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Just fiddled around with modding PZ and stumbled upon an unexpected behaviour of  ISBaseTimedAction:update().


I guess this function is called similar as Events.OnTick with every update and therefore it depends on the speed of the game how often it is called.


This seems to be a problem for some of the existing code like




Is there any way to call a function during the execition of a timed action in a reliable manner?

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What kind of problems do you mean? 


The update() callback only influences the time until the TA is performed() and I didn't encounter any strangeness yet (but I only used it to check some values etc.).


As far as I know there is no other possibility other than update() atm.

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What's TA?


As example the ISLightFromKindle from the current Build 21.

function ISLightFromKindle:update()	self.item:setJobDelta(self:getJobDelta());	-- every tick we lower the endurance of the player, he also have a chance to light the fire or broke the kindle	self.character:getStats():setEndurance(self.character:getStats():getEndurance() - 0.006);	local randNumber = 300;	local randBrokeNumber = 300;	if self.isOutdoorsMan then		randNumber = 150;		randBrokeNumber = 450;	end	if ZombRand(randNumber) == 0 then		self.campfire.fireLvl = 2;		camping.changeFireLvl(self.campfire);	else		-- fail ? Maybe the wood kit will broke...		if ZombRand(randBrokeNumber) == 0 then--~ 			self.character:Say("I broke my kindling...");			self.character:getInventory():Remove(self.item);			self.item = self.character:getInventory():FindAndReturn("FireWoodKit");		end	endend

So, there is a randomNumber-check if the fire start or kindling breaks. Using Normal Speed this check (calling update method) is done 100 times, on fastest speed the check is done only 5 times. (numbers are arbitary)

So on normal speed you have 100/300 = 33% chance to start fire, on fast you have a 5/300 = 1,6% chance.


Thereby the outcome of the job is influenced by the gamespeed.


Hope this clarifies my issue.

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an abbreviation for TimedAction....


I don't think what you are asking is possible, if you really must "fix" it, I would try looping over the check based on the gamespeed:

function ISLightFromKindle:update()	self.item:setJobDelta(self:getJobDelta());	-- every tick we lower the endurance of the player, he also have a chance to light the fire or broke the kindle	self.character:getStats():setEndurance(self.character:getStats():getEndurance() - 0.006);                local checkSpeed = getGameSpeed();        local checkMultiplier = nil;        local checkStep = nil;        if checkSpeed == 3 then                checkMultiplier = 20;        elseif checkSpeed == 2 then                checkMultiplier = **(whatever that would be)**        else                checkMultiplier = 1;        end	local randNumber = 300;	local randBrokeNumber = 300;	if self.isOutdoorsMan then		randNumber = 150;		randBrokeNumber = 450;	end	        for checkStep = 1, checkMultiplier do                if ZombRand(randNumber) == 0 then		        self.campfire.fireLvl = 2;		        camping.changeFireLvl(self.campfire);	        else		        -- fail ? Maybe the wood kit will broke...		        if ZombRand(randBrokeNumber) == 0 then--~ 			         self.character:Say("I broke my kindling...");			         self.character:getInventory():Remove(self.item);			         self.item = self.character:getInventory():FindAndReturn("FireWoodKit");		        end	        end        endend

this is just an example, I'm sure I'm overlooking something



I hope that is what you were asking  :blush:

If you've already tried onTick then RoboMat already answered your question & it seems like you already know why  :huh:

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In the end i solved my problem by just looking at the jobDelta between to calls of update() and adjust the chance accordingly. Here's an example from my fishing mod.

        local currentdelta = self:getJobDelta();	local deltachange = currentdelta - self.lastDelta;		if deltachange >0.005 then		self.character:getStats():setFatigue(self.character:getStats():getFatigue() + 0.1*deltachange);		if currentdelta >0.1 then -- dont catch anything when job is less than 10% finished			if self.lastDelta<0.1 then 				deltachange = currentdelta-0.1;			end							randomValue = ZombRandBetween(0,100000);			if randomValue<deltachange*10000 then				self.character:getInventory():AddItems("Base.Salmon",1);				self.character:Say("I caught something");			end			end		self.lastDelta = currentdelta;	end
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