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Everything posted by TinnedEpic

  1. ^ never worn rubber boots. Barefoot ftw < painted a fence before and got his monthly does of vitamin d v likes wearing women's cloth, and walking into pubs.
  2. D: Enigma. Alright lets try this again. "The silly chimp swung through the..."
  3. I'm pretty sure the helicopter and other metagame events are just meant to keep zombies moving, last I hear (or interperated) they would be removed once NPC's come in. Besides that I have to ask... Why would the military send a special ops team into muldraugh? That's the part I'm at atm. Also if their shooting all their ammunition off at every zombie they see they will either: 1, drop the zombie population so low that zombies cease to be a major threat. 2, draw all zombies across the town into 1 super horde of absolute doom and destruction. 3, end up dying quickly and becoming free loot (the most likely of outcomes). I personally don't think I'd be keen on seeing special ops roaming the streets, NPC's will do for me ;3.
  4. Ty :3 Even if it was just a omnidirectional sound indicator that didn't give away any direction it would still be useful for many players who can't utilize sound.
  5. One could also argue that you get faster as you reload more. I mean that's why we have the reload skill. Obviously before the apocalypse people didn't go walking around the city with a shotgun reloading on the move and shooting zombies every day, so there is no reason to assume every average person would be proficient at doing so. 1-4 seconds per bullet (depending on panic level) is very reasonable considering the circumstances.
  6. So like a button that completely randomizes your character and skips the whole character creation menu? I like it, I mean I wouldn't make randomization manditory, purely optional. However I can't see this begin too much of a problem to implement as the system is already in place in last stand completely randomizing your character.
  7. ^ nope I had steak :3 < and it was delicious. v Would like to visit Antarctica on a cruise.
  8. Nope, I like the sun xD. If the moon was made of cheese would you taste it?
  9. ... education was extensive, especially with the...
  10. True, however I can understand where Gibbles is coming from. If your hearing impaired or speaker impaired playing project zomboid your at a disadvantage. I mean I wouldn't care to see any locators or markers to indicate where sound is located or giving away zombies location. It defeats the purpose of even bothering to look where it's coming from. But at least something to tell the player that their character is hearing sounds would be of great help to many players.
  11. I am in full support of visual cues and also had a similar idea to rathlord with sound waves (or perhaps the same idea, I read it as rathlord would have his soundwaves appearing at the edge of the screen while mine appear at the characters head). I decided to try create a visual representation of perhaps what I mean.
  12. ... the tiny wormy worm who could....
  13. ^ Dark and unrelenting voices o.O... on second thoughts that could be gas. < Yup it was Gas >.> v Is not offended by my gas... I hope
  14. I think I do.... o.o Do you live in the middle of nowhere?
  15. The 6 Word Story The community tale, 6 words at a time. This game is about creating a random story. The story is unscripted and doesn't need you to have an extensive background of the subject/story to contribute. The way you play is that each person is allowed to post 6 words to progress the story, the post MUST carry on where the last person's post left off and allow the person bellow you to carry it on. Posts can be witty and random, even cheeky. But they must be 6 words in length. Rules: Your post must be 6 words long. No more, no less. Your post must carry on from the last person's post and make sense. No sexual content allowed. You cannot double post. If someone breaks the posting chain, I'll start the story over.Example: You get the idea, so to start us off: "The little green alien decided that..."
  16. ^ Yup, and Australian Idol and UK Idol *if they have one*. The Voice Ftw. < Found out his pokemon cards are worthless T.T v Needs cuddles or pie.
  17. To get to the otherside? Why are we asking so many 'why did the "something" cross the road jokes'?
  18. ... So... If someone got bitten on their groin.... Ouch >.<
  19. ohh you mean with turning your eyes, I was thinking you meant stationary vision without looking left to right. Well in that case yes I can see amount 90 degrees from my typical LoS. Just a fraction more than the owl one I would say. Otherwise I still like the current pz vision :3.
  20. 5-10 second per shell? Even with panic I've never seen my character take that long to load a shotgun. I just went on and tested this now in a new world. I just reloaded 6 shells in 6 seconds in game with beta blockers, without them at maximum panic I was taking 4 seconds per shell to reload. Might wanna check up on your game files von it shouldn't take you 5-10 seconds to reload 1 shell when unpanicked.
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