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Everything posted by Cdr.Keen

  1. yes, don't take it personally - it's just to heat up the discussion before the topic goes down. btt: ponomarjow is acting like a terrorist, no matter how you look at it. he is forcing ukraine to war and this is all what russia needs to declare the democratic vote as failure and keep ukraine in chaos. imagine some ukraine people will caputre a city inside / at the border of russia. i bet 100% for russia will start a war agains ukraine immediately. but when "someone" for russia captures a city in ukraine, it's ok for russia because ukraine is to small to strike back.
  2. so russia supports the terrorists in slawjansk. no matter if they are russian too - they are fighting agains the government and the osze. they act like terrorists in the name of russia and the citizens of russia. and instead of stopping it, russia criticises ukraine for trying to stop it.
  3. most times it stops itself, because they don't know how to use the arms. of course there are well educated people, but most of the "soldiers" are poor countrymen or unemployed people. they are able to use an ak and maybe got some skills in driving cars, but battle tanks or helicopters are way more complex to operate. they are very dangerous, but it takes time, money and much criminal engery to train forces for "advanced combat". it's easy to download a "how to build an a-bomb", but it takes years of manufactoring and sience to build one. maybe they are able to buy such people in other countries, but you can't buy a whole army without attracting some attention. in worst case, they got a cave with a clone army.
  4. for me it looks like one part of the ukraine likes to be in the EU, and another part wants to join russia. and each side don't like to give up the other side. it's like a dissolution, and EU and russia are the lawyers who take everything as possible to keep it in their household. and we all know one side will bleed badly, but the ones who really suffer are the children (ukraine citizens).
  5. What's your media reporting about Slowjansk and Ponomarjow? http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-osze-beobachter-slowjansk-warnungen-vor-ponomarjow-a-966455.html "Pro-russia rebels take OSZE observers as hostage - it's like terrorism"
  6. choclate is more naturally than candy. but not too much at once, less is more
  7. i did not set tags when i opend up the thread - some of the mods added them after.
  8. Unless you want to get uselessly philosophical about it, things happen at intervals and have velocities without humans being around. I would highly recommend not getting into cosmological speculations without knowledge of relevant physics. That's how a second is defined? In this case the cycles of an electron from one orbit (valence?) to another. yes, as i wrote. maybe my answer was quoted out of context because it was the answer to uberevan. the question we're hunting isn't how time works on this planet - we already know that. the question is more like - why there are elements? and then we go deeper - why there are electrons? why there are forces? it's mind-blowing how deep we can go - but all we know is based on our limited knowledge.
  9. Gisy sums it up very good - we're similar in many points. I like the part where he's talking about the lack of Knowledge of all. He blames all inclusive himself. Too bad, i'm sure the elections will also be faked in many ways - but let us see what will happen.
  10. German Media http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-tote-bei-kaempfen-in-slawjansk-bei-donezk-a-964157.html Awakov Facebook page https://m.facebook.com/arsen.avakov.1/posts/620052841418159?stream_ref=10 Today they say, east ukraine citizens fear a war. Next Weekend, there will be a civil election - now, 70% of the Ukraine ppl want to keep crimea. (Sorry for sloppy text, i'm on my mobile)
  11. (Sorry can't quote with my mobile) 1-1 When i gift you something, it's ok for you when i take it back because it looks like you don't need it. 2-1 As our media reports, they do. Many dead ppl last weekend. Ukraine army fights agains pro russian forces. 2-2 As our media reports, pro russian forces do not let them in. Also covered russian speaking ppl shooted at reporters. Also our media reports about fake observers from russia to control the elections. And yes, sarkozy is also a bad ass.
  12. I don't talk about opposites - all you wrote is right, you describe the Dimension between all we know, and all we don't know. It's not like a full and an empty glass of water. It's like a full glass, and no glass. There is even no space for an empty glass - absolute nothing. Time isn't a law, it's something created by humans (i call it the slave variable). We better describe time as movement of things, chemical reaction based on our environment. The other dimension of this is a state without such movement. There will be no time, because there is nothing to move, to react. The universe doesn't create another, they exist at the same time. They won't collaps each other, because they will never meet.
  13. as a member of humanity, i judge russia. i don't fear russia or it's citizens, but i judge them for their lack of interest on global peace and solidarity. it's not easy for me to explain my point of view - it's like what you all learned from your parents - don't take stuff you don't own, even not when it looks like nobody owns it. the fact, that you did not see you neighbour for a month, is no reason to step into his yard and take what you want.
  14. common mind don't have the knowledge to understand such things, but we're able to do the following to explain the universe: there are two ways for us - either we can describe something, or we can't describe something. and at the case we can't describe something, it looks like a false - but it isn't. because you're are able to say it's ineffable, and thats a description too. so we know two stages to exist - either it is there, or it isn't there. it's like an equation: warm = not warm light = no light on = off exists = not exists and as we know from equations, both sides must be available to complete the equation. so we all know, there is an universe. and because of that, there must be a dimension without an universe ( universe = no universe ). we know, it's an equation - so if there must be a dimension without an universe, there also must be one with an universe ( no universe = universe ). and thats the explantation for all. not very satisfying, but catchable
  15. was that sarcasm? There is more to the universe. Like the big bang, natural selection, survival of the fittest (basically natural selection). Atoms, and how they created this universe and world and could destroy the world (nuclear bombs- splitting of the atom) thats evolution
  16. it's all about evolution - life don't care about anything else. it's the answer of everything.
