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Everything posted by knightshousegames

  1. I was just using that as an example as a "cut" type knife like the game already currently has, where short blades are actually divided into 2 categories, cutting and thrusting, but it's not really represented directly in the game. Another inconsistency Honestly it would be nice if some knives cut or thrust depending on range or number of enemies in range, but thats might be a story for another time.
  2. Variety is just kinda nice too Like I hate Arsenal/Britas, at least in it's stock config, but the main reason we have it on the server I play on is to add variety to the spawns, so that not everyone in the world carries 1 or 2 models of pistol. We tweaked the settings so that you would find more pistols and revolvers, just to add style and variety to the early game loadouts, while greatly reducing rifle spawns so not every cop is just randomly strolling around with a military rifle for some reason. (back in 1993, the best you could expect in a police arsenal would be the occasional MP5 or bolt action marksman rifle, cops weren't just strolling around with M4s quite yet...) As for the original topic at hand, while I assume you want this as a stock feature, I'm pretty sure Shark's Law Enforcement Overhaul mod includes Sheriff Uniforms, among others
  3. It might be interesting to rework how weapons are classified. Currently the classifications feel a little inconsistent, and lead to some dominant strategies For example, Short Blunt and Long Blunt are different categories, but 1 handed and 2 handed axes both use the Axe stat, making axes, a category that is already strong, even stronger. And realistically, theres only so many ways you can swing an object, no matter what it is, so that experience should transfer between types of weapon in some way. So what I propose are the following categories: Short - Applies to all 1 handed weapons Long - Applies to all 2 handed weapons Cut - Applies to blades, like cleavers and swords Chop - Applies to axes Piercing - Applies to stabbing weapons, like knives and spears Blunt - Applies to all blunt objects In this paradigm, every weapon falls into 2 categories, one based on it's length and one based on it's method of dealing damage. The bonus currently applied to damage based on experience level could be halved, but applied twice, once for each category. This way, experience transfers between weapon types on some level, like if you are a crowbar main, but have to switch to a fireman's axe mid-mission, the experience accumulated in Long will give you at least some boost in damage with the axe and you aren't left basically starting from scratch. Same if you have to switch from a crowbar to a nightstick, as the experience in Blunt would carry over in that case. It would be a relatively small change, and wouldn't even increase the current number of categories in the game, but would increase depth and nuance in the current system dramatically, and would more accurately classify the weaponry in the game.
  4. Seems like a lot of these issues are non-issues. Even TV that isn't teaching skills is still useful for reducing stress and boredom, so just having it on in the background is like passive stress relief while you are home in the base. The lore is also valuable in it's own right, for understanding the game world, if it all goes together on the same channel, you don't have to choose lore or skills, you get it all, if you are home when it is on. It means theres no compromise between learning the story or learning skills. If you are changing day length, you probably don't care about TV. Also, it can be set so certain shows get priority if some don't get to air, though either way, it's an extremely fringe case.
  5. For metalworking, have the Propane use go down per level, to simulate more effective welding technique
  6. While strictly speaking having multiple TV stations to tune into is more realistic, given the amount of TV shows that currently exist, and given that literally only 1 network has shows that actually are worth watching (Life and Living), most players don't see most of the possible TV content, and across all the stations, the TVs spend most of the day producing static since none of the stations have enough content to fill an entire day, which just isn't the way TV works. I think from a design perspective, it might make sense to just abstract all of the current stations into 1, and just have all the shows play constantly as long as the TV is on. Basically just remove the channel changing option. Back then out in a rural area like that you might only have access to 3 channels max anyway, and none of them were nearly so niche as the ones that are currently in the game, dedicated news networks and niche stuff like PawsTV are the kind of thing you might find on cable TV now, not broadcast TV back then. With 1 station, you could have a more realistic TV viewing experience that way, with a full TV schedule for the entire day, so any hour you turn the TV on, something is on. You could have a schedule like: 5am - Magical Wonderland (back then they'd run kids programming early in the morning, when the kids were getting ready for school) 6am - News 7am - Cook Show (They always ran cooking shows after the news back then) 8am- One of the game shows or talk sows ... 12pm News (The news schedule basically goes untouched for the most part, because thats when they ran the news shows anyway, plus the lore for the story) 1pm Woodcraft 2pm Talk show 3pm Something from PawsTV (They used to also run the cartoons in the afternoon when the kids came home from school) ... 6pm News 7pm Exposure Survival 8pm Car Show (this really should be on TV, no idea why it isn't) And so on. Just have commercials fill the gap between shows on the bottom of the hour. Then late at night maybe you can run some of the movies that are on the VHS tapes along with weird commercials and maybe some re runs. Another thing they did back then was play the National Anthem before the network would go off the air late at night, so maybe from Midnight to 5am thats when the TV airs static like it currently does. This way, players will actually have a chance to see all of the different shows the TV has on it, might actually catch tidbits of the story, and the TV won't just do nothing for hours out of the day.
  7. Heres a slightly devious one: Smoke Detectors in buildings. If your base lights on fire for some reason, smoke detectors go off, and call all the zombies to you to make sure you remember next time not to let your base light on fire You could have a chance of setting them off if your character smokes indoors as well.
