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Is it possible to change specific buildings to non-residential on a server?


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I’m having an issue on my dedicated server where every fire department is claimable as a safehouse. My first question is is this normal? Second, if it is how do I mark them as unclaimable to players but still accessible to loot?

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There is a server setting that you can change. To be honest it's always OFF (false) by default but

it sounds like on your server it somehow was flipped to ON (true).


In your server settings (either your own computer server or a 3rd party server host) you can look

for and change the "Allow non-residential structures as claimable safehouses" and change it to FALSE.


All buildings are always lootable, so no separate setting for that. The only non-lootable buildings

would be an opposing faction's safe-houses (if you have those settings on).

Edited by Cidxgaming
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