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Found 7 results

  1. Hello guys! This is my first time post on forum. Sadly those building didn't fit in my own map project. I decided to share with the community to make these lovely buildings have a nice spot to settle down. Feel free to use and modify. Link at bottom of this post ------------------------------------------------------------- Police Office House ------------- Small Spiffo's Restaurant in city All building's links is in here Google Drive
  2. I made a mod that flashes the light bars of Emergency Service Vehicles such as police cars, ambulances, and firetrucks. Just thought I'd share it for anyone who's interested. This mod's purpose is to have police, fire, and ambulance vehicles feel like they responded to zombie incidents and have abandoned their vehicles. Description Steam Workshop Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1970747513 [04/18/2020] - Tested on Build 40 and IWBUMS Build 41. Tested on Build 40.43 Multiplayer. Added simple Language Translations. Mod Features: 99% chance (5% in parking lots) for Emergency Service Vehicles to have their light bars flashing. There is a 2 month timer (by default) for all vehicle flash % chances to slowly decrease to 0%. The sandbox option "Months Since The Apocalypse" determines how much time has already passed. It is located in the "World" tab when starting a new sandbox game. (Note: Playing the mode "Six Months Later" will start you 6 months ahead and go pass the 2 month default timer.) Added the option for keys to be spawned in vehicles that flash their lights. Default settings is "false". 10.0% chance for Emergency Service Vehicles to have their sirens on, if and only if they have their lightbars on. LIMIT: Only 1 siren can sound per save/world. On a server, this mod will use the host's settings. If you are the host, it will use your settings. To change this mod's settings, go to the title screen or pause menu if in-game. Click on "Options". On the top-right, click on "FLightBars". If it is not there, click on the small arrow icon on the top-right. This should reveal the tab if it's off-screen. If you are in-game, save and reload the save file to apply the new settings. --- Build 41.26 Link: https://pzwiki.net/wiki/Build_41#IWBUMS_Build_41.26 --- Build 41.26+ IWBUMS has a revamped mod system. Each save file has their own list of mods. If you do want to use this mod for your old saves on that build, go to the title screen, click "Load", click on the file you want to load but don't start the game. There's a "More..." button on the bottom right the screen for each save file, click on that. Click "Choose Mods...". After that, find and Enable this mod. Click "Back" and load the save file. It should now work on the old save file. Language Translations: Simple Translations for: AF, ES-AR, CH, CN, CS, DA, DE, EE, ES, FR, HU, IT, JP, KO, NL, NO, PL, PT, PTBR, RU, TH, TR. If you want to improve or add better translations, let me know here: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1970747513/3540329465446088992/ .
  3. [EN] Hello! I decided to make more realistic retextures for vanilla machines. I decided to create a mods theme on the forum, maybe someone is more comfortable. Work is still ongoing!) [RU] Всем привет! Я решил сделать более реалистичные ретекстуры для ванильных машин. Решил создать тему мода на форуме, возможно кому то так удобнее. Работа все еще продолжается!) Мод тут | Mod Here
  4. At this moment I do not know how work the principle of using service paintjob at services vehicles, but I want to suggest using a variable number to assign a pattern at the vehicles. For example, I'll take a sample of vehicle liverys from GTA IV and GTA V. This will be useful for optimizing the game. Now for more details: In GTA V, we can find vehicles with a variation of numbers on the roofs of patrol cars / taxi / firetruck's. Is that how different textures are applied on one model. Long time ago I did the LCPD Cruisers for GTA IV and use diffirent livery to make use a one car for ownership to different regions of the city with different textures. Example: 1. Libery City Polcie Department livery Port Tudor Polcie Department livery Alderney City State Police livery In exactly the same way, we can use one model for different cities in Project Zomboid by setting the livery binding parameter to the spawn region. if Muldraugh = "1" then copcar1_livery = "1" - copcar1 at spawn position around Muldraugh spawned with livery 1 (Muldraugh Police Dept.) West Point = "2" then copcar1_livery = "2" - copcar1 at spawn position around West Point spawned with livery 2 (West Point Police Dept.) Valley Station = "3" then copcar1_livery = "3" - copcar1 at spawn position around Valley Station spawned with livery 3 (Valley Station Sheriff Dept.) Louisville = "4" then copcar1_livery = "4" - copcar1 at spawn position around Louisville spawned with livery 4 (Louisville Sheriff Dept.) Brandenburg = "5" then copcar1_livery = "5" - copcar1 at spawn position around Brandenburg spawned with livery 5 (Brandenburg Police Dept.) Fort Knox = "6" then copcar1_livery = "6" - copcar1 at spawn position around Fort Knox spawned with livery 6 (Fort Knox Sheriff Dept.) ... = "7" then copcar1_livery = "7" - copcar1 at spawn position around %new city% spawned with livery 7 (%new city%) ... = "8" then copcar1_livery = "8" - copcar1 at spawn position around %new city% spawned with livery 8 (%new city%) ... etc. I think this approach will help to bring variety and realism into the game. Thank you!
