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Zombies spread out more.


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While playing multiplayer I have come to notice something very very flawed with the Zombies. It is very easy to manipulate their movements. You can run circles around them and pack them into a very very tight ball of zombies. If you just back up slowly they start to form a line. Then you can run around them a few times and turn like 300 Zombies into a very small pile. This isn't threatening in the least most the time.


The only time this is even challenged is when there is hordes closing in on like 3 sides. Separate hordes.


Right now it is really far to easy to manipulate them and they can never catch you.


Normal people wouldn't just run circles around 300 zombies and have them turn into a ball.


My suggestion is that they try to stay a bit farther apart and fan out a bit more or just not pack so tightly. Maybe some zombies are hearing impared or sight impared so they don't just follow the zombie 



That's what I make is Zombie Conga Lines.


Which makes slaying 100's of zombies childs play. Especially if you round up all the zombies in town first to make sure they don't sneak up on you, then you just back up and swing and do 360's and never get in danger.


((I understand zombies are dumb and should go straight for you))




This could be remedied in a few ways


**Walking Backwards for a long period of time could cause you to "TRIP" you know the cliche'? where they always trip when walking backwards." 

(This could cause a falling animation, slight pain and a few seconds to get back up.) (Not happen often or require a pothole or debris on the ground you don't see because you are looking backwards.)



**Some Zombies cannot see or hear well.

(This would make some zombies linger back, preventing a clear path)

As of right now you can lure all the zombies into a small bubble then just run down the empty street to get away. Run in circles is the best option until all the zombies hurdle up currently.

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I agree with you on the potential tripping over which could be a great mechanic.  As for the grouping up I feel that your greatest weapon against the zombies is that you are smart and they are dumb and in real life you would come up with ways to herd them up.  I would prefer zombie AI to just have basic primal instincts and not anti bunching mechanics, as the way I see it the zombies biggest weapon and possible greatest weakness is the mass herd.

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