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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, First time posting. I was wondering if there was a way to change zombie lore during a game? Is there a lua table for this? As an example lets say I wanted to change zombies from fast shamblers to shamblers depending on an event in game, is that possible or is it something that can only be set at the beginning of the game? If there's no global table that effects all zombies in real time then does each zombie have it's own settings table I can potentially loop through and change? Hope that made sense. Thanks for any responses.
  2. Hellow, thanks for read, thats the problem... i was trying to do something like that. any idea about how to do that? function Itemcool() local inv = getPlayer():getInventory(); it = inv:FindAndReturn("Base.Apple"); if it then inv:Remove("Apple"); A = random number between (0 to 100) -- Roll a number between 0 and 100 if A <= 30 then { Player Hunger-10} else {Player Hunger -20} -- 30% chance of lose 10 of hunger and 70% chance of lose 20 Hunger end end Events.OnPlayerUpdate.Add(Itemcool); Solution ---> function Itemcool() local inv = getPlayer():getInventory(); local player = getPlayer(); it = inv:FindAndReturn("Base.Apple"); if it then inv:Remove("Apple"); if ZombRand( 100 ) <= 30 then player:getStats():setThirst (player:getStats():getThirst() + 0.05); else player:getStats():setThirst (player:getStats():getThirst() + 0.15); end end end --// 30% chance of get 0.05 thirst and 70% of get 0.15% Events.OnPlayerUpdate.Add(Itemcool);
  3. Hello everyone. I have a problem with changing of character health I need to change character health to 50% or decrement it on 50% player:getBodyDamage():AddDamage(BodyDamage:ToIndex(BodyPartType.Hand_R), 0.5) This script dont work and print an error in console
  4. I would like to host a Pz server for myself and a group of friends. However, for some inane reason the phone company reserves all ports from 10'000 to 40'000, which includes the Pz port 16261. Is there any way to change the pz port? Either via a mod or in the files? Ive looked around, but not found anything. Thank you for your help. Im running Pz on windows 7
  5. I've been poking around in the code for awhile but I cannot seem to find it. Basically I want to change what the player says when I hit Q to make him say new and wacky things when I am playing the game. Seems fun right? Instead of "Hey" I could yell "SHRIMP PICKLES"
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