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The Googlator

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Everything posted by The Googlator

  1. I agree with this, more zombie loot, more zombie clothing variances. -TG
  2. Just as some confirmation, I did just test the overlaps in game. They work fine when exported correctly. The order you place them in is effectively bottom to top. The first building you place will have it's tiles overwritten by anything placed after and on top of that first building.. Where I had fixed the overlaps in TileZed (leaving some out for the testing purposes), and exported, in game the same was depicted as in TileZed. Where buildings that were correctly overlapped were fine, buildings which were incorrectly overlapped were not fine, and, as shown in TileZed, the blank, black tiles were there; at my surprise could be walked on... [See OP] I couldn't find a sledgehammer out of the 5 buildings I've actually furnished so I will test whether an overwritten tile actually exists underneath the higher building. -TG
  3. I love this thread now. Keep up the work Jim, any additional maps are great to see in Zomboid, Mine is coming along slowly! Haha -TG
  4. Try deleting the 'options.ini' file from Users/username/zomboid Delete that and relaunch the game. I also had issues because of the mods I had activated... There's a fix for that but can't remember it right now. May be the same as above. -TG
  5. Thanks for the reply Mash!! Thing is, the building files Can overlap... just very inconsistently... I have played and tested a map created with pretty much all buildings overlapped, and it worked perfectly... It was the loading the cell in TileZed that seems to forget the order the buildings are in (top to bottom as such)... I literally NEED to overlap the building tiles... in order to share the inside walls to join houses or buildings together, it's pretty much the key concept to the map.... I can avoid it generally when the actual walls of the building aren't shared, but in most cases here, there are shared walls. I think I have my answer - TileZed Does not remember the order buildings were placed. From the screenshots I have shown in the OP .... these kinds of buildings are ONLY possible by overlapping the building files. [EDIT] {Or by creating in 1 building file, but that leaves me with the 'keys' issue, which I was also trying to avoid } Generally speaking, the only tiles that need to be replaced are the bottom and right side tiles of any building file. I would love for whoever made the tool to create a quick fix for this, so when saved, a TMX file would remember the order buildings were actually put on the map. That would solve my issue 100%... But, that's asking a lot I guess.... So I'm prepared to create all the buildings, then delete them off the cell, then replace them all correctly before exporting the cell... I have tested this like previously stated, the overlapping buildings will render correctly, if exported correctly. I still need to test whether the tile that gets overwritten would still exist underneath the overlapping tile; but I presume not, given the blank tiles created when the overlap issue occurs. So, I guess I actually get to leave you with some info on that one Mash, you CAN overlap buildings files, but it is inconsistent. -TG
  6. Ok, so I'm testing this by opening and closing TileZed... I placed 2 of the buildings that keep overlapping on an empty street... Save. Close and reopen, buildings are overlapped incorrectly - make no changes, close and reopen, buildings are fine... rinse and repeat, no consistency . - I think TileZed is broken.... -TG
  7. And do not give me the obvious solution of 'do not close TileZed', 'ever!' xD -TG
  8. When you create your map, your final map files will be named as the cell they will be placed on. E.g 25_25.lotheader. So, given your worries about maps being overwritten and therefore invalid, you would be able to recompile your map using different cords, therefore moving your map entirely. So don't worry about the location of the map you want to make, it can be moved if necessary. Regarding compatibility, the map tools should be 100% compatible with creative mode, it would be very difficult for TIS to continue map work if all of Mash's previous work would go to waste. So don't worry about that either. However, The tools are relatively simple to use, although there are some rather annoying issues you may bump into. I'd advise at least give it a go with the map tools Nothing to lose. I'm currently building a map also, I will be creating a thread once the first cell is done. Happy Modding!! -TG
  9. Lmao, ^^ this response though... I'm caught up in building a map atm, so havn't actually played all that much. I'd be happy to add you up for when I start playing the game again. -TG
  10. Try these: https://theindiestone.com/forums/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=7054 https://theindiestone.com/forums/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=7055
  11. If you don't have these tilesets, your probably using the old tilesets... Lol... erm bare with -TG
  12. location_shop_mall_01 && Security_01
  13. Ok, so I've just added the tiles on the Doors tileset. Havn't tested in game yet but I will do soon. So you can place them using the doors tool -
  14. Ahhh, Okay, it's actually on the location_church tilesets... So they have to be placed on tilemode... Do doors work when placed in tile mode? I have only ever used the place doors tool in ISO ... ? I thought there would need to be some sort of code attached to the doors, so assumed you'd need the tool to place doors and windows... ? -TG
  15. What other door option ? Please share, I don't know how to do this either ^^ -TG
