yeast, unless you want to implement baking powder as well, which would be welcome addition ).
Title says all. I will post screenshots a bit later. Here is a warehouse in Muldraugh. Same building but with different zoom level. And that happens with every building in game.
May be a suggestion, but seeing it's probably an omission, I decided to post it as a bug instead. When dismantling items, a text is being shown over character head. Normally, for those things a character speech is used (can't read book yet, already know the knowledges from book or in the recent build, inability to get out of car). The current text when the character fails dismantling uses a different mechanic and is surrounded by star signs and uses a different font that is hard to read. It also seems to disappear quicker? It would be nice if those text could be replaced with the unified speech text.
40.3 Admin should not trigger alarms in houses when in admin mode
Faalagorn posted a topic in Bug Reports
It seems that currently you can trigger alarms as admin when going inside the houses, even when invisible. I guess it's not intended behaviour. -
I know that sandbox options may get adjusted in build 40, seeing there's newly implemented "DAMAGE TO PLAYER FROM HIT BY A CAR" (something's off grammar-wise here) is set to none in all presets and there's a new solo screen where the "Initial Infection" option is mising, but in case that's been missed, I'm bringing it up. When browsing and comparing stock presets options in sandbox it seems that on the "Survival" vehicles are set to never be locked and never have alarms? The same applies to 6 months after, but it's more reasonable in that settings. The settings on initial infection and one week later are properly adjusted.
It seems that list of mods gets cuts off at one point suddenly when browsing multiplayer options. Ideally, I would love to see them all multi-line, but even if some limit is going to be kept, it would at least be nice if ellipsis (…) could be added at the end.
Currently, you can cross the 50 weight mark on your character by various means. One example would be close to the 50 weight mark and filling gas cans, or water containers. Another example is unequipping your current item that you hold in hands and currently you can even have a furniture in one hand (speaking of which, all movables should only have option "equip in both hands", similar to corpses or generators. The only possible problem stemming from it would be overfilling floor, but I think overfilling floor is more realistic and balanced than overfilling player inventory.
it seems that the shoes found on zombies are never bloody or dirty, which is odd, epsecially at the rate characters wearing them makes them dirty.
When you hold your mouse over the item at the bottom-right corner, its tooltip flashes consantly on ar off which is quite annoying. Example below (look at the bottom right corner, it's best to see it in-game): It happens to both me and my wife on stable 39.67.5 and weather test versions, we both run Linux.
40.3 Position of the loot window is not being saved properly
Faalagorn posted a topic in Bug Reports
I like to move my inventory and loot screens to the bottom left corner. They sit there nicely during the gameplay, but after I restart they are hidden (even if I have them pinned) and the loot window which I keep at the bottom-left corner is moved. See the screenshot for comparison. It's more extreme the smaller the window is, becuase the loot window overlaps more of the inventory window and quiting to menu and then logging back in causes the error to repeat. My wife experiences the same issue and we both are running the game on Linux. It also happens in 39.67.5 stable/iwbums. ^ Right after logging ^ How it should look like Size and location seems to be properly stored in settings though and even carry thought version chance (weather/stable). -
So it seems that in the current weather test (40.3) you can make a multiplayer server, but the zombies are unkillable and unpushable with anything other than car. I tried it on my my wife's computer on different worlds and different settings, we both run Linux. I tried jawstab, shotgun and regular weapons (sledgehammer and frying pan) and nothing hits them. It works fine in stable/iwbums 39.67.5.
Vehicle horns doesn't work in single or multiplayer on 40.3 (current weather test build) via the keybinding or radial menu (there is no sound and I think no progress bar, I think zombies don't hear it eaither). Sirens seems to work fine. It works in stable 39.67.5 just fine.
40.3 Some food not marked obsolete are not obtainable in game
Faalagorn posted a topic in Bug Reports
I have reported the issue some time ago, back when nutrition was being tested, but there are a few items currently in game that are not present in any of the lua files nor are not obtained from any recipe, meaning they can't be obtained in game with any regular means – these are: From items.txt: Dough (Dough) not to be confused with BreadDough (currently called simply "Bread" in game) which uses Dough icon and they have the same nutrition value filled by @RobertJohnson back then. It's a remnant of the food recipes before evolved recipes arrived, so probably could be marked as OBSOLETE – however SpiffoBot at Discord still lists some (non-vanilla) recipes for it when asked for it. DoughRolled (Rolled Dough) also remnant from the old food recipes, but this time SpiffoBot lists no recipes. BakingTrayBread (Baking Tray with Bread) ditto – to keep the name in style with other items it should also be called "Baking Tray with Bread". GrilledCheese (Grilled Cheese Sandwich) remnant of the past – this doesn't spawn anywhere, but it's used in Hydrocraft it seems – this item doesn't have any nutrition values in vanilla game at least and is the only item that explicitly have DangerousUncooked = FALSE flag set. it is also the only remaining item that satiates whooping 80 hunger. RamenBowl (Bowl of Ramen Noodles) No longer used since evolved recipes. From newitems.txt: CookieJelly (Raspberry Shortbread) Doesn't spawn anywhere and is not used in any recipes. Have unique artwork and everything including nutrition filled. CookieChocolateChip (Cookie) ditto. Candycane (Candycane) ditto. From farming.txt: BloomingBroccoli (Seeding Broccoli) remnant of the old farming at the time it was still a mod? Have the same nutritional value as regular Broccoli. -
Not counting the Grill Cheesed cheese I mentioned in my other bug report, evolved items that inherit the value and edible items that satiate no hunger, there are 7 items that contribute to hunger, but give no nutrition according to what's in files – I reported the issue back when nutrition was in testing. These items are: From items.txt: Salt (Salt) Pepper (Pepper) Both are used as spice, but can also be eaten alone which results in unhappy but satiated character, but without any nutritional values or calories. I assume adding spices correctly adds nutrition values to dishes too (none in case of those two), since other spices have nutrition values. From newitems.txt: CommonMallow (Common Mallow) LemonGrass (Lemon Grass) BlackSage (Black Sage) Ginseng (Ginseng) These four are obtained from foraging – while these are used for medicinal purposes they satiate 1 hunger each, so you can keep your character alive by eating those but give no nutritional values and calories at all. From farming.txt: RemouladeFull (Remoulade) Remoulade is sad, as it can not be used as a spice, unlike Ketchup, Mayonaise, Marinara, nor it is usable in any evolved recipe – but when it comes to eating it alone, it contributes no nutritional value while making your character sad but satiated.
