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Everything posted by endoric

  1. oh... soo sad. my back up copy of my current game is very dated.... so nothing can be done, i love dying and all... but in a horde or a fire, or a cold... but a mouse mess up pisses me off.
  2. is there a way i can access my save game files and remove the zombie effect from my character. basically my mouse got stuck and i was bitten by a zombie because my character just stood there for a good 3 seconds. very annoying to be bitten by a zombie in a one on one.
  3. Thats technically 4 words....
  4. No this is basic zed survival! As a precaution my home in real life is nothing but rope ladders and fireman poles.
  5. How do u guys get shots so zoomed out?
  6. Yeah that neighborhood was experiencing a lot of pre zombie break ins. Sucks...
  7. So far whiskey. Yum makes all problems go awry... Er away?
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