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Everything posted by nolanri

  1. Hydrocraft.zip With armor fixes and added improvements. Equip recipes removed from scripts/txt files now in lua UI.
  2. A Suggestion to reduce the registration of spammers: After registering on pzwiki.net, and verifying email. Retract and Do not yet give any edit or post privileges. As a final step in confirming the mediawiki account. They must come to the indiestone.com forum login (or register) then go to a page on TIS forum that only logged in users can access and confirm their wiki account by entering their username in a form which activates their wiki account. A custom extra activation step like this will mind boggle any mainstream mediawiki spam bots. And should not inconvenience normal users as most would have TIS accounts anyway. It also has the added bonus of you knowing what forum user has what wiki account. So if need be, you could also restrict activation of wiki accounts to only allow activation if the forum account has x number of posts, to make it even harder for spamming. And assuming both sites (TIS and pzwiki) are both on the same web server it would be fairly simple to implement.
  3. here is same working version but with Hydrocraft armor_definitions.lua Armor.zip unzip and paste into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\498441420\mods\Hydrocraft\media\lua\client\
  4. or download from here: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=709198610 the code is up to date but there are no armor definitions for the armor in this mod now so cant be used as is.
  5. I dont understand what the problem with weight is you are trying to fix. I got impatient and tried merging your timed action stuff with my stuff and changed to the new definition format. it all seems to work great for me. take a look: Armor.rar
  6. local maxWeight = player:getInventory():getMaxWeight(); local currentWeight = player:getInventory():getCapacityWeight(); local itemWeight = itemObj:getWeight() ; if(itemWeight + currentWeight) > maxWeight then player:Say("I can\'t carry anymore"); return false; end new loadArmor function with table format:
  7. Is there a way you can give me power to upload changes?
  8. for example. New armor_definitions.lua format: This way, you wont need if statements for each type all over the place. And will be easy to add more armor.
  9. ah i see, those are some nice improvements. But if your going to do that, then it will be best to add the "Location" that the armor goes on (such as head, arms, legs hands etc.) into the armor definitions. Change the armor definitions to a global table rather than just a load function with if. Add me on discord "Nolan" or on steam "nolanritchie" or skype "nolanri" and lets collaborate on these improvements,
  10. extra param in healbodypart function. healbodypart function altered a fair bit aswell. i saw your vid in your " This is a victory!!! :))) " post. but i don't understand it, as it is all russian. Ya ne govoryu per russki
  11. I made some changes to armor, even found and fixed a problem that i made with the recent support for survivors mod. And I tested letting zombies eat away at me with 100% block for a good while. Then ran away and took sleeping pills and slept straight for 2 days. First i did this without Hypochondriac and then did the same with a character with Hypochondriac trait. Neither time did i get sick after the 2 days of sleeping. So here is this updated version of armor.lua
  12. nolanri

    In My Garage

    Well this problem already kind of exists. There are some fenced off areas you can climb into with stairs that zombies cannot destroy. It would likely be a lot harder to build a car wall around your base than going to one of these fenced off areas. Also it would be very hard for you to get in and out without messing up your car wall. way more troublesome than the simple sheet rope option you can do at these fenced off areas. But still for realism sake, blocking things with cars should be an option that has usefulness. But also need to balance realism with Gameplay as always. Perhaps when zombies bang on vehicles, the vehicles could move ever so slightly so that if they are banging on them for long enough they would eventually move enough to create space in-between.
  13. nolanri

    In My Garage

    it should be interesting using cars to block off zombies.
  14. try letting only 1 zombie attack you and see if it can happen. Maybe something to do with being hit twice at the same time.
  15. interesting. I have a hunch. try this code: armor.lua
  16. works for me man, i used this for test: leather gloves with 100% block everything on every body part. I let zombies attack me for 24 in game hours. did not get any scratch or bite. only PUNCHES. which lower hp but do not cause INJURY
  17. are you saying Injuries still happened? as in, you were bitten on a body part with 100% block bite? Note: Bandaged or bodyparts with injuries cannot be blocked. I had to remove that due to an exploitation.
  18. zombie "Punches" do not cause injury, only loss of hp and are therefore not blocked.
  19. try it with setInfectionLevel (0) that will work too. its the same thing. the problem we are trying to solve here has to do with the Hypochondriac trait. I just happened to RE-introduce an old problem WHILE TRYING to fix the Hypochondriac trait problem.
  20. I'm sure you don't have the full history of armor revisions and bug reports in mind so... This is what it Used to be for a long time until about 1 month ago: With the above there was definitely no problem of health loss after blocking. I let zombies attack me with 100% block for 24 in game hours, then waited 24 more hours to see if i got sick or lost hp and no. BUT people then complained that character with Hemphobiac trait, would start to "get sick" like zombification sick. not same hp loss with no symptoms like before. They would get sick and slowly die. As a response to this report I thought i'd try this: I'm not really sure what Hemphobiac trait even does but I figured since the getting sick problem only happens to those with it, But with the immediate above, the slow hp loss after blocking has returned. Since i'm quite sure the old slow hp loss thing is not hp loss from zombification, (because it would happen from any zombie injury block, and only 25% of zombie inflicted injuries should cause zombification.) so I figured that it must be the body part (infection) set to 0 (The line that you added) might be initiating the infection for people with hemphobiac trait. but I looked in the bodydamage.class and i dont think that is the problem. therefore if I had to guess, so maybe lets try this: Full Armor.lua file code: This is still just my best guess, as im too lazy to actually test it right now. So Di-Crash if you would like to try and fix it all yourself please do, just make sure you also try testing the condition 24 hours after blocking many zombie attacks WITH Hemphobiac trait aslo. because that was the bug report that made me have to bother opening this code back up for edits after a long time.
  21. @Hydromancerx armor code to i think re fix a problem that i re introduced trying to fix anther problem. (The dropping hp after blocks problem) And also, now it supports putting armor on survivors in survivors mod
  22. nolanri

    Here In My Car

    They do have separate containers for trunks, inside the cab and even small container for glove compartment. Also trunk is only accessible from outside. while cab and glove compartment are only accessible from inside the car.
  23. nolanri

    Driving Cars Mod

    uh there is no direct dl for that if i recall. because i sort of abandoned it for the time being because people don't like the fred flinstone effect, and there is nothing i can do about it. Also more than one persons reported it causing a lot of slowdown on MP servers
  24. @Hydromancerx Please update armor.lua file to fix bugs!
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