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User Interface Loot/Inventory Drop List Direction


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The drop menus on the UI should be able to have the list/screen/etc open both below or above the title bars.



For the loot list/menu, the "Loot All" bar could be below the list of loot, so that when the list is closed, the "Loot All" bar can rest at the bottom edge of the screen.

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Hey, there!


The inventory/loot windows will be experiencing an overhaul at some point and will change probably a ton compared to what they are now. We'll just have to sit tight on that until we know how they'll do the new stuff.


Here's a quote from a past mondoid for you:

Final UI Overhaul - As much as we’d love to just call the UI done, it still draws way too many criticisms and frustrations. We have some big plans for the inventory which should make the game both more in-depth inventory management, yet more intuitive to use. We’ll see how it goes. It’s still in the design stage at the moment, as we don’t want to risk falling into any of the same traps we fell into with the last UI revamp.


Here's also a comment by Lemmy101 on the subject:




We have a lot of the same thoughts as you :) We are actually in the midst of an inventory UI overhaul, which will make a lot of changes including having pockets, separating out weight vs. size, etc. No ETAs (as always) but it is in the works.

Another UI rework? ;-;



Yep our last change was for the better but the current UI system still leaves a lot to be desired and outside combat is still probably our #1 complaint about the game as it stands, for new players particularly. Our third stab, which is only being done in little bits every so often and likely won't see light of day for a good while, will hopefully hit all the notes, be more intuitive, quicker to access and manipulate, but at the same time have more depth to it.


For e.g. imagine having a pistol in your pocket and that appearing in a hotbar because of it, with the time to equip in primary hand being blisteringly short as you 'quick draw' it out your pocket. Or imagine combat pants with several big pockets, or sewing additional pockets onto clothing. There's a lot of scope this opens up.


Bear in mind that the controller support really needs a proper inventory interface, instead of the functionality being bolted onto a mouse interface. We're designing a new one around the principle of making it nice to use with both types of controls.


Don't worry, this is not being worked on instead of NPCs. We're just at the design stage of this at the moment and outside getting 25 up to official NPCs are our #1 priority. it'll just be one of those things dropped into for moments when things get headachey. See this: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/4962-comment-i-made-on-mathas-latest-video/





Oh, and welcome to the forums!! Glad to have ya! (clyde) (clyde) (clyde)

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Thank you for the welcome!!!


I figured there were more changes in the works for the UI, but I just wanted to get the suggestion out there while it was fresh in my head.


Love this game!

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