  17. you focus too much at one thing. there is some truth, of course - but you have to get a wider view of the situation. to focus only one fact always will end up with a biased opinion.
  18. one of my worst dreams is where i woke up, go to bath, eat, go to work, work, go home - wake up and realize that i have to do it again >.< one of the most memorable moments while dreaming was the situation where i sat with my "dream friends" together after a "best day ever" and talking to them. they talked about the good time we had, and i replied to them something like "too bad that you're not real - i'm only dreaming". after this night, dreaming became very cool
  19. He's just greeting - i also use this gesture if somebody is to far away to talk to and i don't want to wave like a child. you'll see this gesture also very often at soccer games (i'm free, pass me the ball *raise hand*). Example of "just waving" [...] if you turn this guy like the picture of the ukraine prime minister, they nealry look similar. another hind is the smile of the ukraine prime minister - i never saw any nazi leader smile like this while doing the sieg heil
  20. you're welcome our tv most show us two things - pro ukraine youth and soilders in kiev pro ukraine, protecting the country agains russia invaders. they say putin and yakunovich were best friends and they are in a network of business together. - ukraine soldiers fighting agains covered russian ppl in crimera which are trying to sabotage ukrain military barracks, russian tanks which are blockade ukraine military barracks. russian speaking ukraine ppl which are protest agains kiev in crimera. also they say and show reports from covered russian ppl which are attacking reporters and independend observers in crimera. if i compare and sum the information i got from "our media", it looks like putin and yakunovich have some dirty secrets. now the situation excalates and both want to hide their little secrets. they like to clean up the dirt before they will lost the overview of the situation when EU, NATO and other countrys get into the game. the situation in kiev and crimera is nearly perfect for them to wipe out some footssteps, they really don't care about the ppl. because after all as we know EU or NATO or silimar will take care and finaly drive the bus agains the wall as they're always do. at the end no one will remember the beginings, because they cast the blame on EU/NATO.
  21. it's not my personal opinion, it's just a provoking headline to start the discussion. i watched the whole video. at some point i try to belive what he's talking about but most time it is also such provoking and biased. for e.g. the part with the nato missles aiming at russia - they are also there to protect russia in any way they get attackt by someone who isn't nice with the nato. at least, i think we're all educated people wherever we are from. if russia will act like the "nato" and help the ukraine citizen to save their country they just have to talk about it with the EU. i don't know if its good for the ukraine to join the EU or not, but as part of the continent and middle west europe it's not just a situation between russia and ukraine - it regards all countries over there.
  22. thank you for this short story don't take it personally, i just write my thoughts very provocative because it isn't that easy as you say. sure, no missles are flying yet, but as i know russia sended their army to ukraine and thats a declariation of war. this is no "staff outing" for the army with a cook out and happy end - they invade an other country. don't think about any other european country would do so - e.g. france will invade russia like that. russia was always able to chose a friendly way and give the ppl the chance to decide - but instead of that they chose to send in armed troops and boycott the UN to take part as an independent advice.
  23. i don't know any of the background and the history of both, but for me as european the situation over there looks very bad. as germany in world war 2, russia used the olympic games to prepare their attack and now they are attacking the ukraine (like germany poland). and whole europe has to look at it because it dependents to russia (gas). i'm sure russia has weapons of mass destruction, but unlike they do, usa also keep doing nothing. i don't know - i thought russia was one of the big 8 - but now they're take the place of germany and try to create their own "europe".
  24. yes, i can underline this. hb store is responsible for this step - they chose to bring this "feature" in. maybe "the market/partners" forced them to do this, but in my opinion this wasn't a good choise. the fair pricing and also the charity option was a really good advantage for hb, and they decided to take it out. now they are "equal -10%" to steam, origin, uplay and so on. for me, hb losts its "spark", and this is what makes me upset. after all, i don't have to charge my international account with dollar anymore, because i'm able to pay with my local bank account at steam. anyway, we can't force it back - so thank you for your patience mates
  25. of course they have to pay stuff, but the pricing difference goes to the publishers. if they clearly say the 5€ addition for e.g. starbound is for charity - very nice! but it's for nothing - they say, just pay 5€ more than the rest of the world because we like you. it's like a joke: an asian, an american and an european are sitting in a plane and are buying games from humble bundle. asian and american are paying the same price - and the european asks them why he has to pay 1/3 more? the american and the asian shrug and lough. also gog will add regional prices too - http://www.gog.com/forum/general/announcement_big_preorders_launch_day_releases_coming from gog: "That brings with it more good news, though! As mentioned, we have three games we're launching soon with regional pricing" yeah, more good news!
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