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Observations after the update 41.54


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I wasn't sure whether to put this in "suggestions" or "bug reports", but I figured I've noticecd more bugs than suggestions, so I've popped it in here. This is a list of observations I've made in a fairly short playthrough of the new update, in no particular order. It's not an exhaustive list by any means, as I haven't been through all items/scenarios etc. looking for bugs.


Firstly bugs I've noticed:


The lighting when holding an item (e.g. a bag in your offhand) is different compared to when it's worn/placed in the world. It's much brighter.


Cupboards are  counted as shelves, so you can place floating items on them.


Some models are different when placed in the world as compared to when used in an animation. Notable mentions: Orange soda bottle is different, the mop uses the old brush model when cleaning, antidepressents use a different pill bottle moddle when you take them. There's probably more I haven't noticed yet.


The text "this  door is barricaded" and "failed to produce usable material" doesn't use the new above head text system.


The new above head text is very inconsistent when leveling up, it sometimes doesn't show (same for the highlight of the new skill in the level up menu)


I noticed zeds popping in when panning while zoomed out all the way (this might have always been the case, but I've only just noticed it).


The sound of hammering doesn't always line up with the animation (noticed this when dissasembling a table)


The smoking sound cuts off before the sound clip actually finishes, and sounds a bit "flakey" (idk how to describe it)


There's an extra footstep when you start going down stairs


Pineapples are incorrectly rotated when you're eating them


I had the level up sound cut out when there was a lot of sounds going on (e.g. in combat)


My fps drops to 30 after this update when zoomed out all the way (it was staying at around 50-60 in 41.53, but you might need more info to diagnose this properly)


Items occasionally flicker as the old item icon when you drop a lot of things quickly (It takes a second to load the model).


Models don't fade out in the way way sprites do, so you can end up seeing them through walls


Holding down space when in a car loops the breaking squeal


Tapping Q for a horn in cars causes the sound to kind of stutter (the horn doesn't fade out either, just gets cut off. But hey, at least it loops without clicking now lol)



Now suggestions I have:


The walking sound gets quite annoying when you're walking around a house (same floor type, so it gets very repetitive.) Maybe tone it down a bit?


The option to disable the more distant sound when you zoom out would be nice, (personally not a huge fan of it)


The new models are sometimes a bit too clean looking,


It would be nice if things that have blood on them are reflected in the placed model (e.g. clothes). Pretty sure bloody weapons actually showed up as bloody on the ground in 41.53, so they're probably bugged atm.


It would be nice to have an extra axis of rotation (e.g. so I can stand my guitar up in the corner, instead of having it lay down).


Some of the larger models would benefit from drop shadows, to help them fit into the scene more.


Now that most of the items have 3d models, it would be cool if they showed up in your hand when you equip them as primary/secondary (however that's an understandably large amount of work for them to have the correct rotation etc.)


Finally flip flops don't go "flip-flop", which is kinda sad :(




Sorry for the mega post, as the forums are getting flooded atm with a lot of similar suggestions/bugs, but I figured it was best to post this sooner rather than later, as it's fresh in my mind.

Overall really nice update, with some great features, so thanks for that TIS!


Edited by Kappatao
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