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Everything posted by drNovikov

  1. Yes, it does, if you are interested in invreasing food value rather than in grinding XP.
  2. Great! But I mean not having it in my inventory, but rather upgrading a couch / bench / table. When I go to bed, I don't have a pillow in my pocket, it's a part of my bed =)
  3. I have a suggestion. Different sleeping devices in your mod have different level of comfort. Also, we have pillows and sheets in the game. What if survivors could use those pillows and sheets to ugrade their sleeping devices?
  4. Finally, one of my survivors made it to a hidden cabin in the woods. There is a well nearby and a stove inside, but... this stove does not work! It seems to be an electrical stove, and the electricity is already off (can't turn on any of town's cooking devices, although, lights are still on). Why can't we have wood stoves in such locations? Why can't we make stoves from empty barrels? Why can't we pick a BBQ device in the town and move it somewhere else? Having a wood stove in a house is a very good thing: 1. Cooking without showing the fire to zombies. 2. Heatin the house. 3. Being protected from the rain. I suggest: 1. Let us pick up and deploy BBQ devices and use wood to fuel them. 2. Place wood stoves in farms, cabins, etc and let them be fueled with wood. 3. Introduce brick and cement, masonry skill and let people make fireplaces from bricks. 4. Let people make makeshift fireplaces from barrels and pipes.
  5. I'd like to suggest some perks and traits (or, maybe, habits): 1. Non-smoker. Cost: 0 (it has both costs and benefits). Benefit: +30% more stamina and some bonus to healing rate (yes, smoking affects the whole body, damaging blood microcirculation and reducing body regenerative capacity). Cost: doesn't smoke, can't reduce stress with cigarettes. Trying to smoke increases stress. 2. Heavy smoker. Cost; 0. Benefit: cigarettes sometimes reduce pain, +100% positive effect of cigarettes. Cost: -30% stamina, some penalty to healing rate, need at least 1 cigarette a day (but eventually can become a "usual" character if doesn't smoke for a loooong time).
  6. Life outside of the town is a little boring. I'd like to suggest some locations that could make outer lands worth visiting. A little randomness could add some replayability and unpredictability, even some quests. 1. Random car crashes and abandoned cars (including trailer-houses, police cars and ambulances). Those could provide players with some food, water, ammo, batteries, fuel, meds. Empty roads are so unnatural. 2. Random springs in the forest. I beieve there should be more water sources than just 1 well in 1 farm. Those water sources could emit some flowing water sound (to make them findable) and could serve as attractive locations for a settler. 3. Random "survivalist" stashes. I am sure every town has at least a couple of survivalist geeks who stash MREs, ammo, meds, water, weapons, etc. Important: the game could havefer players some hints. For example, when looting a house, player could find a note, a piece of map. Using that information, a player could find some really good items and scarce resources.
  7. My suggestions on risks of a non-zombie infection: 1. Damage taken leads to a probable infection. The most dangerous should be bites (even 4% non-zombifying) and gunshot wounds. Risk should increase if wounds and scratches were not treated. The more time without bandage -- the bigger the risk. 2. Food. The biggest risk is rotten food, dead rats, etc. Raw eat and eggs could lead to a small risk of a mild to moderate infection (actually, they are not that dangerous in real life). 3. Non-boiled water from rivers, ponds, toilets. In addition, we need: 1. Antibiotics (and we need to take ab 3 times a day for, say, 4 days in case of a moderate infection and 2 pills 4 times a day for 7 days in case of a really bad infection). 2. Water boiling.
  8. Developers, please, make it work like in Fallout/Skyrim mods, so players could define the load order, so the later loaded values rewrite the earlier loaded ones.
  9. I agree on a non-craftable crossbow, but craftable arrows is a must have, in my opinion, because this is exactly what makes crossbow a "survivalist weapon". Other "survivalist" weapons could be sticks, clubs, makeshift spears, pitchforks.
  10. One of crossbow's good features is that at a pistol distance you need just your basic firearm skills. Wind does not affect it that much at 10-20 meters. Also, a bolt from a good crossbow is just as deadly, as a 9 mm bullet. In Middle Ages crossbow bolts even penetrated armor!
  11. Thanks, already downloading! If I create some item file in my mod's directory, will it override the vanilla file?
  12. In real life frying makes food tastier and easier for your body to absorb, because longer molecules are already partially splitted by temperature. My suggestion: 1. If you have only a steak -- fry. It is quick and basic, Also, it's tasty. 2. If you have a steak, some vegetables, etc -- cook. It takes longer, but the cooking process accepts more ingredients, allowing to add some value and pack their nutrients into a relatively less perishable dish with a smaller weight (say, unkooked ingredients weight 5kg, and a cooked meal -- 4 kg).
  13. Hello, guys. I tried searching for "crossbow" in suggestions forum, found no such suggesion. So I decided to suggest a crossbow. Why? 1. It is an iconic weapon of many post-apocalyptic games, films and books, because it is silent, shoots retrievable and craftable ammo. Perfect tool for a survivor. 2. It will enhance survivor's sustainability, because it's bolts can be retrieved and crafted. 3. It will enhance stealth gameplay, because it is silent. 4. It will not be overpowered, because it will require players to reload (I suggest 2-3 sec reloading) it after each shot, and because player will have to search zombie's body to get his projectile back. Also, a typical crossbow weight is about 3.5 kg, so it will limit player's carrying capacity. Also, it's range is not that great. I think that bolts and arrows could be crafted by a player with intermediate carpentry skill. Best regards.
  14. Thanks, Robomat. I wish Desura sold me the latest version =)
  15. Hello, guys. Today I was tinkering with items.txt and found an interesting issue that allows modders to alter default items without altering the items.txt itself. This could be useful if one would like to create a mod altering vanilla items without making players edit, remove or rewrite their items.txt (thus making it possible to uninstall such mod just by deleting it's files without restoring original items.txt from a backup or reinstalling the whole game if no such backup was made). How it works? 1. Copy the original items.txt into, say, items_new.txt. The name should be "alphabetically lower". 2. Alter all the values necessary in that new file. 3, The game will apply values from the "alphabetically lower" file. I tested it with the current Desura version, which is, I believe, Best regards.
  16. Looks like I've solved this issue. I had an items.txt.bak file in the same directory. I moved it to another directory -- and new items.txt was applied! I will do some additional tests, but at this moment it seems like the game reads every text file in the directory and applies them in some order, possibly redefining some values or giving one file a priority over another. Update: I put the .bak file back in the scripts directory -- all the old properties and values appeared in the game! That means, modders can alter default items and keep items.txt without making users to edit, delete or rewrite it, thus making possible easy uninstalling by just deleting mod files. Further test showed that the game applies the file which names is "lower" in alphabetical order.
  17. Interesting thing: I duplicated items.txt into itemstest.txt (with butter knife only), and butter knives beame "blooo". I wonder if there is some kind of cache. I deleted itemstest.txt -- butter knives are back. With old properties and values.
  18. I am trying to test different aspects of the game and modding, so I opened the "items.txt" file and changed some values for Butter Knife. But they does not apply when I start the game and create a new sandbox. For example, I changed it's DisplayName to "Butter Knife Test", but in the game it is still "Butter Knife". I changed it's Weight to "3" and WeaponWeight to "2", but in the game it's still "0.3". Here are my questions: 1. Why changes to "items.txt" don't apply? Are item properties hardcoded? Is there another file to edit? 2. Which is the best way to modify existing items? For example, if I want to alter their names, weight, durability, damage, etc? I am playing the current Desura version, which seems to be (according to Desura changelog)
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