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Everything posted by eman_resu1987

  1. I think handcrafted weapons could and should be an option, but not really wacky ones..i remember that one zombie game where you could make weapons out of teddy bears and giant dildos and stuff..that was purposefully ridiculous and wouldnt fit the atmosphere of this game..but being able to carve a spear from a sturdy stick and maybe attaching a sharpened piece of metal to the end would be an example of a viable (if not particularly durable) weapon...
  2. What about something simple, spear? sturdy stick + duct tape/rope/twine + knife?
  3. Or maybe to be able to remove the blade and craft it into a weapon with a baseball bad or sturdy stick or whatever..that'd be sweeeet
  4. Wow this is a really cool idea..if you found a riding mower, you could position it in a high-traffic road and put it in forward to draw zombies away as you wait to loot..great thinking!
  5. As for the furniture, I was thinking today, shouldn't we be able to smash chairs with our bare hands and get a Chair Leg melee weapon? Makes a lot of noise but in the very beginning, sometimes you're very desperate..
  6. Thanks for the support MadDan : ) I also have an idea about mapping but I'm not sure if I should open a new topic..anyway, I think we already have the present unexplored dark black "Fog of War" and the dim black explored-but-not-looking-there-at-the-moment FoW..I think we should be able to bring an empty notebook and a pen and sketch a map of the places we've walked through..that way, the dark black doesn't return and now we have a rudimentary map to follow (for those of us who don't like to peak at the PZ Map Project)...you would have to stop and do the "Sketch Map" action each time you want to update it, and it would add all new explored areas..I dunno, maybe it's too complicated..
  7. I was thinking that there should be some walkers carrying keys..the first time it sprang to mind was in the police station..once unique (i.e. uniformed) walkers are implemented, some of them should have keys to unlock their unique buildings..like the evidence rooms and the armory. not every police walker should carry them, but at least 1 or 2? Or maybe a bank manager having keys to the vault..since you shouldn't have access to every interior room just because you get in the front door..I thought it might add a bit to the realism. Thoughts?
  8. Place/Landmark: Zoo Where: Edge of town? Probably not in the center but not out in the middle of nowhere either Reason it'd rock: Narrow paths, lots of tight buildings, and perhaps even escaped animals! Imagine fighting off a horde and then suddenly a tiger pops up! Zombie Density Expected: High...seems like it would be a good place for disease transmission
  9. Or a giant prison full of prisoners! I like the idea of a stadium though, you could try and wall it off and have the biggest safehouse ever : D
  10. What about farm animals? I think it would be awesome to be able to find a horse on a farm and ride it, or maybe a donkey as a pack animal to carry your stuff, or chickens/cows/etc. for food...
  11. I want in! this sounds really cool..i havent tried MP yet but this seems like a good place to start! how long until its ready? *bump
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