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About Nightwatch

  • Birthday June 15

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  1. I think Dirk's Tile Tutorials can help you with this. https://www.youtube.com/@daddydirkiedirk119/playlists https://youtu.be/Fbvb6LeX0Sw - Custom Tiles Tutorial Part 1 Dirk made a series (First link, Ref. Zomboid Art) that has a playlist available on creating the pixel art itself all the way up to importing it into the game. The second link is Part 1 of a series (also by Dirk) that starts you at importing the tile sheets and the tile definition setup in greater detail than in the previously mentioned series.
  2. - Hot water tanks can be found in nearly every house and apartment as well as commercial settings, ranging from large to small tanks under sinks. While the "Hot" factor is not all that important in the current gameplay the fact that it would be able to contain liquids would be. With the incoming proposed liquid mechanics we could look at mixing larger batches in one of these tanks as well. Not to mention it would be an additional aesthetic for the many structures in the game. - Piggybacking off the hot water tank it would be interesting if taking hot or cold showers offered different 'effects' to the survivor based off environmental conditions, in example; a cold shower in winter pushes you towards hypothermia. Also if they were given the heating functionality they could be tied to the electrician skill for movement, dismantling, ect. - The only real counterargument I can see upfront for the tanks is gameplay balance, in that the amount of water available will increase. Personally I do not see an issue with it since this is something that would be realistically available.
  3. - The following idea serves more of a roleplay purpose than anything practical.* * This being that players would be able to share information with their faction within the game rather than outside platforms. - Give granted this proposition can also be achieved by placing something like a satchel on a counter and declaring it to be where to leave such information. - First of all the corkboards would need to be given a miniscule inventory space to hold a few sheets of paper, as more are added to the board it adds visible posted sheets on the board overlay in the way that goods are added to shelves as you fill them. 1. Complex Way : - When right clicked on the corkboards give a button in the dropdown with something along the lines of "View Notes" when you go to this it steps one to the right and offers a list of the notes added to the board from which you can select one and it pulls up a UI window with the sheets details, (I assume it will be necessary to transfer the sheet to the players inventory at this point), In this window a button along the lines of "Repost" or "Done" will result in closing this window and adding the item back into the boards inventory. - It would also be nice if the process of the item return could be automated like if you have a can of food in your inventory and stand by a container with a can opener and tell it to open the can, it grabs the can opener, opens the can, then returns it automatically after the can is opened. 2. Easy Way (Comparatively) : * (This would probably be the way to go in order to avoid adding even more clutter to the UI.) - Give Corkboards a minuscule amount of inventory space as a container and players do everything manually from the board's inventory.
  4. It would be nice to have the ability to toggle refrigerators and more notably the chest freezers (popsicle freezers) on and off like ovens and lights for example. This would most notably be for when the power grid has failed and you have switched over to generator power, by doing this we would be able to leave the appliance there and not consume extra power/fuel cooling a empty appliance, and we would not have to keep picking up and placing it as required to achieve this goal. *This will not mean as much to the people who do not stockpile an excessive amount of perishable food and do not have a entire room dedicated to these devices. Subnote : I am not asking for refrigerator/freezer combos to have split controls as that is all or nothing, just the ability to power on/off the entire appliance.
  5. Version : 41.78.16 (Steam) Player Mode : Singleplayer and MP. Host Or Dedicated : N/A Mods : More map icons (in the screenshots taken.) (Replicated w/o mods.) Reproduction Steps : Location(s) : Multiple areas in Louisville. Problem : Several roads in the Louisville area are not indicated on the map in partiality or entirety. *The roads I indicated are somewhat aggressive in some cases as some start as alleyways but turn into parking lots.
  6. Version : 41.65 (Steam) Player Mode : Singleplayer Host Or Dedicated : N/A Mods : Vehicle Mods such as filibuster. Reproduction Steps : Not Tested On Any Other Saves. Location(s) : 13402x1500x0 is roughly where my player dot is. Cell:44x5/Rel:204x0 Problem : The streets indicated by the red lines do not draw on the map despite being "discovered." Also Note the Gaps between a few roads towards the bottom left that are connected despite what the map is showing.
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