  5. So one thought I had, after checking the various suggestions and seeing that it was not present, is to incorporate an amped up police station into the map. There could be several unique and powerful items in this police station, thus making it a high-value looting location, but I think the devs could balance this out by making it extraordinarily difficult to loot. For example, it could be construed as a failed "safe point" for evacuation. This would make it heavily fortified and difficult to get in and out of, but absolutely infested with large numbers of zeds. Some of these zeds could potentially be armed (ex-police) or a few could be armored (i.e. wearing body armor). This would obviously include one new item, body armor - it could give the player the equivalent of a "tough skin" perk even if they hadn't selected it in character creation. It should, of course, have durability, and probably be irreparable (I don't think it's plausible that you could find new kevlar to patch the vest in the zombie apocalypse). This could also be a (the only? IDK, it is Kentucky) location to find assault rifles, and perhaps something like tear gas. Tear gas could be done in a bunch of different ways; it could completely knock zeds out for a certain time period, it could knock them out for 30 minutes then they could become crawlers for another 30 (stuff messes you up) then could become walkers after that, or any other possible combination. This item could be valuable for incapacitating groups without drawing large-scale attention. As for the station itself, with so many goodies and being an ex-safezone, it should be difficult as crap to get in to. There could be the aforementioned armed zeds, multiple locked doors and everything hooked up to alarms, a high spawn rate around the station (everyone went there to be safe and is now a zed), numerous hidden "bathroom" zeds, a confusing layout, a solitary entrance so that when you set off alarms your retreat path is quickly cut off, and a linear path throughout the station leading through numerous zed-infested rooms in order to get to the armory at the end. Like, you could enter into the general grounds and a lobby full of survior zeds, then have to go through booking/cells full of prisoner zeds, then through offices of ex-police zeds, then a motor pool, locker room, and bunk room full of surprise zeds. At the end of it all, you'd finally get into the armory (the door to which and other various doors you'd have to bash with a heavy ass sledgehammer), but the moment you got into it you'd set off a LOUD-ass alarm that would pull zeds from everywhere. The only way out would be back down the path you came, now infested with zeds - you'd have to use pretty much everything you got in the armory to get out safely (unless you were super creative). I know this suggestion proposes items that have already been suggested (assault rifles, body armor, etc.) but I think that this would be a neat scenario in which to implement all of these items, would give them a legitimate context, and honestly add a bit of plot/imagined backstory to the game. As I also suggested, it would be quest-like; the player could find notes or graffiti that indicated there was some sort of safe house at the police station, only to find it overrun when they discover it. Also, given that it was a failed city-wide safehouse, there could be numerous medications and foodstuffs found on site in tents set up around the police station, as well as sandbag barricades and whatnot that could be deconstructed and then reconstructed at the player's safehouse (for those who want to play it safe and not risk the armory). EDIT - Just wanted to say thank you to the developers for making one of my most favorite games in history, and for being responsive to the community suggestion-wise. You dudes rock! And re-worded it so that it was "amped-up police station" and not just "police station" as I originally said, which was confusing.
  6. erase please
  7. I know that this isnt the first priority here and what not... but I think that special buildings should have special features. The bank and the police station should have better/bigger doors and bars in front of the windows. which woild make those two the imba-safehouse, if only everyone could enter these buildings... Maybe these buildings can either be forced to let you in (i.e. break stuff like windows or doors through high effort and wastage) or you could find the key to these buildings random in a house (where the police chief or the bank manager could have lived)... In the future, just like in the past, I guess that those buildings are great as a fortress and should be guarded by npc or crazypeople ATM most buildings are the same and it doesnt really matter which one you enter, of course some have things others dont (i.e. watercooler) but mostly the differences arent so big, despite the looks. just calling for some diversity and further specializations. In general i'm very happy with knox county and love roaming it, looting stuff and distributing splattered brain onto streets and walls. Really eager to see where PZ is going in the future! You guys are AWESOME!
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