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pressing the ctrl key moves your cursor down by up to 20% of the screen's width. do you like that it does this?


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No Posh, that was the whole point of saying it... I'd rather take the risk of hitting thin air and getting fkd up in those 0.1% situations where I got jumped by a z than having to deal with anim locks in all those other situations where I fight multiple dummies in a controlled way

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  • 1 month later...

I just got used to it, but I guess it can possibly make more sense that the circle would start on your cursor rather than below it. When I'm fighting I'm always keeping my cursor well away from my character so the effect is minimized, it's just an automatism at this point.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/14/2023 at 8:51 AM, deshara said:


are you guys just gaslighting at this point? the character does not turn towards where the mouse was pointing, they turn away from it nearly 90 degrees the where the mouse cursor *now* is






there is when not doing so causes your character to turn in a different direction than the player is expecting them to, miss & get bit. this is like arguing that it's fine for an FPS to have your reticle shift to the right when you aim down sites. like yeah if you've spent 10 years developing that FPS you might have gotten used to having a piece of tape on your screen so you know where the reticle is gonna shift when you right click but that doesn't mean it's well designed.

what would the problem be with having the circle of the ground reticle spawn at the tip of the finger pointer so your character no longer spins when you hit ctrl to face a different direction when you press ctrl? would it degrade the game? I bet if you changed that in the next patch, & left in an option to keep the old behavior, almost nobody would toggle it back to the old style


draw the line originating from the character head not feet

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