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Refillable Lighters


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The lighters in the game resemble Zippos which are refillable in real life but not in the game.


I think in the game there should be a bottle of lighter fluid you can use to refill your lighters. That way you don't have to lug around so many lighters.


Basically this would require the lighters don't disappear when they're used up. 


To refill you could right click the lighter in your inventory and select refill and if you have a bottle of lighter fluid the character would automatically refill the lighter.


Right clicking the lighter fluid bottle could also give you a menu for refilling the lighters. 


Lighter fluid could be found in places such as houses, convenience stores, grocery stores, etc.


The player could also dump it around and light it on fire and lure zombies into it. Hopefully you'll also be able to do the same thing with gasoline. 



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