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Marlan's Many Suggestion Thread


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FYI: I've only played the MP version, so it's possible some of these "suggestions" are already available in SP.



 -I feel like weapons/items are too fragile, and the system they use is very unrealistic to boot.

 -I propose the following method:

    1) Assign a weapon/item an HP/Durabiliy score. (You already do this.)

    2) "Damage" the item upon EVERY use, not just a random number.

    3) Make this "damage" dependent on what it is used on. For example, using a bat against a "soft" target like a zombie would deal low damage. (Rolling 1-3 damage on 500HP). But using a bat against a "hard" target like a door would roll higher damage (say, 3-8 damage on 500HP). This would effectively give the bat about 200 uses vs. a zombie and approximately 90 uses on a door. These values I just made up make a lot more sense to me than the current "1 in 20 chance to damage, 15HP" which means the bat will have 15-300 uses, averaging at about ~160 NO MATTER THE TARGET. It also reduces luck slightly. Instead of a 1-20 chance, it is now a 1-3 chance. If you want to add the element that a weapon might just "not last a long" then start it off with less health. Spawning with 300-500HP for example.


 - I feel my idea makes more sense when it comes to a weapon like the kitchen knife. If you start smashing this thing against a doorway it will quickly break. But if you are slicing a soft target like "zombie/human" flesh, it should last MUCH longer than 10-20 times. I bet you guys $1000 if I stab you 20 times with a knife it won't break ;) I feel a much better value for the knife would be say... 250HP, 1-3 damage on a "soft" target, and about 7-14 damage on a "hard" target. This give it ~24 uses on a hard target, and ~83 uses on a soft target. This makes a lot more sense to me.


This method will make the durability make slightly more sense, but it will also make them last longer. I really feel like things are way too flimsy right now. If you are worried this will decrease difficulty, read some of my other suggestions, you could also just make the better weapons more rare. If you find a fire-axe, it will take a LONG time for that bad-boy to break. (Sure the head might pop off, which could be a random event for some weapons after sustained use, but that solid steel head will last forever, simply collect it and reattach to a crafted log, or perhaps the same log if it didn't snap).



 - More doors/windows that spawn open.


 - Zombies only RARELY(or at least sometimes) spawn inside when NO window/door is left open! Perhaps somebody got infected and crawled into a hole and died/became a zombie, but I feel more often than not, houses will be litered with active zombies that are roaming, as opposed to what I feel is an uncommon person who hid inside and died. (But still very possible, perhaps ~30% can be inside locked/closed doors, perhaps even barricaded!)


 -Create many broken down/abandoned vehicles in the streets. If a zombie outbreak occured there would be chaos. Watch ANY zombie movie and this is what happens. It feels strange to me that the streets are empty. If everyone got out, why are there zombies in this town? Why am I still here? Is this a omish town (with TVs)...?


- I admit before this suggestion, I have NOT played to winter yet, but I am assuming the graphics don't add snow. They should do this. (It won't be difficult, but yeah, it'll take time to add. You could probably macro a decent job with photoshop though.)


- See "cold" moodle below for more ideas related to winter.


Zombie Changes

 - Different speeds per zombie, on a random percentage. 10% of zombies could have a movement speed "almost" as fast a player that is running.

 - About 50% of zombies would be just AS fast as you when walking, if not just slightly faster.

 - Why? Because right now I feel the game is way TOO easy. You can simply walk away from zombies, and do a quick half second run to make room whenever you preform an action or have to reload/etc. In order to add more panic to the player himself, the zombies should pose a real threat. The character should still be able to fairly easily escape while running, as they will not be as fast as you (don't forget exhaustion, which will play a good role!) but have that difficulty there where you can't just walk past aggro'd zombies. In order to counter balance this, see sneaking and exhaustion.


 - More zombies! Less HP! I feel more, but weaker, zombies would add to the excitement. They would have to be properly dispersed though, not uniform. When hitting a zombie with a fireaxe, it really should almost always be a bloodshow and almost always an instant kill. Don't worry though, see exhaustion so that this doesn't become overpowered, and don't forget, with more zombies, even though you can kill a couple stragglers, you'll never be able to take on a fully blown horde!


 - Zombies make more NOISE. Like walking/breathing/moaning/etc. Maybe I am just forgetting something, but they seem fairly quiet to me, especially when aggro'd. Maybe I need to play with my sound, either way it isn't big enough of an effect that I remember it.



