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[41.64] [multiplayer] Cars not starting/character auto-removing keys


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  • 41.64
  • Multiplayer
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  • Reproduction steps:
  1. Just driving a car, I don't really exactly know, but while driving the character will sometimes just remove the key and refuse to start the car (I think it happens most often after motor dies)




I've seen this happen a couple of times in my multiplayer server with my friends where the car will not start moving. Sometimes it's just due to engine failure, but I've noticed that when you try to start the car again, they key disappears from the keyhole and even when you put it in, the character doesn't rotate it and the car just can't start until you step out and in or after a couple tries of rotating the key.

Edited by GeNeRaLcArRoT
Fixed formatting to proper format.
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yes that option is disabled, but the issue occurs without me even leaving the vehicle. Sometimes the key just  doesn't move and the car doesn't even try to start. I think that if it was only the engine being in very bad condition, the car would at least try to start, when in this case it doesn't even begin.

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  • GeNeRaLcArRoT changed the title to [41.64] [multiplayer] Cars not starting/character auto-removing keys

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