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  1. @RobertJohnson, I love the new cooking & fishing, you guys have done a great job. I do have one question, something that has been bugging me for years now (since the demo days) is there any reason why base meat takes so long to cook? would it be possible to get an option to pan fry steak, chicken, salmon, pork chops and lamb chops? Normally pan frying would take about 10-20m tops. It just seems odd that a salmon steak would take 60m to cook.
  2. Coincidence that this occurs right before GTAV is released? I think not. Rockstar always seems to get themselves in the media before a big game release for something controversial, even the GTA spin-offs like Saints Row are following the same path. Bad publicity is still publicity and publicity is sales. I don't blame video games for violent crimes at all. I'm 34 years old, I was a teenager when the first GTA came out, I played Carmageddon before that, I've never run over anyone in my car or rammed another person off the road. If anything, violent games such as GTA are good because a kid sitting at home and doing drive-by shootings and ram raids on his console or PC is one less kid doing it for real. Regarding kids as young as 5 years old handling firearms or M15+ games, that's a parenting issue. Unfortunately we can't stop stupid people from breeding.
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