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  1. Cars already have radios inside. On top of taxis and trucks, cop cars are the next obvious suggestion.
  2. Has anybody mentioned the fact that tree saplings can stop entire cars flat. I can be going 60 - 80 mph and hit the smallest tree sapling - no taller than the character's knees - and the car will completely stop and that hood and windshield is all the way down to 0%. Really frustrating!
  3. I can't reload any saved games after I quit them. Anybody else having this problem?
  4. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/827945263937469306/0CEE52A54197D046E0F6BE3157DCDC24F0B14354/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/827945263937471890/AB226E8BB092945B73DF802977E0526E5DC2C703/
  5. No human alive can see that. I've noticed this a couple times; https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/827945263937264541/69A3C863108A6DE74CA72146CD66EEF852031D8E/ Cars stacking on top of one another.
  6. Tested taking gasoline from cars and works perfectly.
  7. Great job on the build. PC: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz 16gb ram Windows 10 Usually run at full 60fps. Driving at a top speed on the highway on "First Week" level of Z's, I average about 45 FPS. As soon as I approach a town where there are lots of Z's being attracted by the noise the FPS dips down to the 30's - I have seen it dip down to around 17 at the lowest. I'll try and be concise about some of the issues I've found, some of which have already been pointed out by others. I realise that this is running on a different branch of your engine or w/e so some of the bugs below are not necessarily car related but I thought I should still point them out. 1. I can't use light switches in houses anymore. 2. Running zombies over doesn't count as a kill in your "Zombies Killed" counter. 3. Have to drag the car information window slightly before I can close it by pressing the X. 4. Being able to sleep in the car at any time, including whilst driving. 5. Gas tank is labeled as "Battery" in the information panel. 6. The world load table or whatever you want to call it is off. Barg-n-Clothes sells a lot of nails, tissues and flashlights for example. 7. You can speed up time whilst driving, which causes all the Z's around you to move as if you're in a benny hill chase scene. 8. If you allow the car to essentially go onto cruise control by not pressing any buttons then after a while the engine will stop. Not sure if bug or feature. EDIT: 9. Not sure if a bug or not but many exterior and interior doors are locked. More so than usual. Still, bugs aside, the vehicles hand extremely well. Almost unbelievably so. They definitely exceed my expectations. My only niggle is how wide the turning circle is even at super slow speeds. Trying to follow a road at a 90ยบ angle is near impossible. Otherwise 10/10. EDIT: I've been playing with the turning circle a little and I've come to the conclusion I was just driving a little too quickly around the corners. I'll update this post with any more issues I come across. Hope this helps!
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