 - At level 0 aim, it should take 2-3 shots to down a zombie with a pistol. AFAIK these are supposed to be "average" survivors. Even myself (and I like to pretend I'm a badass) I'd probably miss the head a few times when being chased by a horde of zombies! And unless it's a headshot (whether or not your lore requires head to kill doesn't matter) it won't instantly incapcitate a zombie. Pistols seem very powerful, EVEN AT level 0. (Disregarding the noise) Perhaps at higher levels you will become more accurate, taking 1-3 shots at level 2-3 and 1-2 shots at max level.


 - I personally haven't used the shotgun yet, so take this with a cup of salt, but according to my friend who did, the shotgun kills like 30 zombies with one blast when encountering a horde. Shotguns are, contrary to popular belief, much more accurate weapons than portrayed in video games. Of course their spread must always be exaggerated to fit into games, but even so, it shouldn't be taking out 50 zombies. The shotgun should basically be an instant kill to 1-3 zombies at point blank range. 1-2 at close range and then at longer ranges it would deal say 90-120% damage at medium range to 3-4 zombies, 60-110% damage to 4-5 zombies at long range and 30-90% damage to 5-6 zombies at "long" range (being ~40ft). Also, this clearly isn't realistic, as games generally MUST exaggerate shotguns but it is a lot better than it currently is, assuming what my friend said is true.




 - You should be able to "detect" zombies/players within close vicinity to you (5-10ft) due to sound, and perhaps even smell. In PVP you could reduce this range if a player is "sneaking" but a zombie will be breathing/making noise, and you should be able to see it.


 - This of course, can be tweaked depending on how much ambient noise is in the background. Perhaps when outside, you won't detect the zombie until the last moment before it bites, but inside where it is quiet you should detect it much sooner, in fact, to the point where you can almost see through walls. When I'm in bed and it's dead quiet, I can hear people walking all around the house.


 - This "detection" could only show some sort of blurred silhouette of a humanoid, so you won't know if it is a player or zombie, and so you are aware you can't physically see it. Plus it will make it a little harder to notice on screen.


 - This is probably a bug, but you can see the shadows of players/zombie when you can't see them. (If this is supposed to be the exact feature I am describing, you should make the "shadow" into a silhouette, you can make it dim and hard to see, but it makes a lot more sense.)




 - Simply, a mobile generator that you can find in the world. Likely near a construction sight, warehouse, or perhaps an office building. Who knows!


 - This would provide power to a single building. It would need to be charged via batteries, fuel, or manual cranking. It would produce a lot of sound if run via fuel(or maybe all ways), and would attract near-by zombies after power is shut down in the city (the hum of the generator wouldn't really be unique until everything else shuts off, plus it is kinda pointless before anyway)


 - Attached to a powerbox outside of the building using cables.


 - Perhaps could be used to charge (large) batteries which can be moved to your safehouse to power it. This would prevent mobs from surrounding your safe-house. Though it really should only attract mobs upon starting it up, as continious sound isn't as detectable/important as a brand new sound.


 - Would power lights/heat/stove/refrigerator/air conditioning for a single building. (See below for AC/Heat)



 - Air conditioning. During summer months, houses would be air conditioned, such that you don't need to strip down naked to enjoy the comforts of your own home.

 - Heat. For when winter hits, you will need heat. Either your safehouse is heated, or you use a campfire, hell, maybe even candles. See below.



 - Hot

       -Adds unhappiness.

       -As before, increases thirst.

 - Cold

       -Does not cause sickness! Really... REALLY?

       -Increases time to perform "micro" tasks, such as opening a door, unpacking/packing, cooking/ ETC. But not "macro" tasks such as swinging a bat, or jumping a fence. Though you could apply a penalty to those as well, just not as major, until higher levels of cold.

 - Anxious

        - Creates fake noises.

        - Hallucinate.

        - Adds to panic.

 - Panic (this is a big one!)

        - Caused by SURPRISES, Hp Loss, Hi-V.Hi moodles, large zombie counts.

        - NOT caused by simply encountering zombies! Maybe in the beginning of the game, but as your character grows zombies are a common sight. Of course if you get surprised, or overwhelmed, perhaps damaged, or other things, yeah, you'll be panicked. But when you are slaughtering a couple zombies with your fireaxe, you really won't be panicked. At least not until you round the corner and encounter 100 zombies.

         - Killing zombies should reduce panic. If you get terrified by a zombie that snuck up on you, but you fill his face with steel, then you'd have a sigh of relief and be less panicked. Likewise, if you are panicked because you are freezing your ass off, but encounter a source of heat, again, you will be relieved. (As for killing zombies, the "relief" will be countered by panic as well, if you are overwhelmed it won't matter if you knock off one from 100, in fact, it would almost increase panic.)