  8. So we all know Electronics is one of the skills in the game that is near useless. I have been thinking for a while about how one could make it more useful, when I was thinking about what uses you could put a computer to in 1993 One thought I had was being able to steal the CCTV equipment from stores and commercial locations like that, and have cameras on the walls you could take like the wall mounted lights. You could mount them onto your base, then have some means of linking them up to a Personal Computer or one of those big security terminals, and then browse different cameras connected to the terminal, which would just give you the iso view of that area from that camera's tile, allow you to check which door something is banging on before getting inside. Or if your electronics skill was high enough, perhaps you could have some way to hack into the CCTV in buildings and scout a raid location out like a police station, and see what is there ahead of time. Another idea I had was being able to steal the electronic locking systems from places like Knox Banks and so on so you could automate the doors in your base, locking, opening, etc from a computer in the base. Might be especially cool if in conjunction with your carpentry and metal work skills you could build super strong electric security doors that would need to be opened and closed electronically. Sadly computers were pretty limited beyond that back then. I guess you could have floppy disks with games on them to reduce boredom. Or be able to hook up a dial up connection and download some additional educational information and read it similar to some of the skillbooks, but it would take in game time for the page to load, so you'd have to set it to start downloading before you wanted to read it (if you remember the era of dial up and text based web pages loading one line at a time, you know what I'm talking about)
  9. I've always thought Ham radios with survivor chatter would be super cool Like you could have notes in survivor houses like "If you are reading this, there was an emergency and we had to leave unexpectedly, tune into [x frequency] on your radio to reach us" Or alternatively, just scanning around you could maybe hear chatter about the locations of special hidden caches in the world or just locations that have a lot of loot in general or working cars with keys or something.
  10. There should be an option to automatically dump all the contents of a container onto the floor rather than loot it, in situations where you want to quickly deconstruct containers, like in schools with lockers and desks
  11. I guess I could see this, but at the same time, you would be surprised what you might figure out how to do if your life is on the line You could put it in there with Agoraphobic/Claustrophobic, and have the character become anxious as they attempt to drive But my general belief is the driving skill should be influenced mostly by the player. Most people I see play this game are terrible drivers anyway, and will take Sunday Driver as a response to their own anxiety about driving in the game, so it already sort of exists as a dynamic, it doesn't really need to become a mechanic as well.
  12. A while back I saw some people made a video about the next map expansion, and it looks like an area that had been hit by a tornado, with roofs peeled up and barricaded up buildings, and a rec center with lots of cots in it like a tornado shelter, so it feels possible wind damage is at least somewhat being considered
  13. I really hope workstations won't be REQUIRED for crafting. I don't want this to become another boring tech tree game. I like the current paradigm where the tools you have matter more than whether you are standing near a table or not. It gives the game a feeling of non-linear progression, more in the spirit of true survival, making due with whatever you can find, rather than the minecraft approach of "you need this workbench for this and that workbench for that" If we have to have workbenches, make them improve quality, or reduce crafting time, don't gate anything behind having one.
  14. The ability to leap over counters in places like restaurants and banks similar to low fence jump
  15. I kinda like that second idea in general, because then you could have like, a whole group learn a skill instead of just one person Though, I'd have the read aloud option happen slower than reading to yourself, both for logical, and balance reasons, like it takes you twice as long to read a book aloud like that
  16. I don't want to be a bother, just want to give you a friendly reminder to make sure this also makes it to GoG Update received, looking good, thanks
  17. Is .14 going straight to stable on both? Should I just wait until tomorrow night to get .14? I wanna know what to tell my friends for this week, we're hoping to play Monday or Tuesday
  18. Ever played the game Kenshi? I feel like that might be the experience you are looking for.
  19. The newest beta version on GoG is 41.66, so clearly they don't edit the beta on GoG very often I'm on the Linux version by the way, so the choices are a little different, but even the Windows version on GoG says .12 is the latest, and theres no choice for .13 for Windows either. I asked my friend about it, they said they didn't update to beta, so it must be stable. According to Steam, it went to stable on Wednesday https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/108600/view/3494259338722703974
  20. Except 41.78.13 is already live for all my friends on Steam? We were gonna play last night, but I couldn't join the server, because my friend who hosts the server is on Steam and his version got updated to 41.78.13 They can't roll back to 41.78.12 either, so clearly it's live for Steam users at least.
  21. This means the texture image sizes need to be a Square Root of 2, as in 256x256 resolution, etc Textures that don't meet this criteria don't play nice with the graphics card.
  22. Having the same problem, when will 41.78.13 be available on GoG?
  23. Can't you already lock containers with padlocks? It would be cool if some annotated maps had the locations of locked caches with the combination for the lock written on them, so it would almost be like a treasure hunt Alternatively there could be locked caches in Survivor houses, and you'd need to find a key or a combination to get into them, like gun lockers and fire boxes and so on.
  24. Have an option in the Sandbox menu, which makes it so when an item is worn out, it is automatically dropped on the spot from the player's inventory. Most of the weapons make a falling on the ground sound when they break anyway, might as well give an option for that to actually be the case, especially since I've never done anything with the broken weapons or worn out clothes when they are destroyed and I just end up dropping them anyway
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