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About azxs0424

  • Birthday 04/24/1997

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  1. I know, Ive actually heard of putting cobwebs on open wounds to clot the blood. I just made it seem more interesting then say "cobwebs on open wounds"
  2. This can be a good Idea, because if you die and start new you lose all of your skills. If you captured someone with no skills, well thats your fault you'll get nothing from them but say someone is mastered at construction or farming and they are the only one in their group that can do that, well would you still rather have that person die or would you pay to get him back?
  3. Next thing your gonna do is tell me to put cobwebs on my open wounds. wait..... https://www.google.com/search?q=cobwebs+on+open+wounds&oq=cobwebs+on+open+wounds&aqs=chrome..69i57.7861j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 SERIOUSLY! Why did so many results come up?
  4. I think that if you can only master one skill, that skill should be picked in the character customization. And you start with a bit of that skill. It could represent what you did before the apoc.
  5. Quick question: Will the players be able to customize their characters like in single player, because (I don't know if it was changed in a more recent update since I haven't played in a bit) I know that on split screen the person joining the game was just given a random character and couldn't customize like the first player could. Also, will you be able to play Online with a split screen? I see that was answered on the other post.
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