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Common bugs my group has discovered in Build41MP


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I'm on mobile so hopefully the formatting isn't totally scuffed.


I wanted to congratulate the team for their release of build 41 MP! I know they've been working on this very hard, and i've been following it with anticipation for well a year now. Off this update alone i've convinced multiple of my friends to purchase this game, and the past few days i've had probably the most fun i've ever had playing a game. So with the joy this game has brought me I though I'd do my part, small as it may be, to hopefully help and have compiled all the bugs I have currently encountered.


Sound of hotwiring following players; extremely common. It is essentially repeatable. My friend will hotwire a car, the sound will follow him for the rest of your time logged in


Sound of water boiling constantly; extremely common. Also repeatable. Boil water at a stove top, and the sound of the boiling water will stay at the stove top for the rest of your time logged in.


Disappearing zombies; rare. Seemingly happens at random during combat. Seems to mostly happen when zombies are on the ground, and their growls can be heard for some time after they've disappeared before they're gone for good.


Inaccurate local showing of where other players are; rare. Also seemingly happens at random during combat as you'll see a zombie chase into a different direction you and where you think your friend is until your friend is moved into the proper position.


Invisible player; has only occurred once. I can't really give any info on this. We were all just faffing around our base, and one of us became invisible. He could still run around and shove us. Occurred in Westpoint


Failing to load chunks; has only occurred once. Also can't give much info on this. Different players were in different chunks if that means anything, the bug occurred to all players, and this took place in riverside.


Melee weapons disappearing from zombies; rather common. This seems to happen commonly, and randomly. See zombie with weapon stuck in their leg, back, etc. Dispatch of zombie. Weapon disappears

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Confirm that we've experienced all these bugs except failure to load chunks.

I can think of one occasion of a zed disappearing after myself and a friend were attacking the same zed. 

It was a near a doorway and the body was falling out the building so im not too sure if thats related to the issue.

Edited by 3rdParty
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