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Everything posted by MrTrololo

  1. bloated/fat zombie-because he's heavier than rest of zombies he would be slower,but harder to push back and harder to knock down
  2. 1.Machete 2.Katana that weapons weapons are not made to smash zombies skulls,so new way to kill them would be needed-decapitation
  3. painting on ground also would be useful to help in navigation and painting shapes to sign containers
  4. Bangers-works like molotov or smoke bomb-lighter is needed to ignite,we can throw them further from us to make noise and distract zombies,i know we can do that by shooting,but its safer when noise become further from us,we have higher chance to hide unnoticed Fireworks rockets-we cat put them into ground and ignite,we would have few seconds to get away before zeds income,besides you know how that would work Slingshot-item essential to distract single zeds,can hit zombie and attract him to shooter,small object can be used as ammo,for example gravel stones ,slingshot would not deal any damage to zombies
  5. Here's idea for new handgun to add to game: Revolver-higher damage than pistol,but lower rate of fire and capacity-6 rounds in drum of course,would require cal .44 bullets to use
  6. MrTrololo


    i want suggest to add fog as part of weather in game-would decrease visiblity both for players and zombies
  7. i written already post about shields,but somebody made this before me,of course they would be also very useful to block zombies attacks and pushing them back
  8. my idea for first,simple and maybe even effective armor-one made with silver duct tape ,might provide protection from biting,scratching and infection,we would also overheat during warmer days.I know that's weird idea,but weird is not equals stupid
  9. Weapons (especially guns) contains certain amount of parts,so we might to find them in various places and assemble weapons with them (for example:firing pins,springs,stocks,receivers,magazines,barrels,bolts,etc.for guns)(handles,axe blades,hammerheads,etc for melee weapons) we would also repair at least guns with replacing degraded parts with new ones,knowledge to assemble guns might be also required(police officers,veterans and hunters would start with that knowledge)
  10. now something what can be really useful,especially in escaping from zombies-line tied to triple or quad hook-can be thrown for example on roof edges and on high fences what cannot be jumped over,and we would climb on it and pick when we climb on top of object
  11. what d'you say guys for silent opening locks by lockpicks for example,in my opinion that might be very useful if you want to enter trough doors being not detected by zombies
  12. and maybe option to throw chairs into zombies ,that would be funny
  13. -tonfa(police baton with side grip,very durable) -katana -machete -knuckles -pipe wrench chance for blade weapons to cut off zombie limb or head
  14. moon and sun position and moon phases visible in interface might be nice in game,full moon for example might equals some brigtness and better visiblity during night
  15. here,s idea to produce our own fertilizer,for example we could build compost container and put spoiled and rotten food and organic wastes after consumption for example gnawed apple,and at finish we have to wait to turn everything in fertilizer
  16. nice idea but i want something what totally incapacitate them
  17. here's my idea for first anti-zombie trap-hole with wood spikes and all covered with branches,(digging option is needed in game)and shovel of course,maybe that will not kill them,but make them practically harmless,because impaled zombies in hole can't do anything,they can only wait to decomposition or to finish them from us. anti-zombie traps is one of things what might help us in keeping zombies away from our base
  18. what about flamethrower guys?that one might be accepted by indiestone,or maybe rejected because(i quote somebody):"we won't see overpowered weapons such you suggest" OK i can understand it but i mostly expect some powerful weapons
  19. i even had idea for various type of ammunition here: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/16503-weapons-and-some-military-things/ but i don't know why i didn't think earlier about subsonic ammo
  20. now something what might be OP,but is realistic,obtaining seeds from vegetables and planters what can allow grow plant in atypical places for example on balcony,and option to collect soil into sacks with trovel and shovel,or lootintg from for example garages
  21. One of things what definitely might make guns more useful;,because that noise attracting uncountable amount of zeds approaching to me and lots of efforts is needed do evade,guns actually brings me more big troubles than profits and that's why i almost never use them despite i founding lots of them and ammo,so i have hope to something what help us with this
  22. new and weird idea now for alcohol production,we might need big bootle,cap and one glass pipe,and ingriedients like potatoes,corn,water and other,of course that might take so much time to until alcohol will be ready,this might be useful in molotov coctail crafting and maybe to make our character drunk inspired by game "7 days to die" (again )
  23. sewerage system passing might allow past safe underground to places where zeds not allow to pass and we can't do it safely when we are on surface and can be used to escape and hide when zombies chasing us,might be under some streets and in this severage system might appear zombies too and maybe rodents,sewers have hatches what might be opened with crowbar and other tools,items like flashlight and other things with source of light might be reccomended inspired by "the walking dead" game and WWII in poland in warsaw
  24. we might find in that place weapons,ammo,food,other things and prisoners and prison guards turned into zombies of course,prison buildings is always surrounded with high wall,watchtowers and everywhere in windows are ironbars,gates(if will be added)and other types of entrances to prison is usuallly durable,what might make that place very good as our safehouse
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