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Hopefully Medicine Leveling is addressed in Next 42

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Right now Medical skill is done by constantly injuring yourself through glass because every hit by a zombie has chance of infection. This is absolutely silly and not how doctors are trained anyway.


A fast solution that can be implemented relatively quickly is - Corpse Practice. Which can just use same Mechanic as cars removing parts.

Such as practice tying bandages on corpses.  Practice Stitching on Corpses. Practice removing organs on corpses.

This would make corpses beneficial to the player. 


So version 1 - would just be right click on corpse -> Practice Medical -> Options listed.

Organs gives the most XP but only one time per corpse. Everything else can be done multiple times per corpse but for less xp after first time.


Version 2 can be involved further if necessary. 

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No question that it needs some attention.  I would suggest that maybe it should be leveled by a combination of treating actual wounds, and gaining real XP from reading books or watching video tapes (rather than simply applying a multiplier).  Treating real wounds on a living person should get a lot of xp and let you level quickly, but there has to also be a way to keep people from walking over glass repeatedly, or jumping through broken windows.  Those are both really hokey and boring besides.


To make first aid a more attractive skill, maybe the risk of zombie infection could be lowered if the wound is treated by an experienced first aid provider.  Say, maybe a bite is 100% infection, minus three points per level of the first aid provider.  So, only a seventy percent chance of the Knox virus infection if you get first aid from a level ten first aid provider within five minutes of receiving the bite.


Just spitballing here, it doesn't have to use those numbers.


Also, I really like some of the ways that "The Only Cure" mod is implemented.  It can be kind of useless in single-player because of how crippled your character becomes.  In multiplayer it can really shine, though, because you can offload tasks like fighting to others while you sew clothes and do car repairs.

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