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  1. We released a mod which allows players to build explosives from obtainable materials. It also implements new explosion mechanic which looks much more realistic and do a real damage to the terrain. By the other hand, these explosives are much more safier to use rather than most of game build in ones because it doesn't produce fire and will not burn additional areas which players may not except to be damaged. The mod is released but we are stil in develpoment stage because the area of the develpment is huge and open testings are just started. We are always open to fresh ideas, bug reports, performance optimizations and everything which could make our mod better and as stable as its just possible. Lets bring the Hell to the Hell together
  2. Is it possible to remove data from square which holds an info that it is a building? I mean that building which are created initially and if we will remove it with sledgehammer - this zone will still remain as old building and counts as building. There is also lighting maps baked into this area and if we are trying to put our own lights there, it will be lightned same as it was before removing these old walls.
  3. TheZ

    Tiles Rendering Order

    Thank you stuck1a for your reply! Your rendering order explanation is very useful. The only part is unknown for me now is the implementation of pointer swaping and the force re-rendering just after on. I understand it like we shoud take our object initially assigned to variable "a" and assign it be variable "b", then assign something else to the variable "a" or just nulify it and then assign the object back from variable "b" to the variable "a" - but I really not sure that it is what you mean. It would be really cool if you could give a short example here. Anyway, thanks again for your effort.
  4. TheZ

    Tiles Rendering Order

    want to up my question cuz a really hot topic and still valid.
  5. Hey, need a help here with rendring order. How we can manage which object will be shown on top of another? Usually if we place/built something (a tile) it will be shown on a very top at this square and will be overlapped by next on the same square. But what is we want to change this rendering order later on - how to achieve that? I tried some functions of a IsoObject class like renderlast, or setRenderYOffset - but doesn't look to be used propely. Could anyone give any suggestions or options regarding that? thank you.
  6. Prefix should match like that: IGUI_EN = { IGUI_RicksMLC_EE_TraitName = "Excessive Exuberance", } getPlayer():SayDebug(getText("IGUI_RicksMLC_EE_TraitName"))
  7. Is there are any options to create a light emmiter in the middle of nowhere? Like a FireManager for example which could create a fire on any square? If there is nothing like that exist currently, maybe there are something else which could produce the similar effect? For example I was looking on items such as candles, fire arm (which got a flash light attached), was checking mods there someone is trhowing something with a light emmiter - but all of these options are required to have an item equiped in a primery hand and this is kinda doesn't suits my needs. Objects defined in .tile def has integrated properties regarding Light, but these applies only then the tile is placed/built and this is also kinda weird solution as I feel to follow this way if I just need to spawn a light emmiter for couple of seconds. Third thing which i know, that we can startMuzzleFlash, but this requires a IsoGameCharacter to be spawned on, also feels uncertain - why we need someone to spawn a bunch of light, and looks like this flash has a hardcoded properties for its size and intensity.. Thats all i know currently and thats not enough to feel comfortable. Maybe someone knows a more straightforward way of achieving it? Or just other ways of creating light sources. Please, any ideas and suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.
  8. Okay, to anyone who is interested, my problem was caused by creating texture packs in TileZed from a separated pngs. After i switched to spritesheets instead and recreated my texture pack out of this - problem has been resolved.
  9. Hey, the topic is here since 2015... but I'm actually facing the same issue you described here. Did you manage to find which was causing this behavior and how to solve it actually? Thank you.
  10. Thank you for your self-sufficient answer. I had feeling that this is somehow like that, but didn't find any evidence that is so before asking. Now its clear. Okay, the only thing that we got is this "OnContainerUpdate" event triggered during ToggleDoorActual call which is no how connected to the door itself which makes it a tricky thing to maintain this somehow.. Okay.. I see. Thanks again for clearing things here.
  11. Hey folks, I would like to ask is there are a way to override vanilla functions of IsoDoor and IsoThumpables? What I'm trying to achive is just to a piece of my funcionality on every ToggleDoor function call for every signle door. Its says that both functions are public and I can't feel any preventing clues of doing me so, but none of my infinite attempts were even close to success. i tried to inject my stuff iside the function by doing so: local originalToggleDoor = IsoDoor.ToggleDoor; local originalToggleDoorThump = IsoThumpable.ToggleDoor; ---@param chr IsoGameCharacter function IsoDoor:ToggleDoor(chr) print("My toxical injection comes here"); originalToggleDoor(self, chr); end ---@param chr IsoGameCharacter function IsoThumpable:ToggleDoor(chr) print("My toxical thump injection comes here"); originalToggleDoorThump(self, chr); end then I tried something that: local originalToggleDoor; ---@param chr IsoGameCharacter local function toxicToggleDoor(self, chr) print("My toxic stuff comes here"); originalToggleDoor(self, chr); end Events.OnGameBoot.Add(function() originalToggleDoor = IsoDoor.ToggleDoor; IsoDoor.ToggleDoor = toxicToggleDoor; end); and there were a lot more of some odd attempted to at least break somehow this ToggleDoor but all were just ignored like I'm totally tryng to access something else. no erros in logs, no any clue of the attempt just initial message which confirms that the script is loaded. I want to find out where am I mistaken and is it doable at all. Please, save my zombified soul thank you. The answer for now is: You can override lua functions. You cannot override java methods (this way). IsoDoor & IsoThumpable are Java classes. We can subscribe for an event triggered during ToggleDoorActual and named "OnContainerUpdate". But the event doesn't pass any parameter related to the Door itsef or another place from which this event could be triggered.
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