Item Changes

 - Add snowgear to items to help with the winter season! Mitts/gloves/jackets/etc.

 - Lack of wearing shoes will result in scratched, and possibly bleeding feet, if you walk on glass/rocks too long. This will cause infection if you walk through a pool of zombie blood.


World Editor!

 - Need I say more?


Blood Spray Infection

 - Lack of wearing bandages over top of uninfected wounds will have the chance of becoming infected when a blood spray occurs. Most likely via using a bladed weapon, or especially a chainsaw when added.


 - For example: 5% to become infected when blood spray occurs with bladed weapon. 1% when occuring due to blunt weapon (I mean really, how often is blood going to spray in your face when using a bat?) and probably like 30% when using a chainsaw....


 - Furthermore, this should apply to your mouth/eyes too. You'd have to add a mouth covering/mask/eye gear for this. Of course, at a much lower chance. (1% bladed/0.2% blunt/10% chainsaw for mouth and 0.1% bladed/0.025% blunt/1% chainsaw for the eyes). This would be reduced to near 0%, if not 0% when using protection. ( :cool: )


Breaking and Entering


 - As mentioned/modded before: add lockpicking. (Contrary to popular belief, it's very difficult to /break/ a lock by lockpicking! If you fail, you simply keep trying until you succeed! Some locks may be out of your skill to pick with skill but there is always that tiny chance to simply get lucky of course that chance is often too low to matter.)


 - Crowbar to pry doors and windows. (Pries windows faster than with hands)


 - Power box to perhaps cut off the burglar alarms. (Locked)


Exhaustion Change


 - I think this is a big one, we simply get exhausted WAY too fast in this game right now.


 - For one, we should have a "sprint" option which is faster than the current running speed. This would last a very short time and be reserved for emergency situations.


 - Due to the added sprint, "running" is now more like "jogging" and will be slightly slower than the current run speed.


 - "Jogging" when at a "light" load should take at LEAST 4-6 minutes before requiring rest. HOWEVER, this rest time will also be much longer, people don't just stop for 5 seconds and then are ready to continue. Jogging consistently will also require more water (not TOO much more though).


 - And of course, with medium/heavy/overencumbered loads you won't be able to jog as long. Perhaps 2-3 medium, 1-2 heavy, and about 45 seconds when overencumbered. (Taking ~3 minutes to recover fully at light, 3 at medium, 2 at heavy, and 2 at overencumbered) Yes, it doesn't scale properly, but that's because you aren't running as long. I am also just picking numbers, if you want to do some proper math, definitely go for it!


 - Sprinting won't last very long. ~30 seconds straight at a light load, 15s medium, and you cannot sprint when high or overencumbered. It would take about 60 seconds to recover from a sprint when both light and medium. Perhaps just reduce speed when medium slightly. (Jogging after sprinting will pause the recovery clock, as well as add the jogging recovery, not to mention it will quickly make you extremely exhausted forcing you to stop running all together)




- In Multiplayer we should have a choice between the proposed "nap" system, or the "minecraft" style where everyone in the server must sleep at once. Of course this will not work in a public server, but in a private server with only a couple friends this would allow your group to continue playing with a somewhat normal sleeping system.





Umm... yeah. Hopefully you like. (tophat)

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- You forgot about the "short naps", people usually sleep 1 hour to recover some energy for the rest of the day work, this would be a nice addition too.
- I do love your ideas, but what about crouch? crouching and going stealthed is a good way to pass undetected, then you can run crouched, wasting lot of energy but making less noise than just running.
- How about using ropes from the bottom of a place to go above.
- What about of activating the alarm manually?

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remember this game is still pre-Beta. MUCH work to do still


weapons will be getting an overhaul


guns will be getting an overhaul, the shotgun will definitely NOT kill 30 with one blast. if you bunch the zombies tightly, 3-5 per shot is a nice average.


vehicles will be coming soon(ish)


generators will be coming soon(ish)


blood spray and infections....if you don't place a bandage on a wound, you will be losing health anyway. very important to bandage every wound whether or not you are thinking about blood spray after getting injured.


just give it time, almost every item you listed has come up many times before, and the staff certainly knows about them. just check the list here http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/192-commonly-suggested-suggestions-read-before-posting/


yes, naps will be coming soon(ish) too

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Oh, yes I forgot to write that down on my paper.


In Multiplayer we should have a choice between the proposed "nap" system, or the "minecraft" style where everyone in the server must sleep at once. Of course this will not work in a public server, but in a private server with only a couple friends this would allow your group to continue playing with a somewhat normal sleeping system.



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