  16. Yes, I have tried this, but the problem actually lies in the TILES overwriting each other.... Even if they are blank in the Buildings file. When you create a building that is 20*20 lets say, you actually get an extra tile (in tile mode) on the bottom and right side. This is because walls sit on the top/left side of the tile.... so in order to have a building edged with a wall or fence, it requires that extra tile. This means that if 2 or more buildings want to share a wall, they MUST share the tile also. I need to test whether the objects actually exist on the overwritten tile. For example the tiles you are talking about, if I destroy a fence panel, will there be another one underneath? Good suggestion - But not a fix I'm afraid. There is a reason I decided to build the fences on both buildings, I'll be damned if I can remember why.... I think it was because I realised the overlap issue, made an assumption and have failed to test this as yet. And, on top of this, there are cases where the tiles will NEED to be a specific building... There may be a way I can actually develop the buildings with no overlap... but that could be incredibly difficult due to the shear size and amount I am planning on doing. Plus, the buildings wall tiles NEED to overlap if they are sharing an inside wall.... I have spent a few months so far using the tools, and this is the only issue I really don't want to deal with xD I just want to build my damn map!!!! xD -TG
  17. Haha, tell me about it... I just don't know how to control this... if I can... I was hoping placing the buildings in the correct order would solve this! But it doesn't! lol... I literally think I'm gunna have to complete the cell, then delete the buildings off the cell, and place them all in 1 session, exporting the final piece, but... given if I need to fix a bug... i'd then have to replace all of those buildings AGAIN... to export the bug fix... I'm crying... PLEASE be a solution to this! -TG
  18. I have also tried the priority thing, using walls2 over walls... but the WHOLE tile is replaced, due to the building which 'overlaps' the other. So... for example: Building A & Building B share a wall. Depending of the positions of the buildings this will change, but lets presume: A B ----- Where ---- is the road the houses are on. In order to get this to work correctly, I would first create building A, then when creating building B, i'd use both BuildingEd and TileZed to make sure the alignment is correct, build Building B and use the overlap on this building to overwrite the tiles on Building A. This works because Building B was placed over building A, and given the way isometric works, the overlap (from my experience) is always written > Left to Right : Top to Bottom. So generally, the Top Left building would be placed first, then then one to the right of that... Then below that place the next row or whatever.... in the screenshot depicted is this: _______ A B C | D | E | In this particular case, the buildings are placed in alphabetical order... Meaning, B overlaps A, C overlaps B, D overlaps A,B&C and E overlaps D. This way, the 5 buildings work perfectly, but when reloaded that ABCDE order isn't the same, and cases are popping up all over the place where the overlaps have appears .... I'm sure you see my frustration here... And I only have 20/30 buildings so far. -TG
  19. Well, let me know how you get on with that, there will be several buildings on my map that will bring me challenges too. Once my first cell is complete, I'll be starting a thread for it, I'll also start a thread on some useful hints and tips I've found while using the tools ... as to help anyone else encountering the same issue as me. -TG
  20. A hotel could be very tricky if you were hoping to unlock rooms with separate keys.... Thanks for replying Jim -TG
  21. So I've just loaded up again, out of the possible 17 overlap points so far, 5 of those points are now incorrectly overlapped. That doesn't mean I have to delete those 5 buildings and replace them, I need to replace all overlaps that connect to the building, effectively replacing all the buildings above or below that particular building... and this is just 1 small street.... if I have streets where buildings overlap for 20/30 in a row, I'd have to replace ALL of those buildings, given an overlap issue :'( -TG
  22. Yes, I have been asking questions about this, but turns out Keys unlock the building they spawn for, so if I have 2 or more houses in a row (built as the same building), any key for one of the houses, will also unlock the others... which ofc isn't a great feature, so I decided to build them individually. I do have some alleys here and there, but it's based on the true location, and I kinda need the style of the buildings to remain the same. I think I will have to complete the cells buildings, then delete them all off the cell, then place them again making sure the overlaps are correct, then export... but this is one HUGE ballache if I think about it... -TG
  23. Your kind of there Jim, I do make sure there is the extra tile at the edge of building ed (in tile mode) and I ensure I'm overwriting the correct tiles.. the issue is when loaded again in tilezed, the order the buildings were placed in is muddled up. In order for houses to share a wall, they have to be directed next to each other like in the screenshot... but again, when loaded, some of the buildings now sit 'on top' of others, causing this overlap issue... -TG
  24. And this is what it should [almost] look like : The two bottom buildings should actually be one tile forward, but the overlap is the problems, it's not because the building is in the wrong place. This leaves me thinking I will have to create all the buildings in the cell, then when completed, delete all the buildings, place them all (upto maybe 150) in the correct order the export.... I havn't tested how the map turns out in game, but from my experience so far, when I have tested my previous builds, I fixed several of these issues, and I remember them being fine in game. -Hoping there is a solution to this.... -TG
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