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  1. Running v 20 and have accepted the consequences. Just updated steam to beta. Still getting black screen in non compatibility. Going to try disabling overlay. I hate running in compatibility mode. It's just so choppy.
  2. i have no probs with it... When there's a crawler coming at you from the top, and there's nothing in the way for you to interfere with, but you can't quite click on them? It happens often when opening things and targeting with the mouse in game. The mouse input seems to lock up a bit and you can't interact with something until you click somewhere else on the screen. It's odd, and when it happens in a fight where one scratch means new character, gg. :\ Sorry, lem. Not trying to hijack. Back into the pit with me and the other bloodthirsty sons a' ores.
  3. Thank you very much, Dred.
  4. FOH GIVENESS PLZ if this is the wrong place to post this, but if you could please work on hit detection when swinging I would be grateful. I always die cause I get sick when I miss a crawler or a walker at a bad angle that should have hit. I thank you again for your grate gaem.
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