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  1. Today
  2. He said he runs the game locked at 60 FPS, it hardly drops, but when it drops it stays at 50 FPS. In ping he said he gets 94 on foot and 200 when in the car.
  3. Apologies for not clarifying, but being connected to the VPS does not change anything. Players are randomly kicked, sometimes within 5 minutes and sometimes after several hours, ... and at different times for each player.
  4. Yesterday
  5. We are on the same network, my ping being around 3 to 10. It doesnt spike and then i get dc ed, it happens instantly without any lag before it, and it isnt triggered by me doing any ingame actions, its random.
  6. Hey devs, Luv the game, very unique and looking forward to where you guys are taking this beauty! I am clearing Louisville (respawn / migration are off) by visiting every...single..... building and room. Yes, sounds tedious, but I'm already 1/3 of the way there lol Maybe this has been reported already, but there's an inaccessible room (with a shower), due to a misplaced door. Here are the coordinates: 12368x1392x1 URL: https://map.projectzomboid.com/#12368x1392x15701
  7. Are you sure you have a valid/public ipv4 address? Check your public IP by going to any of those sites (search something like "what's my IP" on Google) and compare it to the WAN IP from your router's HTTP interface. If they differ, you are behing a CGNAT, and nothing you do could make a server work outside of going through steamworks or asking your ISP to get you out of CGNAT (this will depend on your ISP/country laws).
  8. Even when connected to the VPS? Since you did not answer that part.
  9. These are the minimums,
  10. The best place to ask is probably the modding discord. https://discord.com/channels/136501320340209664/1125248330595848192
  11. All players, including the owner, experience this issue, even on an empty server with no mods and default configs. The VPS server provides internet speeds of up to 100mbps.
  12. I think they already have this feature though it's a bit tricky to use. There should be some kind of menu you when try to load a save file to choose a character for it.
  13. Could the other player try connecting to a public server and test if the issues happen there as well? This is to investigate a larger problem with the connection.
  14. Are you on the exact same network as your brother? Such as being in the same house. And can you say what your ping is to the server? Since higher ping can usually mean a higher chance of a disconnect.
  15. Does it happen to all the players or just some? Does it even happen to the server owner? Additionally, can the server owner try connecting to the VPS, then connect to the server and see if they disconnect? This it to test for connection related issues and if using the VPS affects it.
  16. How can I verify if my computer meets the minimum system requirements for the game?
  17. [Only the title is in American English] On the 10th of May 1994 there was a total solar eclipse, and it would've almost totally darkened the skies of Louisville, with it being just South of its path. This 'theskylive.com' web-page about Louisville reads, "A Partial Eclipse of magnitude 0.9000 will be visible from this location on May 10 1994. Maximum eclipse will be at 13:03:32 local time when the 84.95% of Sun's surface will be covered by the Moon." - It also claims the partial eclipse vantage began at 11:20:42 and ended at 14:53:36 Since the game begins on the 9th of July 1993, it would only take 305 days before the solar eclipse happens, and only 15.05% of the sun would be uncovered from that part of the state at minimum. With there being a lot of players who've made it this far, I wonder if it might be an interesting detail to add for surviving over 300 days. Perhaps it could be mentioned on some broadcast, so the player has a clue about it happening in the distant future. Articles about it: The Vault: Past eclipses in Kentuckiana - whas11.com A Look Back at the 1994 Annular Eclipse - weather.gov May 10, 1994 Annular Solar Eclipse - timeanddate.com
  18. This is how I did for a mod I made for myself. local butcher = ProfessionFactory.addProfession("Butcher", getText("UI_prof_Butcher"), "prof_Butcher", 0) butcher:addXPBoost(Perks.Butchering, 3) butcher:addXPBoost(Perks.SmallBlade, 1) BaseGameCharacterDetails.SetProfessionDescription(butcher) I then placed the image 'prof_Butcher' (.png) in /media/textures/ I didn't use the professions framework, so not sure how that works. Someone on the modders discord might be able to help with the framework. https://discord.com/channels/136501320340209664/1125248330595848192
  19. I will respond in email. Thank you.
  20. Could anyone provide guidance on where to locate information regarding the creation of a custom illumination mod? Despite extensive searching, I have been unable to locate any materials pertaining to the construction of an object featuring a light source. Is it even feasible, and if so, could the light source be characterized as a "sun light source"? To provide context, my objective is to design and fabricate a grow light system for an indoor cultivation facility. If this has been developed previously, I would be delighted to examine it. Many thanks!
  21. Last week
  22. So I am currently using the ProfessionFramework to build my own mod containing newer professions. I have been testing around with changing the profession icons, especially for the custom professions I have created. Currently, my profession icons I intend to use are in \Zomboid\mods\ProfessionFramework\media\icons, and I have also tried putting them \Zomboid\mods\MYMOD\media\icons And then, in my profession mod.lua file, I change the "icon" to = "Prof_professionname.png" however in-game it is not changing the profession icon? Does anyone have any tips, or knows what I am doing wrong?
  23. Recently i started a server with my brother(he hosts the server). The first few days were fine but after some unknown issue that im trying to discover, i play with him on the server for anywhere to 2 up to 30 mins, after that i randomly get the prompt "Connection to the server lost". I cant figure out why this happens, it happens on all servers(not just those hosted by my brother), even those without mods(so its not cuz of them). I also formated my entire pc and reinstalled drivers and windows again, and the issue persists. Can anyone please suggest some solutions cuz the game(multiplayer) is unplayable. tysm
  24. After migrating our server to a new paid VPS running Windows Server 2019, players are encountering a "Connection to server lost" error a few minutes after connecting. This error does not occur when running the server from our own computer, and there are no apparent errors in the server console.
  25. Проблему решил переустановив steam и установив последнюю версию java, вылеты прекратились. Так же выделенный сервер перестал крашиться после этих всех манипуляций.
  26. Okay, watches in the game tell you the time, day and month but not the year. I think they should say the year too. See how much time has passed since 1993. It'd show the player and survivor how long humanity has been holding out basically as time goes by.
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