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Posts posted by Rathlord

  1. Please post here for map specific bugs like invisible walls, glitches, pathing problems, etc. Thanks everyone! Try to post screenshots in spoilers or videos whenever possible.




    Map-specific issues:

    Hello there,


    this thread is the place to post all your map-related problems (missing walls, wrong window placement, kitchens without sinks, etc...).

    Please follow these guidelines when reporting a problem:

    • Download the Coordinate-Viewer and place the .lua file in your /media/lua folder. (The viewer can be de-/activated ingame by pressing P)
    • When you find a problem in the game, take a screenshot that includes the coordinates of the map object.
    • Please wrap any screenshots you post in "thumbnail" tags.
    • Make sure to describe the problem as closely as possible.
    • Add the version of Project Zomboid in which you encountered the problem. (Important!)







    Description: Shack is missing floor tiles.


  2. Generally speaking (operating systems are different) it should be stored under username/ProjectZomboid and then either the survival or sandbox folder depending on game type.

  3. I give it a week before we're inundated again. Hey, at least it gives the mods something to do  B)


    >.> We can always find things to do, we don't need that. Hell, with no spammers to ban we're just going to have to play "ban a random forum member-roulette."

  4. Heya guys,
    Rathlord here. I'm going to give a few quick tips on how to write a good suggestion for Project Zomboid- some of the pitfalls and traps you can fall into, some of the resources to check before writing, and what makes a good suggestion.
    Before You Post!
    You know that moment when you're sitting on the can and all of a sudden, the most brilliant idea in the world comes to you? Something that would change PZ forever, bring it skyrocketing to fame and stardom? Good~ now hold that thought.
    There's a few things you should do before you post. First and foremost (especially if you don't frequent the Project Zomboid forums) you should read through the other sticky in the suggestions forum, which has a list of commonly suggested and confirmed/denied suggestions:
    Here's the archived old 3 part version written by several community members as well (unfortunately these links no longer work- I'll update if I can ever get them functioning again):
    If you've read over these threads and your idea hasn't been suggested before, been said "No" to, or been listed as planned there's one other thing to do; search! We don't ask that you spend hours paging through search results. Just put your main topic (say, "Cars") into the search pane. If you don't see anything, feel free to move on.
    Now it's time to take a critical look at your idea!
    The last thing you should do before you post is take a good, objective look at what you're proposing. The basic questions you should answer before posting:


    • Is it somewhat realistic?
    • Does it fit with the spirit of PZ?
    • Would it make the game too easy?
    • Would it require rewriting the entire game (like changing the camera view, for instance)
    • Would it add enough to the gameplay that it would be worth taking the time to add?
    • Would it be found in Muldraugh, Kentucky common enough to be added?
    • For zombies: Does it fit at least somewhat into Romero/Brooks zombie lore (the basis for 'proper' zombies)?
    Posting your idea!
    Time to post your idea, finally! (Finally? Oh come on it didn't take that long.) First, your title.
    Titles should be short and they should give the basic idea of your suggestion. Three examples to show the extremes people go through with titles:
    1: idea
    2: Automobiles
    3: Devs, add in cars now please and also buses and trains and tanks and bicycles and blimps and zeppelins and submarines and autogyros.
    Please don't ever make your title just your name followed by the word suggestions (Rathlord's Suggestions!).
    Now on to writing the body of your post. Please follow the same basic principles of posting constructively in every forum. Use complete sentences, grammar, and punctuation. You may think it's a waste of time; it's not. It helps people understand you and makes people more liable to agree with you.
    Responding to Criticism!
    After posting an idea your job is only half done. It's now your job to listen to what the community and/or devs have to say about your idea. It's hard for anyone to listen to their idea being critiqued, but you should do your best to remain calm and positive.
    If someone says your idea has been posted before: If they haven't linked a thread, ask them where. If they link you a thread and it's similar enough to your idea, you should consider deleting your thread and posting in the other one instead (even if it's old).
    If people add things you enjoy to your thread: It's common courtesy to add things that other people suggest to your original post (for example, when discussing cars if someone mentions trains, and you like that idea, add it to your post using the "Edit" feature and mention that it was suggested by them, not you). This is a good way to make other people feel involved in your idea and help it be shaped by the community.
    If people criticize your idea: Please listen to constructive criticism. I know it can be very hard sometimes, but many times people are just doing and saying what they think is right for the game. They may even be right sometimes. It's perfectly fine to have a back and forth banter discussing the idea, but if it becomes heated or you're both posting the same thing back and forth in circles it's a good idea to either stop responding to them or just leaving the thread all together. Sometimes that great idea just turns out to be a rotten egg- it's happened to the best of us.
    If people start flaming you or your idea: Please do not respond in kind. It doesn't help anyone to flame back. If you feel they've stepped over a line or are bringing down an otherwise good idea, then report them to a moderator and move on (don't post "Reported" or anything like that- that's just another way of flaming). We all run into these people and the best thing you can do is remain calm and courteous. Most of the time, if you're friendly and firm, they'll get bored and leave.
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