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Everything posted by Aelipse

  1. Plain and simple: Let the player pinpoint the location of his base and have the game prevent zombie respawn within a 50 tile radius from that point. Reasoning: Have you ever built a fortified base, sealed it shut behind a watertight wall and left for a couple of days, only to return to it being overrun by zombies, who magically "teleported" through your defenses? This system should prevent that. Keep those zombies roaming outside of your walls. Mechanism: The game already prevents zombies from spawning within a certain distance from the player. I am no programmer, but I imagine the player should be able to create "an invisible clone" at a spot of his choosing, and the game would do the rest. Balance: Every player can only have one spot pinpointed as his base at a time. When you choose a different spot, the previous one is deleted. The area where the spawn is prevented could be adjustable in sandbox mode, default being somewhere between 20 and 50 tiles radius.
  2. Not a bad idea to spice things up, however keep in mind that full solar eclipses last only a couple of minutes, and with the game time (24x faster than real time by default), it would be nothing but a blink of an eye.
  3. Thank you all for sharing your views. Having the character commit a suicide is harsh, I admit, and by no means do I insist on it. All I wanted was a mechanism that would motivate players to watch their depression levels and perform activities that keep the character happy or at least motivate them to keep going. This could by the way open a door for a whole plethora of ideas regarding mental health and its maintenance. Food recipes could vary more in the department of unhappiness loss, there could be character traits like sweets-lover or vegetarian, which could increase the happiness benefits from certain foods. There could be a character trait gym enthusiast, which would make working out also beneficial to the mental health; or a bookworm which would do the same for reading any book the character could find - even the educational ones. There could be other activities like playing darts or playing a musical instrument (plenty guitars in the game already!). The character could get hapiness benefits from going hiking or writing a diary or shooting at things, given they have the right traits. Sky's the limit. Currently, there is no incentive for the developers to introduce such activities or traits as there is no incentive for the players to actually take them. However, the main reason I'm writing this post is to point out that other systems in the game do bring about death and nobody has a problem with it. If the character starves or goes without water or is too cold for too long, she dies and nobody has a problem with it because it is in line with realism. I would imagine that surviving on your own for weeks, knowing that you are probably the last person alive (which is true in the singleplayer), that all your relatives and loved ones are dead and you are destined to eat worms and drink puddle water for the rest of your short lonely miserable life, that you have nothing substantial to look forward to and are merely waiting to be torn apart by a horde of zombies; I would imagine that such situation might actually invoke some serious thoughts about death. It's nothing short of realism, and it's also nothing that couldn't be prevented by a mindful player - the same way starvation or freezing can be and is prevented. It's what makes this game a challenge and fun after all.
  4. Um... I sort of like it the way it is. Sure, it is clunky and somewhat unrealistic, but hoarding items required for survival is what makes the game fun for me, and also the reason why it is worth it carrying bags and working on your strength. Diablo-styled inventory, where you grab three spears and you're full, might be closer to realism, but I regard it as a chore. Personally, I'd prefer an improved system of favouriting items, so that the items you use a lot are not only undroppable, but you can also find them more quickly - a filter that only shows you your favourited stuff, or a way to assign your handful of most used things to hot keys. My personal opinions and standpoints.
  5. I am not sure what plans the devs have for the electrical skill other than making walkie-talkies for the multiplayer and constructing some contraptions like timers or remote controls for explosive devices (I haven't really seen anyone use those, since the materials required are either rare or have other, more practical uses), but the electrical skill as of now seems a bit useless to me in the singleplayer. Here are some ideas that could, in my opinion, make the higher tiers of the skill more attractive: 1) Charging up car batteries with generators. The generator produces AC, the car battery uses and produces DC, but a skilled electrician should be able to craft (or find) and use a rectifier. 2) Car batteries can be used to power some devices. A light bulb doesn't really care if it's fed AC or DC, and at the right voltage a car battery should be able to power those beautiful pink light bulbs we all love. This should require a low tier electrical skill since it only involves basic knowledge of electricity. 3) Electric fence. Nothing too powerful. A simple fence made of wire on two poles powered either by a car battery or a generator could harm anyone trying to climb over it. While it could potentially be used for cheesing (making hordes of zombies climb over it back and forth until they're dead), I don't think it's any worse than setting a fireplace next to a car with a siren on. 4) Electric devices triggered by motion, timer or remotely. Again, a rather high tier ability. The game already has got timers, motion sensors and remote controllers, but only for bombs. Why not have your lamps triggered by motion as a form of warning? Or turning on that radio at your neighbour's house remotely as a distraction? A savvy electrician should be able to make that happen.
  6. Thanks for the input! I'll edit your suggestions into the original post for easy orientation.
  7. I was thinking about this very suggestion when driving around in PZ. I think it was handled pretty well in the first and second GTA game, where the camera would just zoom out as the car accelerated, revealing more surroundings, but in lower detail. What do you think about it, devs? Would you make driving easier for us?
  8. I really love the basis of this idea (poisonous fumes and gasses, breathing masks), however making the dead zombies themselves give off the deadly fumes would, in my opinion, lead to a chore for the player to dispose of the corpses. A reasonable limits would have to be put in place, like how many dead zombies there have to be at one place to cause ill effects severe enough for the player to have to wear a mask. This is just my personal preference, but I would much more like to see houses / buildings that have poisoned air in them for other reasons (leaking gas for example), where the player would have to use a gas mask in order not to pass out and die - the player obviously getting a fair warning through moodles well before these deadly effects would take place. I also don't feel there is a need for a whole system of types of masks, oxygen tanks etc. The game is already fairly complicated as it is. Just my humble opinion. Otherwise, I dig the idea.
  9. 1) Depressed: The character not only takes longer to finish actions, but she also lags one or two seconds in commencing those actions. 2) Severely Depressed: The character suffers from suicidal tendencies. If she has a knife within her reach, she will try to cut her wrists. If there is a gun in her inventory or close to her, she will try to shoot herself. The idea came to me when I saw people survive all winter on worms, and the only ill effect they got from the depression moodle was taking a bit longer in transferring items and building stuff. I think mental health problems should have much graver effect on the character and there should be some more incentive for players to avoid eating rotten food / raw worms for days. The lagging action idea (1) has to do with the person's lack of motivation to do anything (even surviving). She reacts to the player's input with a few seconds of delay, which can be deadly in presence of zombies or hostile players. The more severe depression (2) should make the character actively seek death where it is quick enough. I think it goes quite well with the overall dark theme of this amazing game. EDIT: If the suicidal behaviour is too severe of a change, a heightened risk of injury and unwillingness to run could supplement the low mental state just fine.
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