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Everything posted by Bprince2010UK

  1. 0/10 for mistaking a 1960 Police Public Call Box for a porta-potty
  2. I remember when my brothers and I played video games together. :'( Always a lot of fun, I hope you guys keep up the tradition! Me and my brothers are gamers, of course we'll keep the tradition up
  3. I don't know.... Why is does E=MC2 ... One of the many questions asked by man itself...Why is does? Why is does?
  4. If a Forrest falls in a tree, can you still feel it?
  5. I'll probably play with my two brothers on random servers as a small roaming party. We'd be nice but we would kill you if needed.
  6. I suppose (before the power would turn off) you could use it in Multiplayer. For example if your friend spawns on the other side of the map and it turns out you both have cellphones, you could communicate with each other! Or in Singleplayer, say if you had a NPC group and one of the NPCs goes missing and you both have cellphones you could talk to the NPC and find out its location.
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