While looking over the new-ish Distribution.lua files, I noticed that you got rid of the Base. notation for whatever reason. However, it seems that one location still uses the old notation: barkitchen = { shelves ={ rolls = 3, items = { "Base.WhiskeyFull", 3, "Base.WhiskeyFull", 3, "Base.WhiskeyFull", 3, "Base.Wine2", 3, "Base.Wine2", 3, "Base.Wine", 3, "Base.Wine", 3, "Base.Cigarettes", 3, "Base.Cigarettes", 3, "Base.WaterBottleFull", 4, "Base.Pop", 4, "Base.Pop2", 4, "Base.Pop3", 4, "Base.PopBottle", 4, "Base.Peanuts", 4, } }, }, There's also a few instances of Base. notation used in evolvedrecipes.txt, farming.txt, items.txt, multistagebuild.txt, newitems.txt uniqueitems.txt and possibly other files outside the main scripts folder and Distributions.lua, if that matters.
It seems that some tiles got scrambled/rotated in between the builds. These tiles were looking correct the last time I played a year ago, but some map addition probably caused them to appear scrambled, which might be related to this bug where according to a post from @EasyPickins generating cells again helped or this bug which remained unfixed in 39.67.5 (I have yet to verify it on 39.68). I was certain I found another similar location with scrambled tiles around Muldraugh, but since I can't find it now in my screenshots, let me post about the one I know about: North from Muldraugh North Farm: current vs how it used to look like. I compared the current version with the Alexandria 2015-07-22 as the wrong tiles seems to be there also in build 38 map. There's also this issue I spotted in North Muldraugh Large Warehouse, but it's not visible in PZMap:
I really like the addition of the Hot Beverage evolved recipe, as now you don't need sugar to make a tea or coffee and you can also mix it with milk, honey and even more possibilities for future additions/mods. You can also add poison or rename it as any other recipe, which is a nice addition as well. However, what I currently don't know is the purpose of the older Hot Cuppa and the relatively newly added Cold Cuppa recipes, at least that couldn't be replicated with the evolved recipe? Generally the old recipes got removed by the time evolved recipes replaced them (boring soups etc.), so why extend the old one? Currently Hot Cuppa give (way) more bonuses, to the point it's slightly OP, but that should be easy to adjust in evolved recipes. The only way that can't be recreated easily is to use kettle (which requires preheating), but really – it a survival game where you don't currently even use forks and spoons, you could as well preheat it otherwise (not to mention that you can preheat kettle in microwave or ovens that lack burners, plus the recipe doesn't makie it clear you have to preheat the water), and even if the mechanic of doing your hot drink proper way with the kettle get to be implemented, guess it could be a proper way, preferably with eating food on plates and kitchenware . Plus the old limitations stay, that is requirement for sugar and hot cuppa never cools down while cold cuppa can never be heated. Either way, back to the actual bugs: it seems that you can add infinite amount of sugar to your drink, as seen in the attached screenshot below (I've yet to see if there's a limit for this monstrosity) and that's one hell of a diet drink – ton of sugar and 0 carbs! I think the problem stems from the fact that sugar is still a drainable, not food. It also makes it so it doesn't have any carbohydrates in it. I already suggested making sugar food item, and seeing how coffee and tea bags became food, can't sugar be one as well? Preferably a spice, similar to salt, pepper, ketchup, mustard, marinara, mayonnaise and hopefully remoulade in future. Would be cool to have option to use it in more evolved recipes too. Finally, sound cue for making or adding ingredients to Beverage recipe should use a pouring water sound instead of the usual chopping sound.
40.3 Carpentry sound cue playing when disassembling metal items
Faalagorn posted a topic in Bug Reports
It seems that the carpentry (sawing) sound cue plays instead of the welding one (the one that's used for barricading with metal sheet for example) when dismantling metal items. It's similar to the cutting sound cue playing while preparing hot drink I mentioned in this bug report: