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Everything posted by ExcentriCreation

  1. Wow, Nice Just started trying to fix this myself this morning for someone in the help section.... If you don't mind me asking what was the issue with placing the tags? followed it as far as creating the new tag object & that's about where it started to misbehave.... almost as if the new tag object wasn't initializing, the :render() & :create() methods weren't being called.... That's as far as I got before I noticed you had already fixed it...... EDIT: Oh, & you might want to disable the debug ability to spawn paint from the context menu
  2. Start here Robomat talks about all the tools you need & runs through some basic lua, other than that.... ah..... hard to say, I've been bedroom programming in Basic (the syntax is VERRY similar to lua) since I was 8 & am having trouble remembering how I learned.... analyzing existing code & trial & error. Here is a good reference for lua methods & try to become familiar with the PZ lua/Java methods..... the Javadocs can be found here EDIT: Ok, so I should have checked myself before I started work on it but someone has already fixed the SprayPaint mod at the end of the topic here
  3. OK, so in order to get the spray paint mod to work you need to do 2 things.... combine the two install folders by copying the media file inside the mod into the spray paint directory edit the mod.info to include an id fieldthe file structure of the mod inside ....\Users\....\Zomboid\mods\ should look like this <SprayPaint> - <media> - <lua> - <textures> - <scripts> * this is copied over from the separate media folder - poster.png - mod.info Then the contents of mod.info should look like this name=Spray Paint Mod (Thuztor, Peanuts, RobertJohnson)poster=poster.pngid=SprayPaintdescription=Mark your path of looting with spray cans. I've re-compiled it here EDIT:SHIT! Wait a second, I got ahead of myself One of the room types in suburbsdistributions got renamed.... garage_storage is now garagestorageWorking now BAH! More issues..... The Mod is loading, the items are spawning inside containers & the UI interface works but the symbols aren't rendering I'll have a look & see if I can fix that too
  4. Well, given that PZ is partly based on ZSG.... Its the font of all PZ answers Still get ready for a dull read.... unless you like technobabble.... The fact that he is talking about a subject I enjoy is irrelevant to the fact that he is just dribbling shit for 260ish pages.... There's no story involved. Don't get me wrong, that's just my opinion & I know I'm using the the word Technobabble loosely.
  5. ..... that's weird ..... that's about when the mod loader came out did you try putting it into the directory that harakka said? whats the mod, if you dont mind me asking? EDIT: Or post the download, either way I'll need to look at the file structure of the mod in order to help you if none of the above did
  6. Yeah your right, just did a quick search for it in my Java decompiler & it doesn't look like the method exists anywhere I wonder where he got that code from
  7. Now that I've scratched my gaming itch.... Time to get back into some projects

  8. That damn book.... Seriously, it reads like The Silmarillion.... But yeah, I suppose it would add another fun element to the game & its not like we have to read all that specific lore in order to build an electric fence EDIT: Its just that the discussion seemed to be heading that way
  9. I'm under the impression (correct me if I'm wrong) that most deaths by electrocution are actually due to cardiac arrest after the current has passed through the persons heart.... If its not passing through a "weak" spot, current & voltage are largely irrelevant unless your talking about a ridiculously large number I think I would prefer not to have electric fences than to start going into that much detail, was only thinking about weather or not an electric fence would kill a zombie. Electric fences incapacitating zombies would require expanding the lore
  10. Yeah, that's what I meant about touching the fence with their heads. If they touched the fence with their chests, the current would arc through their circulatory system & ground out of their feet.... bypassing the brain altogether
  11. I was just thinking that maybe electric fences powered by generators like in episode 2 of Telltale Games the Walking Dead, though one might wonder at how an electric fence is supposed to "kill" a zombie.... Current passing through their heads would only occur if they touched the fence with their head
  12. Although it is not in the commonly suggested suggestions, I swear I have heard that this is planned. Though like Fj said, has to be realistic & there is no way someone could craft or repair the working parts of an mp3 player, a generator would be more workable than that but its not something that a random guy would be able to fiddle around with & get much in the way of results.... building a gun is just plain retarded Fabricating is a COMPLETELY different skill set to Carpentry, treat metal like you do wood & you will get nowhere, treat wood like you do metal & your gonna make one HELL of a mess (Trust me, I have a trade qualification in Welding/Fabricating & even I have done this ) The way I see it done would be:- Fabricating is a new skilllower levels of fabricating require nuts & bolts to fasten basic metal objects (fences, barricades, etc.)higher levels of fabricating can "craft" solid, indestructible objects but require welders, grinders, drop saws & "real" materials (no scrap metal) which will be in limited numbers & hard to transport Include different types of welders, GMAW being the easiest to use but requires a large unit & gas source. MMAW is harder to use but can be used from the players inventory. GTAW is hard to use but is REQUIRED for complex builds.... * harder to use = higher level fabricatingtrolleys for transporting large welding units, gas, matierialsgenerators required for higher level builds after the power goes out (obviously)I have been thinking seriously about modding all of this, certain I can do it all (other than the pushable objects - the fact that the devs haven't re-added wheelie bins makes me think they are going to change the way they work) but I think ZedHead might cry if I start working on another mod before updating/expanding NecroForge
  13. Some older Mods needed to be installed to ...\Steam\SteamApps\common\ProjectZomboid\media but those wouldn't be compatible with the mod loader, without getting re-organised first. No post-mod loader Mods should be getting put into a media directory unless they're overwriting part of the game. Did the Mod author say anything about what version it was for?
