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Everything posted by Garbonzo

  1. Type correctly not like this "hai wuz up! u guise gawt ne foodz?" Use radio *R* when talking over the main chat when in character. When out of character such as asking a question to an admin use brackets [ ] Be friendly and read the first post over and over until you understand what this server is about.
  2. It is only an English speaking server. Due to role playing reasons and moderation over others. (kind of hard to moderate when one is speaking other than English) I have a few dutch players who enjoy role playing on this server but they do not speak Dutch. They have a Dutch name because well. That is the name they were given but they still speak English only. So as you can see this is not an "american only server" It is an English speaking server. Fact of the matter is you were getting smart with someone who asked you nicely to speak English. As the Original Post says, Admins are the law as Judge Dredd was the law. So if you are unable to speak English correctly in a Role Playing manner than this is not the server for you. I believe there are a few South American Spanish/Portuguese servers popping up now days.
  3. Should be up atm there seems to be a few bugs with soft resets and white listing so postponed for a slightly longer than expected time. in the mean time one of the admins shall keep the peace as normal. Still sign up on the forum so you can start playing that Character's name now and leveling up his/her skills and storing items in his/her backpacks
  4. Thats the new fad from last weeks episode of the walking dead Server is up now http://www.rdpz.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=497643&TabID=4282967 Remember to go here and apply for the up and coming white list!
  5. I would think Rosetta should be home soon and turn it back on. But we can only hope
  6. I feel your pain guys. Once I am able to have some control over such things, we wont need to rely so heavily on Rosetta or Red Dawn being online due to open beta pains. Both are very busy people.
  7. Yes java seems to have crashed yet again. (tis the life of an open beta test) Seems there is an on going bug the devs are well aware of that causes it to crash like this. Unfortunately I do not have access yet to do a reboot of the server and allow java to correctly load. At the moment only Red Dawn or Rosetta are able to do that. And welcome Ashley Haight, sadly creating a user name does in fact create a new character. The server should be white listed soon so it would be best to have your RP username created sooner than later as to save all progress with their skills and inside their backpack.
  8. V 4 thread anywhere? (getting another update atm)
  9. Server is down, updating for hotfix. Shouldn't take to long I would think
  10. Garbonzo


    No, sadly no one RPs on the server anymore. Once it became public it just became a kiddy fest :/
  11. yea think something in my java must have crashed, had to restart server, not reset just restart so should be the same world tis a shame, think java crashed again for you. You said to contact you in the forums. I guess like this? absolutely, this way I know there's an issue and so do others who check, should be fixed Wellp a guy joined and cheated then crashed the server. gotta love public servers in beta testing hehehehe
  12. yea think something in my java must have crashed, had to restart server, not reset just restart so should be the same world tis a shame, think java crashed again for you. You said to contact you in the forums. I guess like this?
  13. edit: works now ignore
  14. Just quit a server I was playing in because I think I got desynched. I went to rejoin moments later and that is the error message it gives me when I try to join. Any idea how to fix anyone? I have about 8 sorted backpacks full of EVERYTHING I was about to take to my home :C :C
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