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Not a valid PNG file


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I would recommend unsubscribing from the mod in the error message in that case and reinstalling it.
If that does not help, try reporting the issue to the mod creator, since it would be an issue with the mod at that point.

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I looked at the console.txt file and it didn't specify a mod. That's the odd thing so I unsubbed then resubbed to the last mod enabled & updated, still errored. So I mentioned it to the mod author with the console file attached above and see if that helps. 


Strangest error I've seen so far.

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This would be the error:

ERROR: General     , 1704819851273> ExceptionLogger.logException> Exception thrown java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.IOException: Not a valid PNG file at FutureTask.report. Message: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\108600\3101379739\mods\coavinsfirearmbase\media\textures\Item_PistolReceiver.png

So the mod would be coavinsfirearmbase

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Yeah, after I mention the error to the mod I thought was the issue which wasn't but the odd thing was this. When I disabled the "mod" in question, the errors didn't reappear. Which was when I mentioned it to the mod author in question. I later looked deeper into the console file only to find what you just mentioned. I therefore went back to the mod's page and stated it. 


So now my wonder is, how can one mod cause errors when it's not the problem?

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I am not sure I fully understand what you mean.


When I disabled the "mod" in question, the errors didn't reappear.

So when you disabled the mod, the errors no longer showed up, does that not mean that the errors were caused by the mod you just disabled?

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