  14. Agreed.... Some of them had decent production values, Necropolis, for example.... but yeah 1985 was the only one I actually rate as a zombie movie
  15. The player screams a lot if they torn apart, wouldn't take much to play a part of that sound effect when an attack hits.... like this idea too.... anything to make me jump
  16. FUN FACT The Return of the Living Dead series were the only movies to feature brain eating zombies.... In fact the whole modern pop culture definition of zombies (crawling out of the grave, shambling around & crying "brains") seems to be a bitser based LOOSELY on the zombies from that horror/comedy franchise.... each to their own though
  17. Nice Glad I could help, if your still having problems with loading too many traps into your lua table, you could try removing he thumpable then adding a new object with a different sprite when the trap is triggered.... I should have read up beforehand, but did you try the square:setHurtMod() that was in the example that the OP found? looks like the usual modifier setup, use a decimal value where 1 will kill you instantly & 0 will do no damage. If that works, then you could just use your events for trap status
  18. Oh no.... not John Leguizamo.... He was in that AWESOME spawn movie
  19. In Night of the Living Dead they actually weren't called zombies, but yes in rest of his movies they were creative in avoiding the word. Even If you did like thinking zombies there's one thing about Land of the Dead that no-one can overlook.... Simon Baker.... Eeeew
  20. Zombies or Zeds.... Either that or indefinative "THEM" or Ghouls Fun Fact Romero never used the word "Zombie" in Night of the Living Dead (1968).... They were only referred to generally as "those things" or "Ghouls" in the later news broadcasts
  21. DUBSTEP DESTROYS ZOMBIES!..... TOO!..... That I would believe
  22. OK..... So..... It seems your right, there is no event trigger for collide in IsoPlayer & it overwrites collideWith() in IsoMovingObject Maybe your best bet, for that, would be a Event.OnPlayerMove. Get the players gridsquare & check your ModData against the objects in that square until you find (or dont find) your trap. As for why Kill() will work for you & no other methods..... Thats a head head fuck Your aware that your Say() in your zombie condition above is a syntax error? Based on the error, it still sounds like your not getting the object correctly.... Maybe try iterating over the objects in the gridsquare until you find the zombie, though you really SHOULDN'T have to do that I still dont see why you need your traps lists, once the JavaObject is created with IsoThumpable.new() the Java should handle all of the loading/rendering
  23. I was under the impression that leaving people guessing was the point, the only lore that matters towards the game is the lore you can see by playing the game.... I think this will cause confusion
  24. Nice Might I reiterate the Idea about conflicting medical reports though, the flipside could be a medical examiner that was incapable of drawing any conclusions due to the lack of solid information & ends up resigning from his position as a result. Maybe argumentative emails/memos between different members of the medical community incapable of arriving at a single conclusion.
  25. I was operating under the assumption that you intended to use it for survivor stories.... That is, of course, IF you & RoboMat are still working on it.... This part, with the exception of the scratches, comes across like he is stating facts as opposed to drawing conclusions based on tests
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